"People Have No Idea What's Going On" - The Israel-Palestine Debate NOBODY Is Having | Omar Baddar
"People Have No Idea What's Going On" - The Israel-Palestine Debate NOBODY Is Having | Omar Baddar



@TomBilyeu Says:
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@Justme2B Says:
Thank you Tom !!!!! David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121 “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121. — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech. “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the AGRESSORS and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”
@rachelari1271 Says:
OMG this blind spot is way too big.
@justme3515 Says:
That's why we need to keep it that way. You worry about it. We don't need to know this fake impending doom ...that's your job...Even you can't do anything about it as much as you know...
@danielwelch2615 Says:
@josephkohler9221 Says:
So Naïve (All those involved in OCT 7th Turn yourself in ) What a JOke!
The Holy Bible is True. Jesus is The Truth
@shahafsagi7257 Says:
Im from Israel. This is pure lying. Please come to my house and ill show you around, and you will see exactly what's happening. And all of you who are going to say ''OH YOU STOLE SOMEONES HOUSE?!'' My great grandfather bought land in this small town I live in. He was Palestinian (Jewish). He bought it from local Bedouins (does anyone here even know what that is?) So this is legally my land.
@vikingbraid7515 Says:
Excellent interview
@karlaps3994 Says:
I am unsubscribing. This content is just wrong.
@montypalmer4556 Says:
This guy is very overlooking of many factors just like Israelis.
@HDracer Says:
How many Jews were forced out of Arab countries?
@yazzyy8715 Says:
from the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
@fredericmartel-el6gc Says:
Farting video are best.
@HDracer Says:
Neither the Palestinians or Iran will ever accept a Jewish State anywhere on that land. The Jews don't want to lose the West Bank. Russia is helping Iran to develop their nuclear weapons tech now. The way he retells rhe history is solely from the Arab narrative. 1/2 of rhe Jews in Israel are Jews or descensents of Jews who fled from Arab lands.
@ericblust5923 Says:
The Jews push people around, so do the Muslims, so do the Wokesters....
@akhtarizod5802 Says:
Eye opening, smoke and mirrors shattering!
@software_developer5 Says:
@saimahussain5314 Says:
Tom Thank you for sharing this Truth needs to be heard 👍🏻
@xxxterpxxx Says:
#UnSubscribed. Giving clowns like this a platform demonstrates values misalignment. I wish you well, Tom.
@doktorn77 Says:
Hope he mention the lavaiaton gas feeld discoverd under gaza region and more countries
@b.angelekunkowski4892 Says:
I have a new level of respect for you for having the courage to have the truth told! Those of us who have known are deeply troubled in our hearts. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! 😢 Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@Theother1two34 Says:
I absolutely love this channel! Thanks Tom for bringing these oh-so-important dialogues to us! Even if you are super annoying with the recycled videos 😜
@MacDKB Says:
Tom deletes comments he disagrees with. Tom is pro-censorship. I'm done with Tom. 2 things I can't abide: anti-free speech, & hypocrisy. Unsubscribed. I can't help but notice this video is ALREADY getting ratio'd lol. You can delete all the comments you like, Tom, but you can't prevent people from ratio'ing your videos...
@Landguy702 Says:
You actually uploaded this for your podcast? You just looking to get clicks? What a shame.
@Linda5-i6b Says:
It’s fascinating how often people who speak nonsense or display poor character traits also look the part. Sometimes, you can take one look at one's facial expressions, eyes, or gestures and instantly sense something off—almost as if their outward appearance mirrors their lack of substance.
@KurtStoffer Says:
Fro the river to the sea Palestine will soon be free… free of hamass
@KurtStoffer Says:
This dude is a double talk liar.
@iuvalclejan Says:
The Jihadists want to annihilate the Jews, the Jews want to live. Full Stop. Everything else is a distraction. The original settlers from Europe were socialist refugees who wanted to share land, live and let live. The arabs didn't want them around and started killing them. In order to survive, Israel became more conservative. Very simple.
@user-c2m7b Says:
@TheFrancesZachary Says:
@Tom, do not stand against Israel. Just Dont.
