Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure



@kirilstrezikozin3600 Says:
The joke about the unreal engine got me
@Kriss_ch. Says:
I hear the Dreamcast version is great, so I can only assume it has entirely different controls, contains only Sonic levels, and has completely different voice acting set to a different script
@iwatchYoutube22 Says:
@teabulls Says:
"the sonic from adventure"
@Theunconformist Says:
Sonic adventure and sonic adventure battle 2 were my favorite childhood games alongside sypro trilogy
@rhythmguild4333 Says:
16mb RAM. Dreamcast gud. 👍
@bemili533 Says:
dunkey.. you played the absolute dog shittiest crappiest doo doo version of the game.. most of the glitches isnt in the dreamcast. so pls play that version. many shit is broken in the new versions from lighting and shading. so yeah.
@Faisalthefist Says:
If sonic adventure aged bad then Mario 64 aged terribly
@notqunt1671 Says:
I can never tell if dunkey likes sonic or not
@heskoo2k Says:
i didnt remember playing this game until 2:37 . what the fuck. how long did i play to get to that part?
@hexicalcat4937 Says:
Need a seaman review
@profanecreation1997 Says:
I remember playing this on a Dreamcast kiosk at a carpet store back in the summer of 1999 as a kid. It blew my mind coming from an N64 and I couldn't stop playing it.
@chiyo-chanholocaust8143 Says:
This game was fun aside Big the cat. SA2 to me is the actual stinker. The Sonic stages were okay, but everything else was awful, specially those clumsy janky mecha stages
@nandimoozle703 Says:
Sonic adventure is my favorite sonic cause it’s good
@ohno5559 Says:
As someone who really enjoyed Sonic Adventure, I really wish people would play the original version rather than the DX version because of all the bugs and graphical downgrades. Playing the better version of the game gives all the good things about it a proper chance to show through. However, it is very stupid when people act like making fun of the DX version is somehow unfair. Sega are the ones who made the garbage port, they put their name on it and released it as an "improved" version, they're the ones who fixed none of the issues in future ports. The inferior version is by far the most easily accessible one, and that's Sega's doing.
@Konanarian Says:
Oh no!
@JaXonSlade Says:
My wife and I love this game, she’s obsessed with the chaos
@fluf5517 Says:
Sonic Adventure reminds me of GTA San Andreas, it's a good game (not that GTA is just good, it's a masterpiece) with lazy ports. And it only gets worse that in the case of SAs there is the problem of the analogue being slightly pushed to the side in emulation due to how the analogue of the dreamcast worked.
@curtandrewsjr.8163 Says:
And now, back to our regularly scheduled dunkgramming
@PorphyricSteve Says:
He’s done it again folks
@KapitanWasTaken Says:
I know this game isn't polished. That certainly doesn't stop me from finishing it for the 43rd time.
@spoogly Says:
I had a copy of Sonic Adventure on dreamcast. At some point, something happened to my dreamcast and it would...for lack of a better word, overclock itself, seemingly only with Sonic Adventure. Playing the game with everything (including audio) sped up was fun.
@roosterklr Says:
This game, and all of its sights and sounds, are quintessentially my childhood
@LetsWatchThisGuy Says:
I don't care what you all think. This game was a banger when it came out, despite its flaws. It aged horribly though lol.
@EighteenCharacters Says:
This game was a shadow of things to come... You can see the edge from there...
@lafdew Says:
Circus in town?
@NineArc Says:
@RaditzSayian Says:
I won't have Unknown From M.E. slander in this house.
@kevin_kevinson Says:
Adventure shits on Italian Man 64.
@1abnormalman23 Says:
0:49 this part got me gud
@Frederik-DK Says:
The thing is, SA was easier for me to get into than Mario 64 as a kid. In Dunkey's own video about the game he talked about how alienating the controls of it were and I'm honestly still pretty bad at it. They just never fully clicked for me. I also didn't really get into the non linear design and preferred straightforward platforming levels, so SA and SA2 clicked with me way more than Mario 64. Sunshine and Odyssey made me see that the formula can work fantastically, but I still get more easily into SA than 64, although I did use Action Replay to skip Big's section on my first playthrough lol
@iMichael123S Says:
This is why the Saturn was an amazing system.
@cristiansalas7197 Says:
“sonic adveeenture”
@DangerDanRocks Says:
There has actually never been a good sonic game.
@anthonyretroroulette7823 Says:
Still one of my favorite games of all time. Is it perfect? Fuck no. But it always will be great in my eyes.
@Itsmee138 Says:
dude its not 2010 anymore...
@nicoledin7091 Says:
I liked sonic adventure more than Mario 64 as a kid
@Ninjamsterchief Says:
SA2 was better.
@RainerCozmo Says:
I wonder what twitter will say
@yuujoupop Says:
the whole thing at 1:43 is an INSANE reference man
@duck6811 Says:
You know, i played it for two minutes then i went back to playing mario games
@theproanimator8447 Says:
the Dreamcast version was the best, honestly the Dreamcast should have been successful, so that it could continue well into the 2000s, kind of like how the Genesis did.
@youreallyaresomething306 Says:
The physics ruin these games like nothing else.
@mpr930 Says:
Only way im buying another sonic game is if they include a chao garden
@oceanman6915 Says:
Why do you make fun of fun ?
@lucaslaurindo6212 Says:
Does anyone know the release date?
@SlyHikari03 Says:
Is this the game where sonic gets AMNESIAAA?
@piranajon Says:
Muchas gracias por el contenido! 🇵🇪
@connormcclenny9681 Says:
There hasn't been a good Sonic game since 1993
@SlOwRoGaN Says:
Where’s the dunkey Nintendo direct video, I refuse to watch anyone else cover it

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