The Problem With the Libertarian Right
The Problem With the Libertarian Right



@lisa-oo2cx Says:
Part of the freedom are choices, if not you are in a totalitarian authoritarian administration.
@skotnica93 Says:
He's confusing libertarians with anarcho-capitalists.
@Paul-th9vr Says:
Is it a libertarian view that people can’t agree on what the rules are or a left leaning ideology? I don’t think it’s fair that people are required to show up for work on time because it goes against my familial values and traditions and I resent that western culture demands that demand that I do.
@daniel.s.stefanov Says:
Depends on your definition for "the best".
@lucasdieguez1244 Says:
Yup! Argentina is suffering from it right now, although it will be fervently denied by the 38% that STILL are not poor.
@jjemsnd7 Says:
Mr Peterson, please define anarchy?
@shanemathews4177 Says:
The standard libertarian reminds me of my house cat, completely convinced they are independent but completely dependent on a system they don't seem to appreciate at all😅
@microwave8386 Says:
Strawman fallacy
@WELLbethere Says:
The comments are a joke, all the "libertarians" disagreeing with JP, elaborating on what they think is libertarianism, meanwhile no two of their answers look remotely the same. None of you stand for anything except your personal, highly idealistic definition of what you think being a libertarian is.
@lifematterspodcast Says:
@shawn1749 Says:
Exactly, no rules whatsoever = chaos OR constantly changing the rules at a whim and for the sake of "pRoGrEsSioN" leads to chaos.
@Tyler_W Says:
This is exactly why some libertarians supporting open borders is counter productive if they're actually serious about implementing their ideas. Most people around the world aren't libertarians. If you open up your home, so to speak, to welcome everyone in the world into your home, you're just going to create conflict between competing ideals and values, and the libertarians are going to lose their libertarian gains very quickly whenever the dust settles because there aren't very many of them.
@Gesu_Re_dei_re Says:
That suit though🔥🔥🔥
@shitabus Says:
No I believe corporations should have the rules we have now but non corporate persons get natural comonlaw tights of God...not case law
@keirthomas3197 Says:
You need a Decent Dictator to run a successful country.
@sinkfaze Says:
That's not what they think. They think that people making their own choices has the best possibilities for the best outcomes, because they have the best information to make those choices. That doesn't mean that they'll always be the right choices.
@vikinglife6316 Says:
Nailed it
@BifMcAwesome Says:
It comes down to human nature. Liberals believe people are good and good people can make enough good government to make a good society so everyone becomes good, leading to maximization of government. The tends towards totalitarianism. Libertaians believe human nature is not a factor, we are homo economicus and government gets in the way of the market, with a resulting elimination of government. Conservatives believe people are inherently selfish and self serving, so government is needed to reign in that selfish impulse - this can lead to a maximization of government at this first degree. The first degree tends towards authoritarianism. But recognition that government is composed of self-serving, selfish people government must be minimized to the smallest factor. Recognizing that some government is necessary, but still a necessary evil. This bance bring in Ordered Liberty. As Geo. Washington observed: "Government is like fire; a useful servant but a fearful master."
@sunrightkim Says:
Peterson, go read Rothbard!
@cesarhidalgo23 Says:
Just when I start to believe in you… you wear the joker outfit 🤦🏻‍♂️
@OFilellinas Says:
I identify as a libertarian and 1) I believe rules are paramount to ensure society works well. Contracts must be respected, property must be protected, we must agree on what constitutes a crime etc. Obviously. and 2) I don't think an absolutely free market and a very small government that is only there to essentially ensure people's basic security will necessarily lead to everything working out for the best (although I do think it would probably be much better than whatever we have)... but I don't care. I'm not interested in creating an ideal society in the sense of "everything working out for the best". I just want to mind my own business and freely associate (or NOT associate) with whomever I want. Whether the collective outcome is better or worse is of no concern to me whatsoever. I'm not interested in trying to create a utopia. I just want to be fully in control of my life.
@FirstLordFury Says:
False. We have no idea how things turn out if people are allowed to make their own choices, but we don't think the government should have power over people's ability to live their own lives as long as they aren't hurting other people.
@WarmProp Says:
Abusing a liber-word again. That's not what libertarians are about.
