Parents Lament: An ABC of Childhood Tragedy

Parents Lament: An ABC of Childhood Tragedy

???? Warning: this book is decidedly not for children. Wickedly penned by Dr. Jordan B Peterson, best-selling author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, An ABC of Childhood Tragedy unforgettably depicts the doomed and desperate lives of Adella, Bertram, Cynthia and their cohort of catastrophe. Twenty-six dark and witty poems each a tragic comedy of innocence and vulnerability. Twenty-six hauntingly beautiful portrayals of injustice and suffering, each from the gifted imagination of Juliette Fogra, illustrator of Beyond Order: 12 More Rules of Life. If A Nightmare before Christmas or Coraline struck you to the heart; if the gothic raillery of Edward Gorey's Gashlycrumb Tinies seduced you to smile satirically; if the Brothers Grimm were nowhere near grim enough for you; then An ABC of Childhood Tragedy might just be the book you've been pining for. This video/audio project is an adjunct to the first volume of the illustrated book An ABC of Childhood Tragedy (verses by Jordan B Peterson; illustrations by Juliette Fogra). Note: The lyrics of Parents Lament are not part of An ABC of Childhood Tragedy, although the photographic portraits are derived from the book illustrations. Composition: Skutch Tully and Jordan B Peterson Lyrics: Jordan B Peterson Video: Jordan B Peterson and Juliette Fogra Voices: Sonia Tully, Tammy Peterson, Skutch Tully, Jordan B Peterson Arrangement: Skutch Tully and Jordan B Peterson Instrumentation: Skutch Tully Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Newsletter: Donations: // COURSES // Discovering Personality: Self Authoring Suite: Understand Myself (personality test): // BOOKS // Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: // LINKS // Website: Events: Blog: Podcast: // SOCIAL // Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Telegram: All socials: #JordanPeterson #ABCTragedy #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus




