Ajm9 is the best a pistol in game I put it to good use
@Cgeek-h3dui Says:
@Cgeek-h3dui Says:
@Cgeek-h3dui Says:
@Cgeek-h3dui Says:
@landshark6306 Says:
Just so y’all know rooster fights is part of the Cuban culture this game is based in Cuba
@leaganelle2962 Says:
The cock fighting is absolutely terrible 😢😢😢😢
@Kingme853 Says:
This guy sucks
@blypena2510 Says:
I can see Chorizo swimming at 12:20 lol wtf 😂
@azadisoleil6319 Says:
I don’t care for animal fights either but I feel like chickens are a different story. They are mean by nature and they’ll probably end up fighting anyway 😂
@ShadowWizard Says:
thing was helicopter landed in ur head cause it comes strait down but plane falls differently, that's why u died jumping out oh helicopter
@kazeemhenry2929 Says:
Is there an option for third person ?????
@ashwindeshpande4834 Says:
I'm probably one of the few hundreds who has completed every single mission, & side mission; with 100% completion rate, in Assassin's Creed : Black Flag.
Though I must say this game looks like it could be a great one.
@scrappycoco2732 Says:
You'd imagine with so many years of reviewing and playing games Brad would be good at them. I love your vids but you got no gaming sense man.
@strangekidfoodie Says:
In India hens fight like these in festival called sankranti
@DL-romz4696 Says:
your my new favorate YouTuber, LOL. I have fallen in love with Farcry 6 now because of you. LMAO.
@DL-romz4696 Says:
this is cinda sad, every video less people are watching. LOL
@pjsell Says:
“Will the [attack] dog attack me? Hopefully not!”
**narrator: the dog attacks him** 🙄
@johncmoore416 Says:
The speed at which you play is break neck.
@andrewkrambeer3400 Says:
what are you speed running, you missssssssssssssss a ton of things.
@maagaming7803 Says:
Beautiful gameplay
@flekkyvfx Says:
8:43 i think you hit the door
@robinpurvis9658 Says:
I like how he thinks that going to high in the air killed him na he just didn't know if that helicopter blades killed him 😑 it's just logic
@Jordan-go9ir Says:
The lack of power the sniper has is insanely stupid.
@dreamr4614 Says:
Brad casually driving while running over people is gold👌
@AnaCarolinaCosta Says:
could you please!!! let the amigos do their job brad 😭😭
@shravanvinod Says:
champagne's eyes at 26:39
@patient666zero Says:
@beachdrugpanda Says:
This reminds me of far cry 3,5 and a little wildlands and alot of break point
@aydengianes2515 Says:
It would be more fun if the enemies did not have so much health
@walizee8771 Says:
In my place cockfighting called "Sabung Ayam"
@noxious_nights Says:
Brad back at it again with the gun nonsense
Why are you using a fucking shotgun at long range
@jimmyjam2258 Says:
Anyone else kinda dislike the look of the Blood Dragon stuff
@rodrigob Says:
You chickened out of a chicken fight ?
@gamenmetrea9144 Says:
@TheRadBrad. I like the the reload in this game.
@Jfjfjfjfj983 Says:
Brad posting a pt1 video of a new video game he’s playing
Me watching it 2 seconds after the notification :)
Me finishing it :)
Rad rad:Posts pt 24 of that same video game
@Mr_coffee999 Says:
I Love videos
@ramiyoussef95 Says:
You talk too much
@prasaddabi9066 Says:
Man taking like bear Grylls, jumping from helicopter
@vinnyrinrina1477 Says:
i also can tell you will be suck in real life too...but no offense
@vinnyrinrina1477 Says:
wow..your sucks at fighting
@hotwuk212 Says:
25:45 lmao casually running people over while talking love ya man
@kpz1234 Says:
You really want a rooster that's had the comb and wattles cropped if you are into the chickens fighting. Old English or a hybrid called "NY Mug". I had a blue Old English with the personality of a rattlesnake.
@sohanpanigrahi2673 Says:
@NatRBrown37 Says:
"The thing is... uh... stealth is not my expertise." - Brad
@Pyrojester Says:
I know I'm very late to the party, but around the 17:42 mark, I wished the game installed an Assassin Creed-like jump attack. LOL, that would've been awesome.
@jackmorgan8914 Says:
For some reason you’re given the mission to kill the main villain when ur barely a third of the way in I don’t get it. Am I able to end the game now? And skip the entire campaign?
@flowerboy_9 Says:
Sometimes it's so frustrating to watch brad play. There are times when I feel I am relieving "dora the explorer" experience cause I keep yelling at my phone