Wicked Globalists Are Causing Starvation and Poverty Under the Guise of Environmentalism

Wicked Globalists Are Causing Starvation and Poverty Under the Guise of Environmentalism


Read the full article here - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/28/eco-extremists-leading-world-towards-despair-poverty-starvation/ Dr. Jordan B. Peterson examines the current energy crisis, the globalist ideology that simultaneously fuels it while calling for the sacrificial demise of the poor, and what this truly means for Europe's future, if not the entire world. Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://utm.io/ueSXh // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jordanbpeterson.com/youtubesignup Donations: https://jordanbpeterson.com/donate // COURSES // Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com // BOOKS // Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning // LINKS // Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog Podcast: https://jordanbpeterson.com/podcast // SOCIAL // Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson Instagram: https://instagram.com/jordan.b.peterson Facebook: https://facebook.com/drjordanpeterson Telegram: https://t.me/DrJordanPeterson All socials: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus #globalism #starving #winteriscoming #poverty #environment #globalism




@joanneferndale101 Says:
We need to EAT MEAT 😊😊😊😊😊
@joanneferndale101 Says:
Warm spots in libraries...what libraries??
@robert1746 Says:
The alternative to a democratic, federal, secular global system is to accept to continue the present anarchy, war, child labor, local tyrants, garbage exports, plastic ocean etc Our global identity is as important as our local identity. Cities and areas are real, languages are real, our planet is real, it is nations and borders that are invented. Internalising the external effects of environmental pollution (not talking here about global warming) CAN be done without causing starvation or freezing.
@dannyreed2887 Says:
No one is coming to save you, they say. True. They are already here. This is Apocalypse (Disclosure).
@maxencebrosseau4833 Says:
why is he reading a text
@KarenBastable Says:
Support our farmers
@TinaBornemannn Says:
Jordan, you've become a diamond. Maybe even that big blue one. We thank you.
@GilbertLenssen Says:
It is painful to have to listen to JP decaying into political ranting. His competency in these matters of climate change and economics is nihil. He used to be an excellent clinical psychologist and public speaker on biblical symbolism and the psyche until he decided to enter the culture wars with a reactionary agenda which, we suppose he gets well paid for.
@LordonWiserman Says:
Is this AI or is it actually Peterson speaking because it seems that early on in the video. Because it freaked me out a little but aside from that i did enjoyed learning a new perspective.
@kurtw5287 Says:
Owning the libs with the massive stack of firewood in the background
@Boyka1964-s4d Says:
All are hacked ok😢
@killerangel4613 Says:
Fallen man from the Garden of Eden was always determined to destroy flat earth if not for divine intervention.Had I not received from the Creator Himself a glimpse of His future for mankind in these last days, my cry would have been, woe is man, for who will save us from total annihilation for the heart of man is full of violence and evil ! But I heard these words. He said son,let not your heart be troubled for I have a plan, a plan to protect My people, to provide all their needs and remove the wicked from off the face of My Earth just as I did in the days of Noah with judgement by water. This time I will remove the wicked forever with judgement of Fire 🔥 for in these days will I re-establish My Kingdom of Love, Joy, Peace and Prosperity for all. So fear not and look up for the salvation of your Yah is nigh !
@RikParker-r5x Says:
Important to see: Ten Things Millennials Should Know About Socialism | Thomas J. DiLorenzo
@aliveormedicated Says:
can someone simplify this in plain english for the layman? :) grazie
@Patrick_Simon_Sanad Says:
It amazes me that someone who wrote a book called 12 rules for life with 1 rule being stand up straight with your shoulders back always sits cross legged and stiff like a frightened, deeply ashamed little child. Don‘t get me wrong, I do like Jordan Peterson. But it simply amazes me how self-blind one can be. God bless you, Jordan. Don‘t be afraid, neither ashamed. This is not a game. God is real and all you need to do is honestly repent. Amen and Hallelujah! Christ is KING! 🙏🏼😊❤️
@angusdog22 Says:
From Professor of Psychology to one of the most important thinkers of the 21st century. Jordan Petersons life must be surreal. What he’s doing takes a level of courage everyone should envy. The people he’s pushing back against are the most powerful in the world. God Speed Dr Peterson. I’m with you.
