Someone please, explain why Matt is digging this cage
@killcharge4338 Says:
21:21 is that a gorilla with a cowboy hat?
@docholliday5439 Says:
Your content is getting lame bro..............................
@IsAmericaforSaletoChina Says:
Someone help me start a legal cannabis shop!
@ThatdudeOakes Says:
He’s right. The trick in lifting is all in your back. Make sure to lift in a quick, jerking/twisting movement and you’ll see. You can lift anything.
@Jomitheelf Says:
There was an earthquake in Karnes City recently, any truth to the theory that you guys caused it?
@BackHomeAgain Says:
If Jenna and Mikey are single, I think they would be a cute couple for 😁
@bdoginit Says:
11:23 it was at this moment that Matt decided to quit YouTube….😂
@bradleygamers6913 Says:
The thin rock looking area should be a bench
@LauraElizabethArt Says:
Hey it’s my brothers :) Looks like yall had fun.
@jaybennett2740 Says:
Who else has kind of been just a little bit down after finding out that Matt is retiring?😢
@memnochdiavolo1151 Says:
If you fought a Bob cat you would win, and then you would teleport home . But you already know that 😉
@fordsandfarmalls Says:
Help make the M&J (mikey and jenna) channel real before you leave 😢
@robhighwater5454 Says:
Matt, as a father I understand that family must come first. I'll miss all the channels as they have been fun to watch.
Please don't forget all the folks that have watched these posts and know that personally, I have enjoyed them very much.
Best wishes for your future.
@arekjohnson2019 Says:
Hope you guys can finish the caves before the channel is ended. This has been one of my favorite video series in a while
@bryankerr69 Says:
So, this is all a waste of time? LOL
@Fella48 Says:
Someone fill me in (no pun intended) what’s the deal with the cave? Is it on his property? Are they diggin in hopes of finding something? Just for fun? I need info as I’ve been out the loop lol TIA
@nathanbopp6163 Says:
I hope that's not an old radium mine or full of asbestos or anything else hazardous
@TacticalCaveman997 Says:
Gets jack hammer... quits youtube 😂
@Adiscretefirm Says:
Where's the 4 wheeler or side by side?
@miketrainowski8559 Says:
Best of luck to you Matt. You have been a solid go to for content for years, and gun tubers wouldn’t be what they are without you. But I get it. My son is in elementary school but it seems like yesterday he was learning to walk. Thank you for everything you contributed to our world. For your last Demo video I hope you bring out everyone and do something ridiculous. I also hope Brandon takes my suggestion and brings you out to do his 1 MOA Challenge. I know we would all love to see that.
@BigHeartedMan65 Says:
YOUR WELCOME MATT ! You know why ….
@computerwizard2613 Says:
Matt you need to make a conveyor belt to remove the dirt / rock out… or easier make a track or rail system with a cart you can roll in and out
@JasonionN Says:
Be weird to have in Texas but an ice fishing sled would make it easier to drag that stuff to the cave
@DavidFlanagan-z7n Says:
Its not a real cave unless Cletus McFarland can do jumping jacks inside 😂
@jaystarfive5938 Says:
Sad to think we are never going to see this finish now the ranch is up for sale 😢
@txtea555 Says:
I needed that laugh...oh I hurt from laughing so hard..tears rolling.
@Saltmancer Says:
Gringo es loco
@johnweaver4421 Says:
Wait demo collects minerals now?! This is amazing news!
@duncanhobin8145 Says:
Surely a quad would have got most or all the way there?
@lukelikens2057 Says:
I bought a house and I had to dig a hole new crawl space for it and I found the best way to do it was to get one of them long winter sleds and tie a rope on each end and have somebody outside the whole pull the sled out once it's full and it's a lot faster and way more than a 5 gallon bucket can do LOL
@DarkShadowCustoms Says:
Is it possible to get some kind of ATV or UTV down to the cave to haul equipment such as the generator and fuel for the generator? If so that would be a better way to get the heavier stuff to the cave and it will minimize the tripping hazard when carrying it by hand.
@idiotneighborpyro-maniac Says:
Put a 24x24 piece of barn tin down first, easier to shovle
@video80634 Says:
Eh, eh, ehyyyy! Hope you people know what you're doing. That's all I have to say.
@alskjflaksjdflakjdf Says:
Cuz I'm dropping buckets
@jamestaylor4599 Says:
@CharlieGolf89 Says:
What happened to the abandoned mansion videos?!? I loved rewatching that series.
@drake34ish Says:
Get a four wheeler
@fractal4284 Says:
jackhammers are cool but I prefer a Cletushammer
@SilentWolfFarts Says:
From the inside of the cave, it’s like natures pusssssyyycat
@amateurbeekeeper Says:
You need a motorized wagon
@kalibh587 Says:
You know they make 10" wide electric conveyors to get the material out faster? Give that a try.
@kevinb7098 Says:
Great video. Had to mute the music bits but i survived
@danielray777 Says:
What happened to the Mansion I can’t find no videos?
@jonathanf9129 Says:
Wow everything that made this channel good is gone, now its just digging holes. Respect for doing whatever makes your family safe though, Just sad missing the old off the ranch.
@karinketelaar6997 Says:
Whats with the muscle cowboy in de right back of the tunnel? 😂
@RickCarroll-j5n Says:
you're dropping buckets ...I'm dropping fuck it's
@marjoleindekruijf4115 Says:
I know the day would come that you needed to deleted you old video’s to protect your family but menn i miss it! It was great to watch! Also i had so Many outfit inspiration from mere! Sad this cheapter has ended😢 but so good that you don’t let fame posion your family! Lots of love from Holland❤
@matthewrpociask8307 Says:
Hi Matt, I my wife and I have been a long time viewer of off the ranch and Demolition ranch ,we wear your shirts proudly ,love your content all your channels vet ranch as well,but my wife noticed that all of the abandoned mansion is gone,what happened. Also alot of the other content is gone as well ,we both enjoyed watching everything. I hope all is well and I look forward to more videos soon, Matt from Michigan.