Ran Into A Cougar! My Life In The Mountains

Ran Into A Cougar! My Life In The Mountains


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@Rafiki.s_world Says:
No worries, the cougar will probably soon lie on the grass, chilling next to you while you are reading
@antonboludo8886 Says:
In 20 years, you will be the Cougar *GROWL*.
@martino515 Says:
What pot do you use for canning?
@LyThiHoa1987 Says:
You are so beautiful
@HannahEMathes Says:
There are hand crank grain mills for less than $50 and there is also a attachment for your mixer for around $150 before tax. Not sure if you saw/knew of these options yet 💚
@anndufour90 Says:
I really enjoy your videos but may I just say, these narrated ones are ok. They are still beautiful but the narration editing makes it sound like one run on sentence. I promise I am not trying to be rude in any way. ❤️
@cheremizovcheremizov2619 Says:
Этот ютуб-канал станет намного; прекраснее, и великолепнее!! Если уважаемая героиня этого ютуб-канала станет транслировать прямые трансляции. То есть стримы. Но эти стримы будут интересны только в том случае! Если будут транслироваться исключительно на свежем воздухе!! И если уважаемая героиня не будет в них сниматься, в; штанах, или шортах!!! А исключительно в; юбке, или платье!!!
@CaliforniaBushman Says:
I've been worried about cougars around. Carry an airhorn, maybe, Isabel. That's a big cat. The cat that probably got white cat. Be careful.
@Princecharmahoe6 Says:
@MsSonja75 Says:
Hi Isabel, where do you get your beautiful dresses? Love them!💕
@lisacicconi737 Says:
I know this is a odd question but do you still have your wood stove? I keep looking for it in every video but never see it.
@claireswaffield6425 Says:
I’ve been having afew weeks of bad mental health and panick attacks and your videos have literally calmed me your an inspiring human ❤❤❤
@rachelwilkes5426 Says:
what pressure canner do u have?
@Aswin_zone Says:
can someone tell me what's the exact location?
@Zayleemarz Says:
How cool would it be if u became friends with that cougar
@LindaKlinton Says:
Oh, I have the same ligth pink peonees, love them. Your garden is to die for. xx Linda
@spicoli420forever Says:
At 10:30 Alice in wonderland vibes gorgeous setting dress and beautiful woman with most awesome energy!
@528freq8 Says:
Funny when you were picking your rose hips I wondered if you ever ran into mountain lions or bears
@johnmarkmaille9589 Says:
the whole world deserves to be happy
@morningstargg1310 Says:
where is this place ?
@animeloveer6696 Says:
steaming your face especially with essential oil is great for your face in the winter
@user-kn4mm8tx6y Says:
You fill my heart,life.shamim zahuri from bangladesh❤❤
@mary.movement.medicine Says:
I can confirm that the Mazama store has the best baguettes ever. So buttery and salty. This is my hometown where I grew up! I also saw mountain lions on my property when I was a kid.
@djprophetinterview Says:
Good job that cat was not hungry. Carry a pistol I say. Very scary. The thought of a big cat seeing you as lunch. If not armed, pick up a few rocks and aim for the middle of the eyes. I was walking back from a remote village in western Nepal and I heard a difinitive growl that very much sounded like a Tiger. If they were to run at you what could you do to defend yourself. As Seigried and Roy found out, not much.
@josie4peace Says:
Sweet giving Black cuddles at the end. Looked so serene. Praying for your safety. 💕
@Louise-2001 Says:
I love your videos! I would like to travel to your area one day to go hiking! Can anybody tell me whereabouts Isabel lives? Obviously not the address but just the area? It looks so beautiful!
@calebhernandez1065 Says:
I absolutely love fresh cooked beans. I know how to make an amazing pinto bean soup. Mexican style my Scandinavian mother always used to make with me. You are right it is night and day. That is rare I hear anyone say that about pinto beans. You are amazing.
@calebhernandez1065 Says:
I talk about how important sleep is all the time. It is the life of the body. Also knowing how to get the proper rest is very important in order to actually recover while one is sleeping.
