Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens - Full Debate [HD]

Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens - Full Debate [HD]



@doelbrother Says:
Fair play to Christopher you can't debate this guy his belief is so strong. Plus he talks drivel.
@UnyieldingSkeptic Says:
Poor guy mentioned his wife was present at the debate and got absolutely zero applause, 😅
@user-ew6kc4vj6c Says:
Just for those that are still unsure, yes God does exist. It's just not necessarily the god that you imagined.
@bilbobaggins4403 Says:
What's going on with Craig's right thumb?
@bilbobaggins4403 Says:
Apart from the debate...Hitchens seems like the only real person on the stage.
@bilbobaggins4403 Says:
Who was the Howdy Doody guy at the beginning?
@marybuford9591 Says:
You call Craig an idiot for believing in moral imperatives because you don't like them. That doesn't make Craig an idiot.
@russellbelina4579 Says:
Watched this several dated, Lane talking about how athiests believe something came from nothing because "the big bang" 🙄
@Antblak Says:
Everybody is doing merely their job. They don't even care to listen to each other. Money, money, money.
@je9950 Says:
The Great Diest Debater, Mr Craig.
@marybuford9591 Says:
Without going into scriptural reference, Christ was born in hell or found himself in hell and said so. When he demonstrated this in the resurrection he destroyed the world. The rubble left in rome, greece and elsewhere is evidence of the hells destruction. The injunction to leave hell when you arrive and leave like a bat out of hell is also there. Christ also did so. Hell is like what christ was in and the same happens 2 you. It's a description and not a prescription. You know judas. The most important teaching is leave the continent. Don't even pack a bag. Since christ went up into the clouds it is assumed fly out. What does skydaddy offer? Hope. If a person has a horrible life who would bring children in to share the life? If life is humdrum and 9-5 without joy or happiness who would want that? Hope allows people to think there's something more and better. Man at some point would self annihilate otherwise by war or starvation or killing children or drug overdoses etc. Hell is filled with sociopaths and psychopaths. They break your bones and beat you and women and children for a few dollars or for no reason at all. Hell is just wall to wall criminals. It's filthy and ugly. It's constant. Laws are supposed to fix that but they don't because people have grown used to them and children are in hell and learn to be lawless. In such cases you see women shrouded head to toe trying to avoid envy. There is nothing good in hell and man has learned to separate or just die out. Believe it or not.
@LGpi314 Says:
Just watched God's Hypocrisy: The Case Against Objective Morality by MindShift and it is epic.
@leopreldakaj5313 Says:
William Craig is a really smart idiot
@pjnla Says:
I don’t understand how reason and religion can be used in the same sentence.
@filmeseverin Says:
In brief, the Creator of this world (God/Divinity) exists because this reality, with us into it, is not the result of nothing, or the result of no intelligence, because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* That is why atheists renounce to elementary logic and to simple rationality intentionally when they believe that this reality has always existed without any intelligence involved. *God is not bounded by what He has created,* but atheists, in their superficiality, do not want to recognize their limitations. For example, science will never be able to really know, at least, what a photon is (the magnification process being infinite). Regarding the Creator of this reality (the nature of God etc.), our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible), but *we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to see God and what He expects from us.* Therefore, those wise enough understand that *God is not bounded by time (not being bounded by what He has created), respectively He is eternal, always existed, which means that He was not created,* but atheists ignore, also, the other fact already mentioned by me about the nature of God that *our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them". Anyway, they have no excuse because we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to understand.*
@Nmr1987_ Says:
Objectively, William Lane Craig won this debate.
@carlodefalco7930 Says:
Bronze Age … israel 🇮🇱
@carlodefalco7930 Says:
“.. that I’m psychologically deranged … “ yes you have shown that yourself , with your dumb statements and beliefs …
@najinskupniracunzasplet1250 Says:
so he admits 13 mil. years old cosmos. while hes bible says its just few thousands years old. akward
@acecolby5545 Says:
whats crazy is the old covenant "attempts" at walking in faith. Judaism is based on the Torah, and or what some refer to as the old testament, give or take what some sects consider not canon. If were all descendants of adam. Then why is the religion of Judaism's exclusively for those born of jews? Did the same God not create muslims? Followers of Christ? What about Buddhists? If you read the four books ,mat, mark luke John then ACTS..pause for emphasis on the gospels and ACTS..then the epistles, itll explain itself. youll see the gospel was to dispell what the san hedrin and tabernacle veil kill a goat type of faith cause man to create sin in what they deemed Gods name. Jesus is triune,the way, and the G.O.A.T.