@lisazaccardimeunier8378 Says:
The libertarian right are anarchists. The farther left, the more government, the farther right, the less government. I’m a “conservatarian”.
@withoutthestatepodcast4989 Says:
False. The state sets the rules and then doesn’t follow them, but the rest of us have to
@Mutorcsym1391 Says:
Whatever he said feels like today.
@DaveE99 Says:
But did we really agreee on the rules ? Or did they just get a bunch of people who couldn’t read to just go along with it
@noahjohnson2611 Says:
he thinks we don't want anarchy, lol
@HardwoodMaster Says:
Well said
@craig8197 Says:
I called myself Libertarian because the government needed to go the way the libertarians were pointed. The conservatives were only a brake and the progressives are the gas in the wrong direction. I'm sure the libertarians can go too far but we are a damn long way from the Libertarian right leading us into chaotic anarchy.
@NathanDias-iz2wx Says:
‘Jordan Peterson is only a good guy as long as he doesn't disagree with my beliefs’ 🤡
@kieferonline Says:
I'll go with Thomas Hobbes 💯% than live with anarchy.
@christophermosier3754 Says:
Wow! Someone got butt hurt over this lol
@harbinger_9152 Says:
Soooo more government then? Nope. Not agreeing on this one and that’s a first 😊
@MissArdenUK Says:
I completely understand what Dr Peterson is saying here.
@4Stanzas Says:
His description of the libertarian right's belief is a straw man. We don't think it will work out the best, but it will work out better than socialism. Speaking of socialism, JP, how's that re-education programming going up there in Canada?
@ElHolyBoy Says:
You'd think that after speaking to Michael Malice he would understand a little bit more about anarchist philosophy. Not the cringe performative bullshit you see in the streets. To think that anarchy means absent organization is so antiquated and misinformed. Anyway I wouldn't expect any different coming from a statist like Jordan Peterson. Who decries government overreach throughout history but who thinks the answer is more of the same.
@desperobo1882 Says:
Is the Libertarian Right really the people we should be concerned with at the moment? I get you have differences but this is true Daily Wire timing… can we please stop fighting with people who’s ideas are 90% aligned with our own
@foosmonkey Says:
IDK, counterproductive chaotic revolutionary energy sounds dope.
@MasterMLG07 Says:
Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk types have this way of failing to have a fundamental basis for their logic because they're just regurgitating talking points their rich parents and professors fed them since birth. The result is that they contradict themselves fundamentally when they describe what makes a functional society in their eyes. They say capitalism is the most amazing thing, but the definition of capitalism they give is "its basically anarchy but it works". You ask them to define anarchy and they describe the same exact ideas that they promote with their view of capitalism, but they're like "its very bad, we don't want anarchy"... like bro which is it, have some consistency!
@SneakyFatKid7 Says:
The "choice" that we want is which set of rules to live under. The freedom to secede from the rules to join others or form your own. The "rules" would be much stricter in many places, especially those the government currently manages.
@reeferfranklin Says:
You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial. - Saint Paul of Tarsus in 1st Corinthians 10:23
@MM22272 Says:
💯 %
@Irondrgntp Says:
This is literally the first time i would have to disagree with your perspective on anything, really. Your definition of what a Libertarian might believe is just not accurate.
@AdrGeaMarWeb Says:
Wow, jordan. Im sorry to say this to you. But you need to read a lot more. Libertarians aren't against rules. They are against the state. 2 whole different things.
@gialuquin88XD Says:
That is the whole point Mr Peterson, Set a game where the rules are flexible and thought out in a way that you can’t cheat (you have to compete) and where individuals take responsibility of their own actions, Without being explicit about what they should or shouldn’t do. The rules are clear and delimited. That should be the point.
@alecbarber7913 Says:
POV diehard libertarians assmad in the comments
@HaydenCharette-mr5ul Says:
To anyone who's never heard Jordan they'll hear this and think, "that doesn't sound like something someone on the right would say," wow, it's almost like people who aren't ideologs have developed perspectives on different things instead of just spouting an ideology
@itachir8290 Says:
One of the biggest problems with Libertarianism is that people dont understand it or they only choose to slander it.
@bolbol9114 Says:
Markets need regulation, or markets that have incentives counter to the consumers/populus will wreak havoc (MIC/Pharma).

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