How An Algorithm Could Have Stopped The Nuclear Arms Race

How An Algorithm Could Have Stopped The Nuclear Arms Race


The Fast Fourier Transform is used everywhere but it has a fascinating origin story that could have ended the nuclear arms race. This video is sponsored by 80,000 Hours. Head to to sign up for their newsletter and get sent a free copy of their in-depth career guide. A huge thank you to Dr. Richard Garwin for taking the time to speak with us. Thanks to Dr. Steve Brunton of the University of Washington for his help with understanding the Fast Fourier Transform. Thanks to Dr. Cliff Thurber of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dr. Paul Richards of Columbia University, and Dr. Steven Gibbons of the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute for their expertise. Thanks to Grant Sanderson of 3Blue1Brown for his helpful feedback on the script. His great video on the Fourier Transform is here - ??? References: Kristensen, H.M., Korda, M. (2022). Status of World Nuclear Forces. Federation of American Scientists (FAS). Barth, K. H. (1998). Science and politics in early nuclear test ban negotiations. Physics Today, 51(3), 34-39. - Schmalberger, T. (1991). In pursuit of a nuclear test ban treaty - Bowers, D., & Selby, N. D. (2009). Forensic seismology and the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 37, 209-236 - Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). (2022). How Often Do Earthquakes Occur? Kimball, D. (2022). The Nuclear Testing Tally. Arms Control Association. Kværna, T., & Ringdal, F. (2013). Detection capability of the seismic network of the International Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(2A), 759-772 - Sykes, L. R., & Evernden, J. F. (1982). The verification of a comprehensive nuclear test ban. Scientific American, 247(4), 47-55 - Peterson, J., & Hutt, C. R. (2014). World-wide standardized seismograph network: a data users guide (p. 82). US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey. - Richards, P. G., & Kim, W. Y. (2009). Monitoring for nuclear explosions. Scientific American, 300(3), 70-77 - Jacobsen, L. L., Fedorova, I., & Lajus, J. (2021). The seismograph as a diplomatic object: The Soviet�American exchange of instruments, 1958�1964. Centaurus, 63(2), 277-295 - Schwartz S. I. (1998). The Hidden Costs Of Our Nuclear Arsenal: Overview Of Project Findings. The Brookings Institution - Ricón, J.L. (2016). The Soviet Union: Military Spending. Nintil - Heideman, M. T., Johnson, D. H., & Burrus, C. S. (1985). Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform. Archive for history of exact sciences, 265-277 - Ford, D. (2004). Richard Garwin - Session IV. American Institute of Physics (AIP). - Aaserud, F. (1986). Richard Garwin - Session I. American Institute of Physics (AIP). - Goldstein, A. (1997). James W. Cooley, an oral history. IEEE History Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA - Cooley, J., Garwin, R., Rader, C., Bogert, B., & Stockham, T. (1969). The 1968 Arden House workshop on fast Fourier transform processing. IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, 17(2), 66-76 - ??? Special thanks to Patreon supporters: Louis Lebbos, Elliot MIller, RayJ Johnson, Brian Busbee, Jerome Barakos M.D., Amadeo Bee, TTST, Balkrishna Heroor, Chris LaClair, John H. Austin, Jr.,, Matthew Gonzalez, Eric Sexton, John Kiehl, Diffbot, Gnare, Dave Kircher, Burt Humburg, Blake Byers, Dumky, Evgeny Skvortsov, Meekay, Bill Linder, Paul Peijzel, Josh Hibschman, Mac Malkawi, Mike Schneider, John Bauer, jim buckmaster, Juan Benet, Sunil Nagaraj, Richard Sundvall, Lee Redden, Stephen Wilcox, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Michael Krugman, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Sam Lutfi, Ron Neal ??? Written by Derek Muller & Felicity Nelson Filmed by Derek Muller & Raquel Nuno Animation by Ivy Tello, Jakub Misiek, Alex Drakoulis, and Fabio Albertelli Edited by Albert Leung & Derek Muller Research Assistant: Katie Barnshaw Additional video/photos supplied by Pond5 and Getty Images Music from Epidemic Sound Produced by Derek Muller, Petr Lebedev, and Emily Zhang




