Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh | EP 458
Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh | EP 458



@TheCelestialhealer Says:
I love listening to her explanations, because without an example I wouldn t understand her.
@pixie3458 Says:
This is the kind of education we had to pay for in our area. Children happy and secure, polite to adults and minimal bullying
@definitely79 Says:
I agree with this woman. Boundaries mean that you care about the child. You are allowing them to develop while they feel safe and secure. It is hard for an adult to maintain boundaries, hence why a lot of adults canot maintain them, it is easier to treat a child as an adult. E.g., allowing a child to 'choose' their gender is not kind it is creating lifelong confusion and the pathology of normal development issues. Allowing freedom of expression from a place of security and happiness within their own body is very different.
@sbeasley1785 Says:
This woman is a fabulous speaker of truth - that’s why the Leftists and Islamists hate her.
@bakoserge Says:
@Elisabeth.r.87 Says:
She really is a good teacher. Even Joran Peterson listened more than he talked and therefore probably learned something new.
@BellyBurly87 Says:
What an absolute cow. Doesn't surprise me she's a head mistress. Glad we homeschool
@Soliton19 Says:
Animals learn by example. Elders set the example.
@Christopher-iv9yy Says:
Gentlemen: NEVER take directives from a Woman.
@michaleder3630 Says:
Check out Waldorf (Steiner )schools !!
@hardpunk10101 Says:
Fascinating. I'd love this discussion further in regards to raising children in the home. Most parenting content nowadays has a gentle perspective which is often enacted as permissive. I've made so many mistakes with my 2 and 4 year old by listening to the gentle cultural narrative and perhaps by being too much of a friend rather than leader. One of the big issues I have had is that in being raised by a single mother who didn't in retrospect actually parent much at all, let alone set any clear boundaries. It's so difficult starting from scratch without knowing which direction is fruitful. I feel deeply blessed that the school we have chosen has some very similar concepts and ideals to the one presented here, but I need to get it right in the home first. Thank you for this conversation.
@hayleyjackson5827 Says:
Sounds wonderful and maybe there is hope for education to move forward
@Andrew.baltazar Says:
This woman is miles ahead, and we need to be following her.
@frankv2853 Says:
"Jordan gets Schooled" but in a good way 😂😂
@ramonarickettez Says:
I find it interesting and aggravating and begrudgingly funny when JP just can’t help the need to hear himself talk right in the middle of an intellectual equal speaking. The obviously unimpressed “go on.” around 15:00 in is genuinely funny.
@SRose-vp6ew Says:
“Handing leaflets to the children, telling them their lives were endangered.” A similar thing went on at a PFLAG meeting. Children were present and they were telling the crowd, including teachers, children, and School Board that that pushing their nonprofit pride beliefs and voting for who they said and keeping secrets from parents was the only way save and protect the children from their lives being at harm from biological parents whom they believed shouldn’t know about their training and persuading or (literally said something like) the parents would abuse their children and that’s why you affirm and don’t tell parents about that or as you start with books in kindergarten as a critical age to sexually guide children away from their parents beliefs to save them with their beliefs pushed from public schools as they claimed parents would abuse children but teachers guiding the s ex of the child without the parents awareness or permission wouldn’t . 🚩 I genuinely feel that organization needs to be investigated, including videos of every meeting. They’ve had passed over because talking to little kids and guiding them when your not the parent and your not letting the parents know is wrong! Claiming parents will abuse, their children, is downright slanderous and manipulative.
@kerrychandler6740 Says:
Love this. As a mom of four I’m on top of my kids learning. I want them to learn in this environment like Michaela’s school in London. Great interview
@B1TKZH47 Says:
'No freedom without virtue.' As this applies to the US Constitution, it works only if the people are moral (virtuous). An amoral society will not honour laws, which is why, I believe, the breakdown of the legal system will result in the collapse os the Republic - as is happening mow.
@georgebyett2959 Says:
A House divided cannot stand
@tatimiracy Says:
I went to my daughter's parent teacher interview and to my surprise the student was invited and was to lead the meeting , I was shocked and I wish I had the means to move her to a private school. Public schools are killing this generation of teens😢 I wish it was headmistress like her here in Australia
@user-mf9yl2pf3v Says:
I so agree with her! The more I learn about the very libertarian right, the less fond I am. They attract right-leaning people with very loose morals like the Andrew Tates and the finance bros of the world. Senseless hedonism. Even looser morals than liberals sometimes. No thanks.
@user-mf9yl2pf3v Says:
Same thing in the U.S.: White progressive parents don't like traditional, disciplined education. They like emphasis on more creativity, less discipline, less hierarchy, radicalism. Black, Asian, Eastern European parents tend to love conservative or traditional curriculum & education. So their kids go to school with Western White conservative kids whose parents also like traditional education. Progressivism is almost exclusively a White (liberal) Western phenomenon.
@mercadorodriguezgerson3549 Says:
Dr Peterson, could you please add the option to add subtitles? id love to translate this to spanish to show it to some teachers i know in my country.
@tylervanbiezen804 Says:
she's fucked lmao our children need to do what ever you want not go to school school you don't learn nothing
@neilshortell410 Says:
This woman is running her school like Dunbar High School in Washington DC prior to the destruction due to Brown vs Board of Education and the liberals of America. Liberals are like locus, they destroy everything and move onto the next thing to destroy!
@heritageturns Says:
Kudos, ma'am. More power to you.
@user-bu8rw8dj8p Says:
How rare! Thank Dr. Peterson for bringing the marvelous existence of Katharine Birbalsingh into our field of awareness. Lovely. Inspirational. So grateful for the goodness that you both put into the world. And ... privileged to witness someone with enough temerity to challenge Dr. Peterson on the what-vs.-how to think issue in a way that was both gracious and spirited. Superb offering.