@Owl350 Says:
Thank you for everything atheists do for our world and making it better .
@BoblbzmwVomca Says:
God punished hitchens with cancer for blasphemy.
@BoblbzmwVomca Says:
No such thing as big bang. Its a hypothesis
@rafetkrasnici1989 Says:
Ok, so God is real. Which God then wize man?
@kenmh7357 Says:
While I commend Hitchens on doing a public face-plant, not knowing nearly anything on this topic but is parroting what all atheist are saying. Let me say that CH is very smart person, but as all atheist are, is not wise. I can, having a degree in Biology and getting an A in Evolution (although I have never believed in an Old earth) safely say that I know multiples on this topic than CH Not only is the theory of an Old Earth non-scientific but is worse, It is. worse. the Theory is infantile To all my atheist friends out there, inclusion CH I pray that your name is written in the "Lambs Book of Life" and that you will come to saving knowledge of the plan of salvation by your creator
@jacklarm2170 Says:
It always amazes me how seemingly intelligent people can believe such horrifying nonsense. Craig and those who support the need to practice selective blindness, deafness and stupidity represent some of the most dangerous people on our planet. Isn’t it time to put away the pacifier, especially when it’s used to compromise human rights and dignity?
@kenmh7357 Says:
Hitchens is not very bright on this topic, That said, I pray his name is written in the "Lambs Book of Life" and he will be drawn to the Lord
@dforbes8783 Says:
Craig is a waste of time to listen to
@eniggma9353 Says:
Chis is amazing as always but Lane is over the line as Lebowski would say. It's just soo bloody hard to listen to him but Hitch is indeed both entertaining and superior all around.
@ronnelson930 Says:
*thousands of people around the world watching or listening to this debate there are only two Hichens and Craig on stage someone is missing that god himself, the question, why is there always somebody speaking for him, not God speaking for himself? just another opportunity he missing to bring people into his loving embrace*
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
The problem of evil is rightly the death knell for religion; there simply is no explanation for how a ‘perfect’ god could exist, assuming perfection includes all the things we would think it includes, in a world so clearly imperfect. God must either be too impotent to eradicate the problem of evil or unwilling to do so and thus not perfectly benevolent. And since, strangely, the basis for belief in a perfect God for a lot of people is the Anselm notion that it’s the highest being any person regardless of culture can conceive, then God cannot exist, because whatever creator does exist is not perfectly strong or decent. And the only possible third way suggested by Craig is that there’s some hidden meaning for why God always and forever has permitted all of our immense suffering, even for little innocent children, that we cannot comprehend, but that ultimately it will maximize human flourishing. But this is a baffling response because it fundamentally does not change the problem, because God simply could have created a universe in which all people flourish at our maximum capacity devoid of any suffering to get there. But if thats not the case, either God was incapable of creating this world or stopping suffering from entering it, or he decided to create his subjects with an impossibly high amount of suffering every single day, even alongside all the good, or he just allowed the suffering to develop eventually, meaning he is not all benevolent.
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
“The atheist argues that the existence of God is inconsistent with the evil and suffering in the world; the atheist then is presupposing that there are hidden assumptions for why these things cannot coexist. … A religious person can resolve this issue by introducing a third concept: that there are reasons why God would permit this evil and suffering in the world.” Well the reasons given are always basically that God is mysterious and whatever he says and does is inherently moral because God is morality itself or something. Well then. Sounds incredibly hidden to me lol…while also being incredibly convenient. “God, which I defined as ‘perfect,’ which is defined among other things as absolutely wanting to promote the well-being of his creations as much as possible, hypothetically might have reasons that are completely and always kept beyond human comprehension for why he isn’t and never will actually begin maximizing the well-being of his creations.”
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
“There are true ideas that may have had negative social impacts” - Craig 2:01:30 or so “I don’t want to live in a world where there is no objective moral basis for saying that ______ is objectively wrong” - Craig, or “The atheist worldview is one in which the universe eventually dies and the world suffers a heat death and there is no ultimate ‘transcendent’ purpose to your existence” - Craig Setting aside the argument in favor of an objective morality just based on evolution…why don’t you want to live in that world? Because you think it would be less happy than one where the all powerful sky dictator says that something is or is not good? Sounds to me like you’re denying that something might be true on the grounds that it might be harmful to society.
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
Questioner: “Is the bible right that sex with animals is wrong?” Craig: “a naturalistic view would be that anything in nature is good, nothing in nature bars you if there’s no objective moral code” Honestly this feels like one of the most childish religious arguments out there…which came first, the chicken or the egg; which came first, is having sex with animals bad, and the other sexual misdeeds mentioned in the bible are bad, because the bible says so, or does the bible and practically every other religious text explicitly or implicitly condemn sex with animals because its something that human beings figured out was bad for our survival? It seems obvious that it’s the latter and there’s no reason to try and insert a sky monster to solve this problem.