@JordanBPeterson Says:
Order here:
@jadexzxcyz Says:
I'm curious @Jordan. Why did you set this to UNLISTED? It took me months to look for this masterpiece.
@byhislove Says:
wow I'm a play therapist and I can only imagine what this book will be like. Thank you for all your work.
@mssaravancamp Says:
Anyone else notice the transcript? 😳
@kac5599 Says:
I don't disagree with J.P. on the potential of nuclear fission. I just don't believe it probable that a technology requiring centralized control and oversight can accomplish more than a technology that is the exact opposite. His name is Sergiy Yurko. Their, I said it. Thank you for not being offended.
@fatrickbateman9473 Says:
Kind of sounds like a goth Mr. Rogers song.
@jadexzxcyz Says:
Listening to this while high.
@jadexzxcyz Says:
I didn't expect this masterpiece.
@samantaray Says:
Congratulations JP ♡
@just_dom144 Says:
Well, it’s a song by way of Jordan Peterson, that’s for sure. 😅
@leotavares3216 Says:
Is it existence in struggled with existence?. Why should we?
What just happened?
@mrlarrow123 Says:
This is dreadful.
@jamesstumpf75 Says:
Well this was quite disturbing
@asemic Says:
@Leeeuuuhhh Says:
Can you please do a video of your perspective and opinion on punishment for sadistic child and teenage killers?
@luismuzquiz Says:
Can someone explain what all this means?
@KD-bo6mo Says:
Very interesting!
@lloydfernandes8509 Says:
Dr Peterson is there a link to one of your classes where you discuss raising children? I am trying to help some of my relatives, that I see are on the brink of mistreating their kids.
@scottduflo7348 Says:
I love Jordan Peterson but I'm not sure what the purpose of this book is. We are all aware of the many tragedies that happen to young children. To put them into nursery rhyme form is a little creepy and almost seems to mock the terrible situations that they discuss.
@gmzerozero3678 Says:
We missed each other, walking home.
@muneebmazhar9139 Says:
We think we are PIOUS. ( GOD FORBID )
@siag7003 Says:
@SentinalforGod Says:
I couldn’t stand you for a bit Peterson but I love you again. I am satisfied to remain in a love hate situation with your conversations. Thanks for this.
@Aaron-zh4kj Says:
He’s finally putting it out! I’m so psyched. This is more interesting than I could have imagined. I think this is tapping into his love of Tom Waits. I’m so excited to experience the rest of it.
@hockeehowse3882 Says:
To the good doctor...I notice "THEY" are after you again. As for Mr Brand he is clearly a socialist and I do not get a good vibe from him at all. Eyes open good sir skullduggery afoot. All the best, I am sure Michael watches over you.
@Kim-33 Says:
Jordan just gets more legendary as the days pass by. Great piece.
@gmzerozero3678 Says:
Discordance. Dance in it. Don't mind me. I decided to be nothing for a good reason.
@tistheseasonforpoetrybyvan239 Says:
A great book to prevent some of the tragedy is Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child by Anthony Esolen
@DinoRamzi Says:
Where’s Ta Nehisi Coates? I didn’t see him but he should be portrayed as some sort of monster, no?
@Farhood Says:
@seer5994 Says:
Some explanation needed - no idea what is going on in video.
@pallasathena1369 Says:
Reminds me of Roald Dahl, he completely hit rock bottom on the loss of his child and ended up writing Charlie and the Chocolate factory. It is a wonderful soup of psychology in art form ..the darkest part being the boat ride before wisdom. These art forms are the war cry of the Empath.
@visualblacksmith2100 Says:
I saw a BC Tragedy + ABC tragedy. Intentional Double entendre?
@ladyfaye8248 Says:
Intriguing. Aside from the recognisably archaic/timeless/ threatening atmosphere of the production I find myself immediately and annoyingly strongly cynical at the relative simplicity of this artwork, YET it speaks of deep dark truths, and I had to watch again, again. I love that Jordon must surely have had some fun in producing this. There is definitely much utility in dark humour
@laur2139 Says:
Is this real?
@shanabidleman7240 Says:
Thank you for your courage. I wanted to say something funny, but really I'm just glad you decided to take risks and show us something truly felt by you.
@rentalsnake6542 Says:
More of this, please. This was phenomenal.
@kevinjohnson8758 Says:
Yep, dig it...
@oppieflow Says:
Looks like you’re the Elon muska of the thing you’d I really hope you personal read this Great minds really often come before there time … (you are paving the road for other great minds to come)
@Maktub27 Says:
Sounds like a System Of A Down song lol
@lectornovato Says:
Wow, it's amazing how Jordan is expanding his creativity.
@sherriej7726 Says:
@michaelschweitzer7267 Says:
That’s absolutely brilliant.
@davidmcneill6239 Says:
Well. That’s… that’s uhh… yeah. Yeah it was…
@Czjk293 Says:
Strangely enough this song reminds me of some kinky thing System of a Down would do.
@laurileanorbury2985 Says:
Jordan Peterson.. the truth of "THE COURAGE OF ONE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD" has now been revealed in a new and beautiful way after listening to you. The Divine Souvern Individual taking responsibility is what it's true meaning.. not that one person alone can change the entire world. Thank you for reconciling this for me. I owe you my life! I was thinking that was one iv a responsibility for one person and starting to feel hopeless. THANK YOU from the depth of my soul 💗
@thomasthompson6378 Says:
Well . . . this is for Halloween, then??
@Sid4B Says:
Hi Jordan , Hope you are well. I have just seen one of your videos "The Simple Way to STOP Caring About What Others Think of You", and found it very powerful and emotional. It it received like you are genuinely expressing your inner feelings and emotions. From the apparent (as only God knows what a person reveals or conceals), you seem an honest and sincere person, standing up for the things you truly believe, not phased by what others may think, and very eloquent in sharing your thoughts and beliefs. If at all possible , if tear yourself out of the rat race for one moment, and contemplate and reflect within yourself, then most people will have an innate disposition to to a higher being and a thirst for the pursuit of truth. Due to the mercy of God, messengers were sent thoughout time, to bring us back to this one and unique truth, the same message ( the laws and rules albeit differed a little, depending on time and location), but the essential, crucial and simple message of One Sole creator permeated through time, only man intervened and twisted the truth. The prophets came with miracles, as evidence to prove to the people of their time. a sceptic would say, these are not verifyable. However with the Mercy of God Almighty the final revelation to mankind ( The Quran ) is also a living miracle, which is tangible and verifyable, and each and every person, who intends to scrutinise is encouraged to do so, as it stands up on its own merit ( being the literal words of god). No other scripture has ever challenged anyone to find contradictions in it, immitate it or disprove it. Those whom are genuiniely out to seek the truth, begin the quest, and ask in solitude ( If there is a Creator , please guide me to the truth ). God is the only one who can guide us, give us clarity of thought, and open our eyes to see beyond the walls our minds have created The Quran is not asking for Blind faith, it is challenging you to ask questions, and seek knowledge, and not just blindly follow what your forefathers believed in. we need people like you, whom are intelligent, eloquent in their speech , are engaging and easy to listen to, unafraid to delve deep into the mind and express and share those inner thoughts, bring forth to attention matters, which some may be afriad to challenge, or which some have been brainwashed not to even think about. I emplore you to read and study the Quran, the more you investigate it, as well as the apparent and obvious , you will find deeper levels of knowledge and understandings. The quran is claiming to be the verbatim words of God, a guidance for mankind , it has prophecies which have come to pass and facts which have only been discovered with modern science. If you found an error in the quran or a contradiction, then you could argue is not true. However the Quran itself is giving you falsification tests to prove it. Remember this pursuit of truth is not only for this life , it is for your Eternal Success. A little investigation in the pursuit of Truth. Do you owe this to your eternal Existence ? Thank You so, much for taking the time to read. If we don't reach out and help our fellow man and women, then what good are we.

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