@LilachBullock Says:
Tom I’ve always been a fan of you. But this guy is lying. I invite you to Israel to see the truth.
@tyalprince Says:
This was posted 3 mins ago & it’s already bombarded with comments saying how he’s wrong…. How tf did you guys watch a hour long video 3 mins after it was posted. Clearly just lying. Shows the nature of this dialogue… genocidal closed minded people vs constructive thinkers working through complex problems…. Stop funding ideologues.
@stanmurray6529 Says:
Bad info. Why is Israel blamed all the time? I am not giving you any more time.
@pharag4886 Says:
Zionists are going to lose their damn minds over hearing the truth. They really dont like it.
@NJIT22 Says:
He is FOS, usual BS slogans and demonization. No self awareness but a lot of hate and arrogance. Everyone knows that this people trying to destroy American Israeli relationships and then weaponize American power to dismantle Israel and bring it to them on the silver plater.
@MR-dm1gx Says:
The Jews in the Arab world did not experience the same discrimination and racism they endured in Europe. Palestine took in Jewish refugees as did many other Muslim countries. So there is more education that people need to understand the history better.
@Kingdomprepper144 Says:
Tim is a traitor by simply listening to him
@SuspendedLogic Says:
Another re-upload. Yawn
@ScottWengel Says:
I've known Israel with shit since Myspace was a thing
@karenisaac9101 Says:
Lies, lies and more lies. Palestines were free to come and go into Israel, work and had Israeli citizenship until they began the intifada and were blowing themselves up killing Israelis left and right.
@KTZ_86 Says:
The amount of absolute BS lies this guy is selling here for 2 hours + just cast a huge doubt on what value Tom Bilyeu's podcast has to offer. I mean either you're gonna invite some 9/11 truthers, flat earthers and gravity skeptics as a part of a "weirdo podcast" series, either you are completely oblivious about the conflict in Israel so you did next to no research and invited this undeniable Hamas Propaganda Parrot, or you do know who you invited and you are serving your Israel hatred narrative by platforming this BS Parrot for 2+ hours...
@paveljeludovsky Says:
Yup, people indeed have no idea of what's going on. I lived in Israel for 20+ years. Both sides are trying to "manage" the problem of terrorism instead of solving it. What we have here is a representative of a territory controlled by recognized terrorist organizations, is trying to convince a person who has little understanding of middle eastern culture that. 1)A group of terrorist organizations are the same as a recognized sovereign state ally. Israel provides technology and high quality engineers to the US, and the other side provides nothing but requests for resources. The host has no idea that the society there is hereditary and tribal for most, that whatever the "people" want has very little meaning. It's all about clan warfare. The guest is convincing that the us can "fix" the problem using the same methods that were used to "fix" Afghanistan and Iraq. Well... it's going to be the same. But the biggest lie in this whole narrative is pretending that both sides are independent. Both are used by other powers for their own goals, and the people suffer tremendously on both sides. What's going on there is horrible, but is very well explained in scripture, both Islamic and the old testiment. Those who do not fight evil, will suffer from it. This is true for everyone involved. In Russian culture it's said something like "Those who will not take out n@z1s, will be taken out for them".
@StarTreeNFT Says:
Ba! I stand with Israel!
@karenisaac9101 Says:
Israel was always the Jewish land - the promised land!
@edodenwalder8723 Says:
Tom - stay out of politics… soon a former subscriber
@Kingdomprepper144 Says:
BECAUSE ITS NOT PALESTINIANS LAND!!!! Amos 1:6-9. Gaza is being destroyed BY YAHWEH THROUGH YISRAEL!!! Stop with the lies about YISRAEL. Its not an apartheid state. Its not, nor ever has occupied Palestine (PALESTINE IS A FAKE STATE!!!!)
@ConsueloCastanuela Says:
Over and out. Don't fill your head with bs. He's quoting Chomsky 😂
@conlinn Says:
Is this a new episode? I never know.
@karenisaac9101 Says:
So many lies… talk about the Muslim suppressions of its own people in every Muslim country. The control of the people by terror groups, or else….

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