What is Dante's Inferno? | Overview & Summary!
What is Dante's Inferno? | Overview & Summary!



@smithschannel89 Says:
thank you
@TragicMole Says:
It's just science fiction. Probably Speilburg's gggg-grandfather
@BryceCzirr-jz7ju Says:
Devil May Cry?
@jasonhayes33333 Says:
The three headed dog reminds me of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
@finalascent Says:
It can't hold a candle to Dante, but one of the more interesting depictions of Hell is a short story called "Unferno" by George Alec Effinger.
@loveeternity1463 Says:
Lust 💗
@loveeternity1463 Says:
@johnnytsunami177 Says:
@TS-km5wn Says:
Ante Inferno are the true "Lost Souls" because Nor Heaven or Hell wants them. Because they were Sideline-People.
@Soloohara Says:
italia stupor mundi
@magentapilot4576 Says:
Well done
@GillianDuran Says:
Lil Peep told me he's in hell.
@Mr4thahaters Says:
Who said that social media only has brain rot and clickbait? We’re learning about the classics. I read the divine comedy in a college classical history class and enjoyed it but that was years ago. Glad to see that there’s plenty of content about this classic.
@Taco.Flavoured.Kisses Says:
limbo is bs!
@privatprivat7279 Says:
2:38 "Half-Life - Cyrus Reynolds [feat. Gregg Lehrman, Jeff Kolhede] ᴴᴰ"
@privatprivat7279 Says:
"[Cosmos Laundromat] - Animated Short Film (English)"
@cchemmes-seeseeart3948 Says:
Who did all the art? I was curious to know the artists? Why no credit anywhere to let us know who the artists are?
@Leo_Cameron Says:
Hi 👋
@seanmick3093 Says:
I trusted in the Lord of Jesus Christ as my personal savior into my heart through faith alone, and not of works, by accepting his free gift of salvation, by his grace on February 16, 1996, each day, I confess sins for process of sanctification, to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior, please refer to Matthew 10:28, John 3:16-18:36, 5:24, 6:37:47, 10:27-29, 14:6, Acts 2:38, 16:30-31, Luke 15:10, Romans 1:16, 3:23, 4:5, 6:23, 10:9-10:13, Ephesians 2:8-10, and Titus 3:5. God bless the world, and thank you for sharing.
@overclocked5422 Says:
"Dante let us move forward"🗿
@laurahuynh8333 Says:
Dante’s Inferno is basically a self insert fan fiction.
@kisho2679 Says:
Why did Dante write the Devine Comedy and why did he call it so?
@double-eagle-dave Says:
🔥🔥🔥Let the heavens scorch the earth with justice and righeousness !! 🔥
@rdgzunleashed2749 Says:
It’s not Greek mythology, it does exist in hell.
@AngelDiMauro1 Says:
Live, Laugh, Love. Wednesday, June 26, 2024, AD, 9:54 pm, EST.
@giorgostzifis8091 Says:
Once Adam and Eve sinned they were thrown out of Eden, so that they would not eat from the tree of life and live forever. Revelation tells us that in the New Jerusalem there will be 2 similar trees of life so that we live for ever. Now can someone answer...??? Since in ''Hell'' there will be no such tree of life, how will the sinners live forever so that they will be tortured? Answer is that there is no eternal torment and no Hell. God is love !!! Sinners will just not live anymore. They will stay in their graves for ever.
@sartamyanu631 Says:
@juljul123 Says:
So old greek religion is mythology but Christianity is not mythology , huh?
@akmalhussain5439 Says:
Dante's "The Inferno" Here, too, I saw a nation of lost souls, far more than were above: they strained their chests against enormous weights, and with mad howls rolled them at one another. Then in haste they rolled them back, one party shouting out: "Why do you hoard?" and the other: "Why do you waste?"... Hoarding and squandering wasted all their light and brought them screaming to this brawl of wraiths. You need no words of mine to grasp their plight.
@xogleeztastexd583 Says:
Some Ramdom Dude named Hakita : I gotta take note
@chilli8011 Says:
This Dante guy was seriously messed up by the churches BS teachings on Hell and eternal punishment. PTSD from children being taught this BS religion!
@AstralPandaBoi Says:
"interesting how Dante seems to mix Mythology and Religion"... Or you know, Myth and later Myth that was build upon the previous Myths. So much of Biboe is full of characters and depictions taken and used and literaöly being the same as Greek, roman, egyptian and even Mesopotamian mythology and lore. To a atheist Bible tales arw myth as well.
@rajchowdhury3006 Says:
"Abandon all hope/ ye who enter here"
@IDreamofChocolateDreams Says:
You forgot the plagerism of the night journey
@LegendsOfAfrica.1 Says:
Those who fear God need to listen, follow, and obey Jesus Christ until the end, and even unto death. Heaven is for those who live a holy and righteous life. We must stay repenant for every sin, no matter how insignificant it may be. Those who desire to not be decievd must also be humble. I hear the devil because I pray alot. satan lures those who have pride within them into the pit. Jesus Christ is the perfect example. We must always stay humble or we'll be decieved by his lies. I've seen Jesus Christ. He is God in the flesh. HE is coming back very soon to judge the earth.
