Carbohydrates Aren't Essential
Carbohydrates Aren't Essential



@Chadram369 Says:
Imagine being scared of rice and potatoes. I’m just proud of Peterson for not crying in this video. He seems to do that a lot.
@oggyoggy1299 Says:
Has this guy not heard of donuts?!?!
@X_Lee. Says:
The Asians are going to flip
@Paul-kd3ui Says:
..and yet we have salivary amilyse we have enzyme's in our mouths gut,,.
@maartenneppelenbroek Says:
Why are they making a point of this?
@Shah111-n2n Says:
The people on keto are watching these videos because they are craving carbs they just try to deny it that they need carbs
@Shah111-n2n Says:
Carbs are your body's primary energy source make you look bigger and stronger
@gamleskalle1 Says:
Say that to Italians. 😂
@jlr4434 Says:
Biology disagrees. We have teerh for both meat (incisors for tearing) and carbs/fiber (molars for chewing/grinding).
@mrrobot2878 Says:
@ShadeofGaz Says:
Hydrate..... carbohydrate
@synapse7833 Says:
Freaky ass meat diet 😹😹 of course you gotta eat carbs fruits vegetables and starches its in the bible
@therealbrosofsimivalleycli2684 Says:
Carbohydrates are amazing and everyone should eat them
@mlindquist8942 Says:
Lol all of the athletes in the comments are making everyone so mad because we need to have carbs to perform optimally 😅 its fairly well known that your body has a harder time pulling energy from fat durring a workout
@blickyuh5096 Says:
Does Jordan never do anything physical or active😂 and I mean You can get your carbohydrates from fruit and honey and natural things that are very healthy
@rickyl9540 Says:
Most micro nutrients and fibre are in vegetables and fruits. Aren't those essential? Nobody is deficient in protein. Just overloaded on processed food. Broccoli and a donut are carbs but quite different!
@marijketimmermans3913 Says:
In school I learned they are the energy givers. Weird
@willaknotts1298 Says:
Im down to meat chick fish eggs and few veggies..avocados..tomatoes..nute and green olives plus tons of water. I cant eat fruits.
@justhere7813 Says:
What exactly will be broken for energy generation? Only fats ? This sort of pseudoscience should not be promoted.
@DeLanoLLoya Says:
Capitalism is costly. When governance is not really governance. 😉
@UTBanjo Says:
For several decades, the diet-heart paradigm that high intake of saturated fat and cholesterol increases the risk of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease (IHD) has been the driving force behind national and international dietary recommendations for prevention of IHD. This model, which promotes diets that are typically low in fat (particularly saturated fat) and high in complex carbohydrates, has led to substantial decline in the percentage of energy intake from total and saturated fats in the United States. At the same time, it has spurred a compensatory increase in consumption of refined carbohydrates and added sugars—a dietary shift that may be contributing to the current twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Although eating cholesterol-rich foods have long been blamed for causing high cholesterol, researchers and doctors now realize most of our body’s cholesterol comes from our body making it in our liver in response to excess carbohydrates and saturated fats.  In addition to the fats in your diet, highly processed carbohydrates play a role in high cholesterol. Carbohydrates give your body energy, but getting more than 60% of your daily calories from carbohydrates can increase your cholesterol levels because your liver thinks it’s time to make more cholesterol. Try to keep white bread, sugary cereal, crackers and other processed foods on the grocery store shelves and out of your pantry. Diets high in either saturated fats or refined carbohydrates are not suitable for IHD prevention. However, refined carbohydrates are likely to cause even greater metabolic damage than saturated fat in a predominantly sedentary and overweight population. Although intake of saturated fat should remain at a relatively low amount and partially hydrogenated fats should be eliminated, a singular focus on reduction of total and saturated fat can be counterproductive because dietary fat is typically replaced by refined carbohydrate, as has been seen over the past several decades. In this era of widespread obesity and insulin resistance, the time has come to shift the focus of the diet-heart paradigm away from restricted fat intake and toward reduced consumption of refined carbohydrates.
