"Will Trump's Tariffs Hurt Americans? Kamala's Fox News Failure Elon Musk's Crazy Week + Asmongold
"Will Trump's Tariffs Hurt Americans? Kamala's Fox News Failure Elon Musk's Crazy Week + Asmongold



@Bleachdemon88 Says:
TRUMP 2024!!!
@El_Colion Says:
So my house that i bought for 375000 and scrape by to pay the mortgage, will be worth a fraction of that? That sounds shitty.
@MDpart2 Says:
If you need tariffs, just admit that you lost the in the competition.
@coldmountain1134 Says:
The Kamala show is pure comedy. 😂
@TILB Says:
What a ridiculous take. Two things: 1. We don't have the raw materials to even bring the manufacturing back here. The GDP we run at today is based on our global trade networks of labor and materials. China is already trying to break from the dollar and your idea is just break the back of the trade we already do. THOUSANDS of small American companies rely on those goods, materials and overseas labor to hit their price point. pressing China further away by implementing Tariffs on imports doesn't solve the deficit. Nor will it bring materials back. Where are we going to mine for all the elements? Yellowstone? Yosemite? 2. Major corporations aren't AMERICAN. They sell globally. There is a reason Apple sources everything in China. Not just labor, not just materials but because 60% of Apple's sales and income comes from outside of the united states. Oil is a GLOBAL commodity. Steel, a GLOBAL commodity. and on and on. This America first at the expense of EVERYONE ELSE is short sighted and terrible for the future. You like your retirement plan? It's made up of GLOBAL trade and the GDP produced by it.
@eamolinaeam Says:
Read Isaac Asimov
@MDpart2 Says:
I don’t like Kamala, but Jesus Christ. Trump is an idiot.
@alberteinstein8235 Says:
One more billionaire who compares a manipulable idiot vs a normal person and chooses the idiot. Trump has literally no morals. Whatever good stuff you dug from his 4 years its just random.
@Floatingmermaid Says:
Trump 2024
@mrfriendly9956 Says:
One second in and the answer is Yes.
@cathyandresiak Says:
How he bullies other countries he will also do to the American people! He will go after anyone who doesn’t agree with his fascist policies! He stated he would in interviews that people could watch easily if they step out of his cult for 15 minutes!
@raccooneyes2099 Says:
Kamala is the epitome of a "dumb bitch". she and biden belong in jail for crimes against humanity. letting in all these scumbags from other countries, spreading disease and committing crimes. this country is beyond saving thanks to democrats. and just this morning MORE money was sent to Ukraine. wtf man. our people need help!! stop spending our taxes on foreign aid. so sick of this.
@plantvids Says:
You ever gonna expose you going to Diddy parties… no? Ok 😂
@jhitchcock5503 Says:
I don't think it's either or with Trump. He's both doing kayfabe AND is a demented lunatic.
@iamcarpetpython Says:
Why do people give Trump so much credibility? He's not a genius playing 4-D chess. He's not very intelligent and has clear signs cognitive decline.
@wilrgds Says:
Love the new format !
@jowiens32 Says:
I’m Canadian, so I feel like I’m watching all this as an observer of a reality tv show. What I felt as an observer watching her was a lack of confidence as she defended instead of answered, I felt like I was being talked down to as she was condescending, I felt like I was watching someone who was afraid as she continued to try and smear her opponent instead of stand firm in her own performance, and I saw avoidance which made me feel mistrust. When a candidate refuses to answer the question, they don’t want you to know something. Had she just taken some responsibility, said she regretted some of those choices and why, and how they would do it differently, I’d have more respect. Admit where you’re wrong. Those mothers deserved the validation of her saying she did in fact regret decisions, and take some accountability. For her to say they could have had 9 months of more border guards, I was stunned. You’ve had years, and you think the last 9 months was it? Also, she can’t say Trump is trying to make the border political, when they didn’t make those changes until election year. This interview sunk her even more. I hope she does Rogan. I’d LOVE to see that. I’d pay to see that!
@WmBoron5 Says:
Robots will make the process of creation cheaper BUT prices won't come down unless the heads of the businesses are FORCED to drop prices. Greed rules the corporate world. The rich will get super-duper rich and the rest of us pleebs will languish.
@macareuxmoine Says:
This channel insults my intelligence. And the deeper Tom climbs into the Trump hole, the more desperate he looks.
@Nothing2C-Here Says:
You've become such a trumper, no reason to continue following you
@johnekopy Says:
Who do you trust with the economy. The guy who knows how to play the system and becomes a billionaire. Or the woman who says she's going to force grocery stores to lower their prices. Look I'm no economist but come on, force the grocery stores to lower their prices! I thought we learned why that doesn't work in 10th grade economics.
@vegan-rising Says:
yes Tom, Elon did it all by himself. single handed. and robots won't be replacing house cleaners anytime soon.
@ansoniamartin3024 Says:
Um did you guys NOT watch the Economic Club of Chicago interview with Trump?! His worse one yet! Which says a lot. Ppl always want to explain what Trump "REALLY MEANT" 🙄 I want a president that can explain & speak for themselves! And release their medical records!!