@dr.debbiewilliams Says:
Healing Scriptures https://youtu.be/wLuHOtt9E-Q?si=cWVdPvIHiAyn1NN4
@godonnell2681 Says:
The book is fascinating,the king's and Lord's know up there this is world's 2 one and no a soul on earth knows and will expose it
@Bigiron1611 Says:
Dante is definitely in hell and will go to the lake of fire. All this other stuff is bs
@MarcoCandela Says:
Thank you for bringing this to Youtube. I always loved, as a kid, all the punishments deserved to people in Dante's Comedy. A little sadic fella. But the best part imo are all the characters Dante meets. Like Paolo and Francesca, lovers in an affair and killed while reading a book. They are damned in eternity to be tormented by the cold wind. Together but kinda apart. That's heartbreaking. Or Ulisses who encountered death because of his hunger for knowledge. Or Count Ugolino who was forced to eat his kids.
@KevinChristensen-h8x Says:
I. Love dantes inferno! I follow that book next to the bible when i look at staying away from sin
@damnboy-xl2jc Says:
Bella a tutti raga
@crystaleldred4720 Says:
You said he said it. Something about the politics and people of the time. He wrote what he saw to help us? No?
@yingyang6080 Says:
Well to refer to Virgilio, probably the most influencial and famous latin poet of ancient Rome, "...with the help of a guy named Virgil" is quite questionable... You should at least have given a brief explanation on why Dante chose him as his guide
@DawnAvenger Says:
Overrated. Undeserving of being high literature. I suspect the noxious diabolical Christian propagandic machine made it world renowned. It's major flaw is it's repetitiveness that renders all plot, characters, and themes intensely boring. Dante goes to a circle of hell, discusses something, leaves. For the entire book. There is no suprise, albeit I didn't finish. I don't waste my time with bad literature as a great poet-writer. All the evil are punished, the good reign, childish black and whiteness of reality that ignores the complex reality of intertwining shadow and light, good and evil, love and hate, worship of death and life in the creature of man. This is religions masterwork for it is replete with it's draining of the colors of sin-life; it is the tired moralism of thou shalt or be damned. Hell is a violent threat and a gun. All religious saints only obey, are good, and fulfilled by a threat. If I put a gun to your head and forced your money, you'd be outraged. Yet these religious cowards bow to a false God of hate and impurity. All religion is the masterful threat to sovereign, holy man. All religions are dehumanizing for they make man an object to a cursed God of pain of hells. A true God does not seek worship, a true God worships his creation, as a parent exalts a child of his image. This is true morality and high blessedness; all else is the shade of pretense to the eyes. The only being who worships man in his natural sin is Lucifer, thus Lucifer is the only god of goodness and truth, for he teaches that by evil ye beome, as Macbeth becomes king, as Walter Whye becomes a kingpin, as a slave who murders for his freedom becomes a free man. Evil is the true salvationism of man, and all goodness is a damnation to a hideous thou shalt. Nay, ten times nay, I will that I do all; my creed, and the only creed of man should be: DO AS THOU WILT SHALT BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW! Christ says I am the light of the world Lucifer means Light bringer If you have eyes to see, you men would have perceived Lucifer is your creator. Praise, ten times heil, Lucifer of the lightning ambition! Since iq is decreasing, if you have an issue with this reviews argumentation please think up a well reasoned argument, and avoid adhom and strawmanning. From gen z and gen alpha not reading we see the essential morality and culture of today is ignorance, so please, if you resort to anything but a well thought out counterargument, all will know you're a fool of disgrace. Sayonara, and heil Lucy the mother of pain, and the mad almightiness at Dawnhead's throne of grace luster.
@NikaJohnWorry Says:
Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.
@Francesc-des-tefani Says:
dante's inferno, and goku ... entrambi sul cammino, lungo, chi dell'oltretomba, chi del drago ... la chiave dante? dante dante ... sai dante. di te tanti parlarono, ma non diventasti mai leggenda, il tuo libello lo fece per te. questo è molto diverso. l'imperatore morto di dolore, il papa di infarto ... sai dio non ci diventi visitando, toccando, apprezzando ... sai dante. in toscana, bloccati nel tempo ... però è bella quella commedia. ti da' lezioni, io vado a scuola, e prendo lezioni ... però quando esco le lezioni le ho già prese, perchè si gioca quando si esce ... cosa c'è che non torna, il gioco è prima della mente, e la mente è prima di dio ... questo è male, questo è: problems ... perchè problems? cosa ci fa credere che qui sia un posto per creare problems, o in real life ... si doveva vivere di lavoro, di un lavoro duro, sacrificio ... ma quale? quello della scacchiera? essendo pedone? no dante quella è la cristianità eh, per gli ultimi, gli uomini in terra ... tu per scrivere la commedia, non eri affatto uno di loro ... come? come hai fatto allora. oggi lo chiamano patto col diavolo. magari è tutta farina del tuo sacco, perchè no. why not! do you like nespresso dante?
@saigonmonopoly1105 Says:
That hades
@saigonmonopoly1105 Says:
What else the bible stole?
@saigonmonopoly1105 Says:
It a comedy why is it bible?

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