"Israel Is Not A Democracy" - How Corrupt Government & Media Is Lying To You | Dave Smith
"Israel Is Not A Democracy" - How Corrupt Government & Media Is Lying To You | Dave Smith



@garethevans3600 Says:
Another closet general - send in the special forces.... into tunnels, into aggressive populations... I guess he never saw Blackhawk Down 🙂
@garethevans3600 Says:
I'll say it again - Dave is not that bright. His collateral damage example is insanely thought out. Gaza is being decimated BECAUSE of the terrorist attack. This is a war, not a single guy in a school.
@garethevans3600 Says:
Comparing the US slaves to an ideology that focuses on killing Jews seems rather a leap into the fairy realm. I would not put the risk in the same ballpark.
@claytonbigs9630 Says:
Let’s just face it, it’s because they run the United States. Your welcome
@MrIKnowNADA Says:
The leftist in Israel have been extremely supportive of the Palestinians over Israelis and Jewish people. Then they got a dose of truth on October 7. The Palestinians want one state only. No two state solution. This is a relgious war. Any land that was under muslim control must go back to muslim control. That is the truth of what they want they say say it loud and clear. I agree with Dave on alot of things but on thia topic i respectfully do not agree. And i am a Orthodox Sephardic Jew with my family lived in diaspora in Syria aand Lebanon. Under Muslim majority control we were treated as second class citizens and had to pay tax to Muslim authorities. And every once a while face pogroms just like our Askenazi Jewish brothers that lived in diaspora in Europe.
@danan3476 Says:
Liar the Arab in Israel are voting every word that you said is a lie. Your anti-semi be quiet.
@danan3476 Says:
You are a liar. Israel gave the keys to Hamas in 2006. Your anti semi liar when you start your words I’m not against Israel. I’m not against the Jewish people. It means that you are you’re very big liar all the thing that you said are a big lie.
@shaunhaulk3694 Says:
Wow! Ignorance is bliss, and this guy is proof of it.
@valentine8988 Says:
First of all Israel is a free country and a democracy, second Israel is valuable for the west because it keeps the Suez canal open
@GilSilberman Says:
A fucking bull crap, go support terrorists if you prefer, you think Gaza wanted democracy? All they ever wanted is to destroy Israel. So much crap
@abdinaficm.hussein4990 Says:
Israel is apartheid colonial state who violated all the international rules and the guest gave a good insight about the reality on the ground
@mitchellchristianson8120 Says:
The US doesn't care as long as you don't take check book away why do you think The defense budget was never passed. An audit not even close. And how they run that sham compared to anywhere in the world and then look at Congress what company companies have merged now five major its so obvious it's a scam. You need this. You don't need that but Will let you know in November. Lobbyist Don't forget about China. Don't forget about Taiwan. Don't forget about community me and I'm paying serviceman nothing we're the greatest of us it never ends alone to the checkbook gets taken away
@btuesday Says:
but Dave Smith is a dick
@sciandsci-fi1723 Says:
I disagree with this video for two reasons: 1. He ignores bad ideologies and terribly bad ideas. Especially, Jihadism.. He thinks the Palestinians in Gaza are Libertarians who believe in Libertarians value. And he compeltly ignore the ideology of Jihad. It is clear that if Gaza was populated by budhist monks or Libertarians , and not by jihadists, there would be no war. I'm with Sam Harreis on this. 2. His argument why Israel is Apartheid and not a democracy is based on occupation. He confuse a partial seage with occupation. He also ignore the reason why there is a partial ceage in Gaza. (The partian ceage wasn't impose out of the blue just because Israel is evil. The partial ceage was put in place because of suicide bombing and rocket attacks from Gaza.) Bottom line, if you seek human flourishing, you should promote good ideas and reject bad ideas. And Jihadism is most definitly not the best idea to maximize human flourishing.
@Mr.plenty Says:
Well Israel problems is Israel this is what’s wrong with this country people looking at others corruption when there’s corruption in the states of America like the health care billing corruption, the government corruption and the trillions of dollars in accounted for by this government is astronomical
@alanoudaltrad9698 Says:
@Ihave.questions Says:
What ever happened with UN res.1701 circa 2006? He kept saying 2005 .
@8888cliff Says:
first time I've seen this channel host someone this silly.
@HanochNachmann-jj1pg Says:
Bro you should have stuck to the health and wellness realm why would you have waisted your credibility getting into a genre you know nothing about? That was disappointing and not even with anyone credible to speak on the topic
@rossbaker9721 Says:
Of course it’s not a democracy, it subjugates 7 million people it’s responsible for. Israel is a proto fascist nationalist war state.
@zeenababy123 Says:
No two state solution by Isreal. https://youtu.be/SvLzdGcEQKU?si=bsVUu-gAATSzgdwW 🌹
@chavelie7 Says:
Tom, I always loved your guests and discussions. Delving into politics, I believe is new territory for you. Since you've made this step, I really hope you follow up soon with the other perspectives. Bringing a one side perspective is dishonest "journalism"...though I never saw you as political journalism. I have heard great dishonesty in his reporting. Need people only who live there and have a right to and better understand all the complexities.
@נעמיסטיוארט Says:
you are antisemitic! and worse then that you don't know what you are talking about! we left gaza in 2005 - Hamas wan the election in gaza and since then control gaza, is is all lies!