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
“The argument that we’re headed towards nothing contradicts Christian teachings and therefore does nothing to move the Christian in his direction” Could that not simply be interpreted as Christianity being incompatible with what we have observed in the universe? What Hitchens argued was a fact; the sun is going at some point to burn and consume all human life. If that scientific fact is rejected, what can Hitchens do to convince him? Edit: thinking now about it I think his point was that heaven promises that we won’t have nothing because we have heaven and heaven is apparently something…well, okay. That sounds an awful lot like “the Bible says so” to me. There’s no evidence this heaven exists whatsoever, so since the original point was that Christianity seems to be arguing against scientific fact, the point still stands. How can one be expected to make a reasonable argument in opposition when the opposition is rejecting reason?
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
An asexual person is not somebody who actively opposes sexuality. They simply lack a sexual orientation. Craig is misleading when he says Hitchens is “redefining” atheism. No, he just defined it. And he is not saying that the evidence absolutely shows God is not real, just that it does not show nor prove that he is. And makes compelling arguments that we shouldnt dedicate our lives in service to this being, in part because its too incoherent and contradictory to be real, and too incoherent and contradictory to warrant worship if somehow it is.
@AdamKlownzinger Says:
I think this is some of Craig’s best work in arguing for the existence of A GOD. Yet he as others before him continue to fail to prove the existence of the Christian God. All that is present is stories of miracles that like all others rely on circumstantial evidence, groupthink, hysteria, etc.
@TheRhythmCave Says:
Whatever my beliefs, Williams voice makes me wish I was deaf.
@FuchsiaFire444 Says:
Hitchens is extremely intelligent and a good man. What he says about organized religions is true. Its just that the real Jesus and the real God is not depicted in them and he wiped what he saw off the table. An admirable and courageous man. And I say is because death is a myth.
@AtamMardes Says:
Disciples never said they have witnessed an empty tomb & a risen Jesus. The early writers posthumously fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up fake backdated testimonials that the disciples & others have witnessed an empty tomb & a risen Jesus.
@AtamMardes Says:
William Lame Charlatan.
@artificialintelligence8388 Says:
Thank you Mr. Hitchens for convincing me there is a God.
@tombpolish4445 Says:
Hitchens was a BOSS!
@robert.lvincek5079 Says:
The guy who thinks that God actually exists is going off of so called witnesses who were most likely nothing more than story tellers and as the stories move down from generation to generation and as stories always do get exadurated and spiced up to keep the story tellers audiences interested and that's all and somewhere down the road someone who followed Jesus who was completely delusional to all of those stories and put them all together and called it a Bible thus starting a cult that everyone who listened was/are sucked into believing and falling for the delusions that were being told to them only accelerated because they were/are weak minded and were/are so insecure about themselves and therefore need to have some purpose and meaning to their existence. In the dark ages Christianity took power and committed hienes acts of brutality and cruelty in the name of this so called God as it has been done over and over again throughout every generation and even now Christianity isn't happy with having 95 percent of the Earth's population believing in some sort of God or another b now they're trying to convince the world that God does exist and is an actual living being. Humans are nothing more than nieve prepubescents that believe anything and everything that they are told, read and hear because we are to simple minded to think for themselves and form their own opinions and are easily lead and unable to lead their own existence and Christianity keeps trying to convince people that Christianity or some religion is a must and that atheistism isn't real and they fail to see that atheists don't believe in God, the devil, heaven or hell and that we atheists just simply don't give a shit and we don't care about what the rest of the world does or doesn't believe in let alone why nor do we need you to try to force your beliefs downs our throat's and we don't need to explain ourselves or anything else to people of religion.
@MikeyTrn-nv2xm Says:
God exist and that why you are here and if God don't exist you would not be here and without God we all be nothing
@SleepyPenguin-8og Says:
More bullshit. Illuminati lies. Force fed to the public. No one exists. There is no god.
@thegreatnoah3361 Says:
Craig cooked 💯
@BadMannerKorea Says:
The universe cares about us as much as it cares about the dinosaurs—-Sam Harris
@_.LZ._ Says:
Craig is wrong, the big bang doesn't talk about the universe coming out of nothing, the big bang refers to how the universe expanded from a tiny point to what it is today, it has no say on whether the universe came out of nothing, existed forever at that small point before expanding etc.

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