@philwalkercounselling Says:
What a super lady. Wish I'd been to her school as a kid.
@lobesniper3970 Says:
Awesome guest!
@johnsmith-ik8il Says:
Who'd have thought a proper education and not indoctrination camp would be yielding high results. I'm so glad to be uneducated and, thus, not ideologically subverted.
@catalinalatorre6568 Says:
I would like to hear thoughts on homeschool and family centered education. Is that a possibility?
@catalinalatorre6568 Says:
This kind of means that she’s advocating for training children in grammar and dialectic first. She’s talking about the classical model.
@maylynbayani Says:
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Parents nowadays forget their responsibility to train our kids
@aaronwolf4211 Says:
RE: outside the box thinking I don’t disagree with her assessment about the need for creative thinking on the part of those who know and understand a certain thing very well and have excellent skill with it. However, there have been numerous examples across multiple fields and industries (especially by polymaths) where a team (albeit a team still led or at least guided or driven by experts of that field) with little to no specialized knowledge or expertise come up with a profoundly innovative and successful solution despite their lack of specialized knowledge and experience. An excellent and super fun example of this has been seen in the gaming industry. Folks should look into the history of the creation of the Goldeneye game for Nintendo 64. Not a single person on that team had ever made a video game before in their life. Yet they managed to come together and creatively develop one of the most popular and well-regarded games in gaming history. So that said, I agree with her broadly speaking, especially when it comes to specializing and perfecting certain fields of knowledge. But there is that other side of the coin that ought to be explicitly stated because 100 years after a generation of children have been taught that only those who specialize in certain fields have the talent and capacity to make something extraordinary, you end up with a culture of by the book asshats who punish (good) creativity from those who might not check certain boxes.
@leonie9635 Says:
Katharine said that teachers tend to be on the left. Just curious as to why that is so.
@maylynbayani Says:
If you think about it, brown(asians, indians), black and eastern europeans usually have traditional and strict upbringing. As a parent I would also send my kids to schools that has the same values
@davec9371 Says:
Make Schoolmarms great again!
@margyeoman3564 Says:
I wonder if this lady gave Dr. Peterson a heads up before the discussion about her intention to challenge him on the matter of. ' teaching students what to think' , rather than 'how to think.' Lol❤
@margyeoman3564 Says:
Thomas Sowell had a thing or two to say to the liberals and liberal left about their condescending behaviours toward the brown and black people they were 'helping'.😂
@bernicepenney4732 Says:
What a relief to learn that there remains at least one teacher who seems to be speaking my mind. The pendulum has swung so far in the wrong direction that children are lost and so are both educators and parents. I am increasingly stating to defiant and undisciplined students: I am the teacher, you are the student; I am the adult and you are the child. Structure needs to be reestablished in our schools. As they currently are, in general, little learning can take place. We are FAILING our youth by failing to establish boundaries and direction within such boundaries. Children seem to be running the institutions but they are NOT emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually developed enough to know how to do that. Listening to this interview inspires me to look for more like minded teachers to make a change.
@DarkMetalOmega Says:
"Tell me how to think? Think about what? Give me the knowledge. Tell me what I need to do, and then, I'll take it from there." A future AI.
@meltcat15 Says:
Where did this wonderful woman come from?! She has such passion and knowledge. We need hundreds like her in schools all over the country 😮
@getuliooliveira9695 Says:
This is by far the best class, lecture, discussion, clear thinking I have watched in ages!!!
@genderrebeljo3051 Says:
I really really like this women, and she has reinforced everything I know and believe about child development as a professional nanny for the last 30 years. I’ve spent years watching liberal, left leaning, well meaning and genuinely lovely families, succumb to the permissive, cotton wool parenting style, only to end up utterly sleep deprived and on their knees struggling with their little emperor/tyrant out of control , very unhappy child. I’ve spent 30 years in other people’s homes, on the front line, and have seen first hand what goes on in the house. The good, the bad and the ugly, and what that resulted in. I learned so much from my families, from their mistakes and their wins and it’s helped shape me into the childcare provider I am today. Parents need to take back parenting again, and take the responsibility, the control and the lead. Children are not mini adults and we recognised this when we decided they needed a childhood and we shouldn’t send them to work up chimneys and down mines any more. I despise the gender ideology movement that insists that children just “know who they are” and that they “should lead”. A child’s only job is to play, watch and learn. They 100% need boundaries, and some freedoms within those boundaries. Parents need to hold on to that high responsiveness that they have but add in the high expectations and demands. Permissive parenting = high in responsiveness, low in demands Authoritarian- high in demands, low in responsiveness Neglectful - low in responsiveness and low in demands Authoritative- high in responsiveness and high in demands. Research and longitudinal studies support and authoritative parenting style is what brings out the best in children and their overall development . Huge respect to this woman.
@maryhollingsworth2856 Says:
Llisten to her.
@jennyverschuur541 Says:
Dr. Peterson you need to interview her more! A series! AMAZING WOMAN!!!!
@jennyverschuur541 Says:
WOW She is WONDERFUL - inspired me to be the best person I can be - as a Christian and as a Human being! AMAZING AMAZING!!!!!
@sunshiny_botany Says:
What a phenomenal educator!
@5995Jiol Says:
You gotta be cruel to be kind with kids I love her
@crunchycousin5986 Says:
My mom has 22+ years in the classroom, she is ready to retire. Zero respect for teachers. The kids run the show and the parents follow their lead.

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