@SeanStealth Says:
Israel is an apartheid state and cannot occupy a people
@ZohraBanon Says:
This guy is such a quack. Explain to me why this comedians opinion matters at all 😂
@hdibenshushan6025 Says:
Smith is so deluded and exemplified how the western world is buying jihadists pro Islamists false narrative . Mr smith with his sick woke mind are the exact example for all what is wrong In our world today,he knows zero about Islamic culture jihadism and Middle East. He should stick to comedy
@Robert-fx3ng Says:
The Palestine state of Lebanon should take their people who currently live in Israel or the Jews should treat the Muslims in their country like Arabs treat Jews and Christians.
@IsItaSunnyday Says:
We stand in solidarity with Israel 🙏💙🇮🇱
@bendror3758 Says:
A lot of false and misunderstanding claims by adam
@jean-flehmann4110 Says:
Canadian cmon your amazing and we are align on all of IT BUT you will go home and realize that I should of let my emotion aside and remember WHO is LEALY pull de Billions & most of all the patience and influence and the incredible mix of master DECEPTION, manipulation when you push the obsession to point of making sure to reright history well they perfected the receipy But I'm starting to think that what if the usefull idiot's us What happrn really at the reset is it the first one maybe a dept base economy as an average 100 years before it goes bust this system ends up wihout pension funds by the way I dont feel like killing myself ju saying ;) you do know that he is a puppet like al the other country. 1 or 2 years ago I remember that I think the minister of turkey d on mainstream media accusing that technologie created the earthquake and it was because they wanted to get out of the euro ,EU whatever.....Unfortunatly We will most likely never know who really creates thoses resetS Economic crisis starts a WAR between the Elite ++ then we they allready have a way for us to fight for their interrest unfortunatly very sade and hard time coming. Thank you Dave And Tom but you gu's need a few more wake up piles, The rabbit goes way deeper have fun :)
@elliotcrane Says:
Look, either we keep this Israel project alive, or we admit it’s been a mistake all along and just stop. Really, simple as it gets.
@johnclark8235 Says:
Amazing comedian and love Dave. But he's horrifically off the mark when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.
@Snafu2024 Says:
He wouldn’t know an Apartheid State if it bit him on his arse.
@Snafu2024 Says:
Define democracy you fool.
@bellaspecktorfadida2468 Says:
Just from the title, the topic looks totally twisted. 20% of Israeli population are Muslim Arabs living peacefully in the country, Israel has elections, free speech. Has the speaker ever been in Israel? I am a researcher from the University of Haifa in Israel, and 44% of the students there are Arabs.
This is dumb. Neither of these guys knows anything about Israel or the Middle East.
@SebastienDerijcke-e4j Says:
Sorry but if i am correct the full scale invasion of Afghanistan started in october 2001 not december
@YoungTeeke Says:
the dollar is backed and valued globally by the petro dollars ratio on the world wide market. Iran sits on like 90% of the oil in the middle east. If we control that oil we can control the ratio in which our currency inflates or deflates. we had 50 year agreement with the petro dollar which says globally everyone sell oil in the dollar. Them selling the oil in dollars first allowed us to push off all our inflation (mostly) to the rest of the world. For better or worse - they want that oil. They are trying to inflate away our debt but our wealth really depends on how much of the worlds oil we control. new oil and gold are bitcoin and ethereum. thats the ultimate surviellence tool to push everyone into when the petro dollar loses its value. Also watch mike maloneys "hidden secrets of money" series and if you can find george bush sr's new american century talk from '99.
@brettpeeloff2120 Says:
Exactly the United states should be a republic but satanic worship is rampant
@lobbeee23 Says:
This guy has zero knowledge of the Middle East and Israel Just another useful idiot Did you forget Gaza has a border with Egypt ? Ever thought why they are not letting any of them in ?
@russelllittle8720 Says:
The telltale sign of a psychopath is they lack empathy... Are unable to empathize... Netanyahu is a psychopath to the very core of his being. An irredeemable teisted monster
@russelllittle8720 Says:
NuttyYahu is high up in the Sayeret Matkal and was overseeing OF PSYOP operations in London 7/7/05 in the hotel above whete the bomb went off
@russelllittle8720 Says:
With 3 different corruption charges psychopath Netanyahu would turn everything around him to ashes rather than serve time in prison
@russelllittle8720 Says:
Netanyahu was responsible for the bogus Iraq WMD intel... A compulsive liar and complete psychopath
@russelllittle8720 Says:
October 7 is just another LAVON AFFAIR
@naimamakhchouni1256 Says:
USA is controlled by corporations and AIPAC Democrats and Republicans are just puppets in their hands
@mreconomics1125 Says:
What ridiculous clickbait
@jeniaxxx Says:
wtf this guest is talking about lol? obviously gazans DO HAVE VOTING RIGHTS. just not in israel. in their own shithole. rememebr who voted for hamas?? also, nobody wants to control gaza, but unfortunately its impossible not to, othherwise you will have another hizballah there which is even a bigger threat.
@pavelbel Says:
He does not know anything on the topic. Cherrypicking quotes and “facts” to draw a nerrative . “Look at what Smotrich said ”… Well look at what “some American meaningless politician said”, therefore America is this and that …

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