@cbweinrich Says:
Been saying this
@Not_A_Federal_Agent Says:
Ummmmmm but I wanna big muscle?
@lucasmaldonado8955 Says:
God damnit I’m tired of every expert online claiming they have the truth while saying the opposite of everybody else. There is just too much information and science can just be nitpicked to fit one’s own bias. It’s tiresome
@AlanMatthews-q4s Says:
So 10000 years ago civilization started farming, keeping animals and growing carbs Now why would they do that if they didn’t need too? Was it like, Hey let’s get the animals we need for protein and while we are at it let’s grow some stuff that we don’t need , seriously, come on Jordan even you are doing confirmation bias
@bornkam Says:
Sugar is what feeds the brain. Let me repeat: the only source of fuel for Brain is glucose.
@Rachel-y9n Says:
One word: fiber. Idiots.
@Groggycyclist Says:
Potato potato 🥔 ?
@davidfleming6211 Says:
So what?
@ewelinahelenakulas1287 Says:
Because you can survive without it doesnt mean it’s good not to use whole unproccesed carbs.your brain longs for Glucose your muscles also.carbs also impact the hormonal System like testo//.for all the guys here….also the longest Living Population thrives on carbs.
@lakshaywadhwani8337 Says:
Why is it strange?
@YahyaElOsmanElDandachi-mp5xz Says:
Bro he never let anyone talk!!!
@HermesActum Says:
People who run or work hard do.t need carbs?! Love ya peterson but naw man you aint working hard enough physically to say that
@asiakoughan5708 Says:
I find raw milk to be essential in my diet. Which is full of carbohydrates and makes me feel amazing 🤩
@benjaminanderson6856 Says:
Carbs, proteins and fats are known as macronutrients are were shown scientifically as the three fundamental forms of energy. Until scrawny, weasel like senile old men came along and talked bullshit about not needing one...
@Frank-f5o Says:
What if there are no essential carbohydrates because in early human years carbohydrates where a luxury fresh fruit and vegetables would be seasonal and few and far between or only if the tribe had settled
@charawmane3277 Says:
I live on complex carbohydrates and protein from plants. I am almost 60 and require no medication, only a B12 supplement
@Undergroundddxx Says:
Happiness is essential also.. technically I don’t need clean water I could live without and just drink dirty water and survive potentially but that wouldn’t be for the best. Low carb diets are good for burning some fat and preserving muscle, but it is a hard diet to maintain long term and might be overkill for some
@charlieglynn8527 Says:
If you don’t eat carbs you’ll drop your testosterone levels around 50% carbs are necessary to optimal performance
@dontragequit5073 Says:
Bro try working in the fields with 43 degree Celsius temp without carbs you will know it in one day f*** this science bull shit !!!
@timtol143 Says:
How can a billion Chinese be wrong
@spenzostar9569 Says:
An engine only needs fuel, oxygen, and spark to run. But needs oil and other additives to run well long term
@nathanenoka Says:
These idiots in the comments thinking it’s not essential means you can go without!! 😂 meth isn’t essential but if you put a bag full in front of an addict and that person is going to die from chemical imbalance in the brain the meth is now essential!! Big pharma is the guy making the meth
@OldManShoutsAtClouds Says:
Carbs are absolutely essentially, what do you think restores ATP and powers your brain? The only argument for them not being "essential" is that your body is capable of turning protein into sugars. Because they're so essential to survival... lol.
@81danjar Says:
Carbs are what your body uses to feed your brain….fact check that. Carbs ARE essential
@ofrilifshitz7518 Says:
Your brain runs on glycogen
@jeffreymicah Says:
And I trust the medical establishment?
@TrevorTisdaleMusic Says:
We don’t require sunlight, however living without it can lead to a variety of health issues that could cause death.
@fannieallen6005 Says:
Wheat was a major food in Biblical days.
@same_2u2 Says:
Every single cell in the human body requires 7 essential sugars (carbohydrates) to communicate. Glycobiology 101.

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