@veritasium Says:
If you're thinking about how to make a positive impact with your work, get a free in-depth career guide from 80,000 Hours:
@KenKenough Says:
@jjkholdi Says:
Excellent presentation with a lot of information and history.
@theivakumari3340 Says:
Well explained Sir 👌👌
@nicolabellemo3054 Says:
why at 16:30 you say that you need only 2 multiplications instead of 8?
@anthonytorres4454 Says:
Oscillation is what he's talking about
@bbigboy01 Says:
Great presentation. I don't know if I missed this point or not, but in the example of calculating the FFT using 8 data points, what indicator needs to be used to determine the frequency range of the expected group of signals contained in the raw waveform being examined? Is it the time period of the initial burst being examined?
@alexgoldhaber1786 Says:
Mind = Blown. Especially by Gauss.
@sparxz2145 Says:
Incredible how maths can be turned into political propaganda !
@sdave616 Says:
Why is this crap in 2.5 speech speed?
@rafaelalvarez3512 Says:
my first real production worthy C++ application that I created used the FFT to perform some operations on audio. It is close to my heart.
@muhammadzeeshan5852 Says:
But why would any other nation trust US
@jeliliadedeji8202 Says:
thanks for this elucidation on most useful Algorithm of our time
@kd-ld9sh Says:
one of the best video ever made on the FT and FFT and DFT,
@andrewcottrell2278 Says:
Very interesting! Being an electrical engineer, I have had quite an interest in Fourier! This video was very nice in that it helped me to understand a bit more about Fourier! Also, I was once doing some investigations into small three-phase synchronous machines - somehow thinking it was generating a pure sinusoid! But when I looked at the wave shape on an oscilloscope, I was shocked by the massive harmonic distortion - (if I remember, a seventh (???) harmonic, about one third of the fundamental!) - due to slotting. Also, when I tried to plot this wave using EXCEL, I encountered this "distortion" due to only measuring at 10-degree or 20-degree intervals!! (It's now about 8 years since I did all this, so I've forgotten the details!! Hope it makes SOME sense!!!)
@PrimordialOracleOfManyWorlds Says:
i wonder this can cut down AI computations.
@martywandrey-ch9qd Says:
Absolutely mind blowing keep making more we like all of it
@ravichandranr3735 Says:
I thank the author for this wonderful, educative video. It opened my eyes of understanding genius Gauss's research.
@pobinr Says:
Leave out the music distracting needless music. I'm here for information not music
@vanbistrow7145 Says:
Wonderful and amazing, as always! Thank you!
@David-cw7pd Says:
21:36 "I realized the significance of my discovery, I just dont care." Gauss, probably.
@drsolo7 Says:
Gotta thank Gauss, Euler and Newton
@kexcz8276 Says:
As a student of mechanical engineering, I hope that, If I finish my studies, there will be some impact of my job, although the more I study, the more I doubt I can change something (the sht is just so complex XD :/ )
@AndresMilioto Says:
Hot damn I would have loves content like this in university
@wiser888 Says:
Would love for you to make a video on Legendre Gauss Quadrature. I haven't found a simple graphical explanation video for it. And it's such a useful algorithm for numerical integration.
@druminusr1968 Says:
You are one of the best YouTubers on this site
@PiyushAgarwal-zb6uk Says:
It wouldn't have stopped the arms race. USA would start selling the nukes to countries who could pay. Thats all Detecting and stopping tests is just USA's way of maintaining monopoly on who can produce the best nukes. You can see that now as well, US literally feeds on war to war.
@SentryFather Says:
@__amkhrjee__ Says:
The description of DFT at 13:00 is so awesome! Clicked for me for the first time!!!
@IsakAidee Says:
0:28 - Wow... that's a really strong camera to survive a nuclear blast...
@jojonorris8047 Says:
Very informative!
@conceptclassroom.4970 Says:
amazing content....huge love for you brother
@Jeremy-fl2xt Says:
While there are a lot of similarities, there are some significant differences between Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Fourier Transforms (which include Fast Fourier Transformst (FFT)). Both are incredibly important to modern codecs, but have different trade-offs.
@211212112 Says:
seems we need to get the DNA from Gauss, Newton, Euler, and Maxwell. Fiddle around with it a bit to get them all to work well togather. Then clone a few of each. Maybe throw in an Einstien or two and a Diracula but D-rack probably take even more altering than Newton just. to get it to even ack the others..
@TheVincent0268 Says:
Average career, ... in the USA.
@varunm7011 Says:
2:04 , and Canada was magically shielded ?
@fd15k Says:
It's a cool story but it's funny how Derek spins our moral superiority over the Soviets. The only real difference between the US and the "evil nations" is that we tend to have better PR. So Soviets may have voiced their opposition in the open initially, but we've been thinking the same without saying it out loud. Moreover, ban on testing would likely have the opposite effect of accelerating the race - without having the ability to see the destructive power and reliability of these devices the competing nations would likely end up building significantly more and larger units to address the fears they wouldn't have enough if they needed them.
@cmdrun5142 Says:
@legallyblind-guy1947 Says:
Applying for a slice of dusk
@fndTenorio Says:
1:52 Classic move, blame the Russians. They just nuked civilians in two cities, but found a way to blame the other side.
@Machistmo Says:
This channel does not inspire trust in its foundation. Basically I don’t trust you or your content
@metalsonic17 Says:
20:49 if only we discovered it before 1960 "Back in 1805"
@ReshirexOnYT Says:
@barrywhite9114 Says:
Ban Lunar Eclipses😊
@FitzkeeLab Says:
Really enjoyed this video. This approach was how one of my professors taught the Fourier transform back in 2000 when I was in a graduate NMR class. Essentially, start with the simpler Fourier series, then use that to motivate the more complex Fourier transform. It's surprisingly effective at understanding complex concepts like the convolution theorem. Nice work!
@bongkem2723 Says:
i watch this and immediately think about finding the wave in stock market, what a beautiful transform !!!
@gamingwitharyan8774 Says:
Man,this world was awesome worldbuilding and storyline.
@paulroberts7429 Says:
The Russian used this treaty and superior Algorithm to create the most sophisticated submarine tracking system ever deployed, 20yrs ahead of US technology, USgov/CIA explain this in there 10yr report, Russia as adapted it for space.
@taisei8485 Says:

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