@januarysson5633 Says:
The reason the establishment loves running a trade deficit with China is because it exports a great deal of inflation due to money printing making it possible to… …do more money printing. 😓
@calleenramsay625 Says:
She absolutely wants full amnesty for illegals don’t kid yourself!!
@mkrafts8519 Says:
:10 It doesn't matter what you think because you're a fed.
@goozzfraaabaa Says:
On the AI conversation: 250,000 to 25,000 for a home is just as unachievable if you don't have a job.
@JohnODonovan1987 Says:
Time for this channel to get the @decodingthegurus treatment.
@gusstorress Says:
Oh Tom, you really are sounding like you’re slipping into the MAGA-verse. Trumps constant WWE posturing is gonna put him and us into a corner where we lose credibility unless he does something potentially catastrophic. Same playbook as Putin and Kim Jong-un. I don’t want my president to have anything in common with dictators. This man just wants power and that is not a role he is playing. The corporate dems are a problem for sure but to discount the seriousness of another Trump presidency is doing a disservice to your subscribers.
@JohnODonovan1987 Says:
“Elon Musk Is Saving The World” 😂😂😂😂 This channel is comedy.
@lorifriedman9572 Says:
Please have David Walker former Comptroller of the US. He talks about the financial crisis and the debt. Please interview him. Check out his 2007 60 minutes interview!!! Thanks keep up the great work!!!
@downtown530 Says:
Great conversation! My spiritual and permacultural friend is working on merging with AI. She believes this is how we are evolving, because we're not going to be able to exist in our human bodies. This sounds so sci-fi but then again many of the ideas written in the book Neruomancer circa 90's, are now here. Love is IT.
@AndreyMirchev Says:
Kamala is trash, Europe needs Trump, because the democrats wants to send Europe to war
@DrewDynamite04 Says:
Let us know what you would like to see on next week's episode. Drop your recs below!!
@saintpatrick6681 Says:
enjoy the theater. when has a politician ever done anything they promised.
@katicakes88 Says:
I hope she and trump go on Rogan. Those would be 2 amazing episodes
@fritzsound Says:
In today’s society, if you have a flat tire in a remote location it could be a survival situation. When we have robots, we will become more helpless, and maybe lose IQ points.
@Angela-qh6jj Says:
He governed “moderately” because there were guardrails around him. There will be no guardrails this time.
@KennethFabritius Says:
Tom, you're $OOOOOOO WRONG about "rational optimism". There is such a massive chasm between those with upward mobility (in financial wealth, property ownership, material possessions, mating opportunities, etc.) that is more and more becoming unequitable for the vast majority of people. People who have ambition but no matter what they do, are unable to get ahead, own property, attract a mate... and many of these people are MEN. When men become disenfranchised in large, VA$T numbers: they become violent. It has happened consistently without fail throughout all of human history. Unless the elites (like Musk) implement some sort of reliable satiation apparatus, even one that merely fakes perceptions of prosperity in some sort of virtual reality (like neuralink) or proactively and forcibly subdue the masses with chemical/media sedation (forced "happy drugs" or mass brainwashing)... unless some control mechanism is implements: things WiLL NOT get better for the vast majority of people (particularly men). The pressure needs to be released. And if the opportunity/prosperity chasm does not narrow, things will only get worse on a "keeping up with the Joneses" dynamic and even worse on a (for lack of a better term) spiritual level. Based on current trends and what MU$T be done to sustain the status quo and prevent all out revolt by the disenfranchised masses: the future is bleak. That you can't see that is a testament to your incredibly cushy life (or as the Marxists put it) "privilege".
@spcecadex2124 Says:
bro wth happened to your channel lol glazing trump like no tomorrow. Hopefully after this election you go back to having intellectual conversations with other individuals. Your whole platform has turned into a political campaign because your beloving RFK dropped out so now you shifted towards Trump to compensate for your beliefs.
@shauni1987 Says:
Trump is too stupid to play 4d chess with china. You give him too much credit
@solshine41 Says:
She did great on fox
@lloydchristmas6611 Says:
If Harris goes on Rogan she'll run rings around him and that would be hilarious🤣  Also, Dense DonOLD looks and sounds like a dying pufferfish 🐡 and couldn't run a banana stand if his sad life depended on it 🍌
@colin8877 Says:
Kamala killed It on Fox, what you smokin'
@cjgray9352 Says:
I just voted for Trump this morning
@shammuk02 Says:
U dont need to bluff when ure President of the US cuz u already got a straight flush in ur hands it just depends on if u wanna go all in or not
@SCHD-DGRO24 Says:
Kamala crushed it on fox News and I'm not even a Kamala fan. She did a great job pointing out the many times trump has mentioned unleashing the military on American citizens to weed out people who criticize him.....such a fragile ego!
@natetrout1 Says:
When Kamala spins its politics as usual and when Trump misrepresents tariffs it’s “Kayfabe”? Give me a break. Incentives to domestic firms to reshore jobs is better than punishing them with tariffs. This isn’t a threat to China. Tom clearly doesn’t understand what a tariff is. Wilson drug us into a depression with tariffs. Read people
@mocteto2 Says:
Maaaan this is quickly turning into a right wing circle jerk

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