@reneerussell-starlight Says:
I would get a foraging purse and put a can of bear spray in it.
@CharlotteFurnessWriter Says:
How do you stop slugs eating all of your plants? Here in the UK all my plants get ruined by them. I put eggshells out to try and deter them naturally, but it's hard
@robertmueller2023 Says:
Why does everybody in this psych ward seem to be partnered up with a seemingly normal gangster?
@robertmueller2023 Says:
Fantastic, eh? I never saw one until 15 years ago with my creepy coach (anti-depressants from H&W in 1990). The way it bounded over that fence.
@amro011 Says:
how beautiful girl !
@Yogeshvlog1437 Says:
You're beautiful and beautiful nature
@las174 Says:
carry bear spray, it is dangerous to walk out there, that lion might not like you there, and might want you for lunch.
@jo100 Says:
I hope and Pray that you are okay Isabel?
@allysonberry8708 Says:
@farmhouseonboone mills her own flour and uses exclusively sourdough. She is a great resource.
@Adam-nr4qq Says:
Yes I'm okay I just been having anxiety attacks had a nice chicken dinner with potatoes and green onions from my garden and having a mint tea from my garden
@apbiggs Says:
Good to see you have a proper kettle. Now you need to learn how to make a proper cup of tea. You’ll need a tea pot. And tea.
@JudeKidner Says:
The only Cougar I see is this beautiful woman.
@Soulstreamcollective Says:
I’ve used honey as my face wash for years now! It IS the elixir of youth.
@katiep5158 Says:
I’ll be on the look out for a flour mill for you the thrift store out here in Montana mountains get them every once in a while for super cheep!
@takjakbyskadinad Says:
This diary is so beautiful. You inspire me. Thank you :)
@Lindawag42 Says:
Another beautiful video! Thank you ❤
@keithlomas6107 Says:
You've got to be careful...The wilderness has a dangerous element to it for all Mother Nature's awe-inspiring beauty.
@shellyclayton202 Says:
Your bread looks amazing & delicious! your mountain life is so beautiful and unique. Its unlike most of our daily lives; I guess thats one of the reasons why I like to watch your channel. Your daily life is very interesting! I love learning and watching you with all of your projects both big & small. Blessings xx
@annmarieinthehouse Says:
I was just reading some on the mountain lions... how they stalk humans at time. Please be careful. Here is a copy and paste from Google. Do mountain lions see humans as prey? Your Safety in Mountain Lion Habitat - Point Reyes National Biologists surmise mountain lions don't recognize standing humans as prey. On the other hand, a person squatting or bending over looks a lot like a four-legged prey animal. If you're in mountain lion habitat, avoid squatting, crouching, or bending over. You are alway kneeling and bending just be extra cautious when doing this... look around and perhaps start caring protection.
@barnabynorman157 Says:
The trick to the best baguettes is fine flower, a long ferment (at least 24 hours), wet dough, and steam in the oven which gives a lovely crust - no olive oil needed! Thanks for sharing.
@hanatesar369 Says:
Cougar as a spirit animal teaches how to find your inner ferocity and innate psychic awareness. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities - I love your channel - it is my weekly bread, this episode gave me the AHA moment,,, we as a collective are going out of the judgement, fears, limiting beliefs and self-denial and I have been longing for the life you have for ages but the limiting belief of what I can have or even how I share myself with world took a whole other turn with this video and I thank you for that... I have been longing for a conscious community of people like you for a very long time. not everyone is blessed by a family like you have, everyone's path is different but ultimately we all came here to become conscious creators and do it with joy and fall in love with life the way you did. you are inspiring many to live from their hearts and i truly love you for that ❤
@Patrick-oy5fv Says:
Cooking fresh beans... wow, you just discovered gold 🙄😂..cmon, bro, that's common sense

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