@teslabot5650 Says:
@matthewlogan4267 Says:
Millions of ti's are being toutured and im in poverty while they target me we need help
@mindhealsbody-soul Says:
Mold is a big problem in south Florida homes in 2023/2024 as well?
@lonewolf18650 Says:
I obviously have no clue whats going on in the world
@lonewolf18650 Says:
Why are they wanting to kill everyone
@YeshuaMessiah1225 Says:
Sir; well said. The conclusion of the lecture coupled with a solution is refreshing & intellectual. However; permit me to expand on your conclusion & solution. For one must diligently consider the future beyond this global catastrophe & peer into the endless darkness, diligently seeking the eternal light that is at the end of the journey. World famine! Pestilence! Earthquakes! The “beginning of sorrows”. Matthew 24:6 & 7. Those of you that believe; look to heaven, seek his will & guidance. Those of you who do not believe, might want to reconsider. For so were the people of the globe before the flood.
@algerianbackpackerrahim1779 Says:
We started the part of the food crisis starting from the farmers problem with the government's arround the world
@Page25Entertainment Says:
Zero point energy will power greenhouses all over the world, it will end world hunger not create it, it will free us from gov and nationalism will fall... pride in division....will fall as we move into a new way of thinking, the overview affect ..we are all humans of earth. We need new political systems, or none at all because absolute power corrupts absolutely, as far as overpopulation its a myth im a nationwide nomad and see no overpopulation issue
@mrlucmorin Says:
Thank you Dr. Peterson for saying the truth out loud. As we well know, the powerful people of this world can't allow that! Please run for PM!!!
@cherylnagy126 Says:
Ayn Rand's position on the use of compulsion
@cherylnagy126 Says:
let's all eat Lobster
@cherylnagy126 Says:
c'est la vie
@cherylnagy126 Says:
the chickens are on the other foot
@calamityjane5698 Says:
Not to criticise, but Mr Peterson... You have firewood stacked behind you in this interview. ;) My husband and I use firewood to supplement our heat pumps, which are only effective in temps above -20 c. I would like to see these greens instead fight for the development (or return to ) appliances that last more than 5 or 6 years, and the same for clothing, furniture, homes, and the list goes on.
@JohanDee Says:
Eat that Xtention Rebellion/Just Stop Oil/Letzte Generation!!
@david_4739 Says:
I just realised ... Jordan looks like an old Dennis from Always Sunny.
@theironsheik6322 Says:
Guy funded by oil tycoons continues his downward spiral.
@yobronx9185 Says:
This is a spiritual takeover from within the host body system. The flesh system is inherently evil and the one who can make straight what Elohim made crooked? Jesus Christ saves and He's the only way out of the darkness of evil.
@christinedoe8192 Says:
@lukestevenson6465 Says:
It's our fault we are cowards, we have allowed this, worst still we have empowered these people, and we have armed them with the most destructive weapons. Now it can't be stopped, it's a runaway train and we just have to wait for it to crash. Then something else will Supersede it.
@annieasenova7844 Says:
Trigger the algorithm people - like, share, comment (the longer the better).
@grimadean3432 Says:
Despite the fact that this video is more accurate to my search phrase, 7.41 M views & 124k upvotes, (aside from ads) it is the 19th video with less accurate, less viewed—only 3 reaching above 1 M & less than 4 M—and less upvoted videos above it.
@moneybags-s4i Says:
Jordan Peterson the one and only!
@jusufagung Says:
Absolutely agree with this. The environmental disaster is mainly caused by Western countries instead of the underdeveloped Asian and African countries. They do not need to be dictated by the Western globalists of what they should do and what they shouldn't do.
@misterman3379 Says:
These monologues look pretty inauthentic. I prefer when you speak off the cuff
@aishan3707 Says:
Severe floods destroy crops and harvests in many countries. there were severe floods in several areas of China, which is one of the main food suppliers for many countries. Ukraine and Russia used to be the main suppliers of wheat for many countries before that war.
@homownerjoe Says:
I strongly agree with the vast majority of this speech and I admire Jordan's eloquence and willingness to speak out for what he believes in. However, I have one gripe within this video about intensive animal agriculture. The issue isn't just about the greenhouse gases linked directly to the raising of these animals; but also water use, water pollution, land use, land degradation and biodiversity reduction. Not to mention that animal ag is massively subsidised at the cost of the government (read: taxpayer, whether you eat meat or not). If organic crop farming were subsidised to the same degree, it would work out even cheaper. This is probably not an exhaustive list of the effects but they are topics which should be of concern. Cows require a huge amount of water over their lifespan, the watering of crops to feed said cattle also requires huge amounts, while households are facing shortages. Yes, plant-based diets also require crops which require water, but it's a less wasteful process (almonds, avocadoes etc. excluded). Forests have been cleared for intensive cattle farms, therefore reducing the carbon sequestration of trees while emitting greenhouse gases and reducing the stability and biology of the soil. Not only the air gets polluted, but also the land itself and the surrounding waterways. The EPA estimates (important word here) that animal ag produces 11% of greenhouse gases, while senators Thune and Sinema are currently working to block the EPA from conducting more thorough measurements of environmental pollution to get the real numbers. Yes, plant agriculture also has its own environmental pitfalls, especially depending on the crop, but a huge amount of crop production is used to feed livestock for us to eat, losing caloric efficiency in the process. Vitamin b12 is a common argument at this point; "it's only available in digestible form from meat", when in reality, vitamin b12 comes from a bacterial source. Plant matter like spirulina is 60% protein with the help from these bacteria, with no animal involved! Fertilisers and ammonia are currently most readily available from fossil fuel origins, but they are not the only source or method of producing healthy crops. There are successful, bountiful means of crop production and land regeneration which are organic; permaculture, syntropic agroforestry to name but just a couple. There is an inspiring project called Auroville which is based on these principles, it once was a baron land which is now a lush forest and community of organic farms thanks to water harvesting projects and generational tree planting. I'm not touting veganism or vegetarianism but ethical eating, to be aware of the problems caused by the production of all our food, meat or plant-based. A broader scope of this would be ethical living, knowing how all of our products and lifestyle choices affect people and the planet, but it's a large undertaking that takes an amount of sacrifice that isn't fair to put onto society yet. Sorry for the rant 😅 Keep up the amazing work, Dr. Peterson.
@sisco302 Says:
We are at a tipping point now fortunately. The fall of the Elites (9 months after this video was released) in power globally is inevitable now. They have tried in every way to destroy humanity. But they have completely exposed themselves in the process. They have failed and are being systematically removed. Their dark order has been decimated thank God! And the matrix of lies and control structures will go with them. As we learn and take ownership of governing ourselves then these Draconian policies will go completely away in time. Thank you for helping expose their dark agenda.
@leasnowden48 Says:
This awesome human being could talk about ramen noodles and make it interesting. Every word says so much.
@ravenr876 Says:
Did you see what is happening in the UK where homelessness is skyrocketing, and people starving because of energy prices
@ravenr876 Says:
They are spraying chemitrails, and killing off insects. Why is Bill Gates allowed to take over this planet? Not just him 12 others .. There is billions of us, and we are allowing these globalists farts to destroy this planet.
@danverochraner6659 Says:
I am glad You're still here with voice of a reason. Lets fight insanity together, with reason and logic.
@sircrackboi Says:
I can imagine JP waking up from a dream at night and shouting to the window: Damn you, wicked globalists! ✊🏻
@KasFromMass Says:
Environmentalist ultimate goal, lower the population.

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