I Have to Block Off the Cave
I Have to Block Off the Cave



@noisyboy1994 Says:
Put a "entre at your own risk" sign up....problem solved
@matthewbarnes3874 Says:
There might be someone out there that might be like you and his name is Matt Passmore which could be your twin brother
@wingless171 Says:
did you say bear ,omg :O
@ghostma13 Says:
Should of made it in three sections and bolted it together at the cave but regardless as long as it's covered and nobody falls into the abyss.
@66bigbuds Says:
Bears run away when they hear humans. So do cougars most of the time.
@TokenShmurda420 Says:
Is that a gold 64 impala in the frame >>5:10
@smiley1949 Says:
You'll have lox, but no bagels?? We tore that off to make a BBQ grill, Matt, sorry.
@SA12String Says:
And they say the Egyptians couldn't build the pyramids by hand. Pfffft.
@Sum-kj8jo Says:
Hodgepodge hood
@blue-collarbangin Says:
That gorgeous shop and not one fabricating table in sight?!
@JuneBugXoM Says:
So when do I start my orientation with you? I'd give to Texas to work for you lol
@drogaming7787 Says:
Im going to go only to see your welds
@Stealth86651 Says:
This is good, people need to avoid The Caves there's nothing of value or worth going for there. All you're doing is becoming the meat filling in a stone sandwich.
@alexeytsybyshev9459 Says:
You know, you could've just grabbed a stick and broke it off to the size of the hole!
@theKhaosFactor Says:
Hey, that’s funny. You look like the guy on demolition ranch!
@Sean_XT Says:
It is good that he understands the danger that caves can be for those that aren't experienced with that environment. Caves can still be dangerous when you know what you are doing, but at least if you have the experience, you know the risks.
@-Coaltrain Says:
No provision for the bats to get in or out
@jsmythib Says:
Size 10.5 work boot is almost exactly 1ft, and almost always closer than a tape measure.
@ekvictory007 Says:
I don't get it. Ever since BCT, so much stuff has bothered me; but cedars? They smell FREAKIN' AMAZING and provide zero irritation. Edit: also, less bugs.
@Spartacus-4297 Says:
Matt I have followed since you were blowing up microwaves I think I speak for most long time sub its because they're your welds that we don't trust them Mere's welds those we'd trust she is an engineer. (P.S., sorry if I spelt Mere's name wrong)
@AndrexT Says:
You don't know anyone with a helicopter and 100 feet of rope? Nice job, welds look fine.
@mynamejeff4883 Says:
Matt, I have been a welder for almost 20 years now. If you want I can come down some time this summer and do all of the welds you want and I will happily tell everyone they are yours and all I did was check them out and was impressed. lol
@vinceanderson7367 Says:
Is there bats living in your cave? A lot of caves an mines are bat barred so bats can go in and out.
@surfart5448 Says:
did you wear the same boots measuring the material at the shop? While welding don't touch the truck it could fry the electrical onboard gear
@HermitCamper Says:
I was very interested in this project. let's keep going.
@Attemptedvelocity Says:
if you do all of that on your shop floor how are you going to get it to the site, when it looked like you had to hike in. helicopter? I guess that bear is living in there now. he'll be a permanent resident.
@jameslittle777 Says:
@braggarmybrat Says:
There's something about your presentation, face, humor, etc., that reminds me of Nick Wilkins on YouFloob. Like you're his older brother in chaos. Hope the cedar didn't get you too sneezy and I'd love to come out and visit the property when you're up and running. Ex-Army, looking forward to pew-pewing at your range if you get it up.
@firebird1146 Says:
now i have to carry bolt cutter through the woods too 😒
@DangerVB Says:
It really hurts my soul that you have that new massive beautiful shed and are still working on the floor :)
@daniellehulme-lowe5910 Says:
I'm positive you have at least 1 doppelganger out there. Mine was found by friend.
@karnniescrubz Says:
Probably didnt have a phone on you but most smart phones have measuring apps that are pretty accurate
@jsweizston5410 Says:
My guy you need a workshop table, like a big metal one on casters. It's sad to see a man cut metal on the floor!
@xGaLoSx Says:
Jenna! I was worried she was banned from the channel like everyone else.
@CheroKee01724 Says:
Slow and steady wins this race. A good, reliable lawyer who will keep you up to date on all legal matters, who will not skip over anything in regards to running such a resort. A reliable, friendly, honest, helpful, camp host who is and wants to be present (available). Our camping experience mostly included KOA camp grounds, some state Parks, a few privately owned campgrounds all accommodated our 37ft Fifth Wheel and as much as possible I especially liked full ( electric, sewer, & water) hookups. However you may be thinking of a more rustic campground especially by the river. Resort sounds very classy for rustic. The activities sound great!! I’m sure whatever you develop there will be wonderful. Enjoy your videos although we are new to your channel.
@StopBanningMaStuff Says:
You guys really shoulda just took the materials out there and a tiny stick welder n just done it on site lol
@daviddunhill3582 Says:
You could have built it in sections and bolted it together and just welded the top of the bolt head and used your door access to get below to tighten the bolts. Then lock the door. Loved the video.
@daviddunhill3582 Says:
I've used jackson welding hoods for years and broken many head gear and flat out wore out the detents and you can get new parts. Its not expensive.
@nathanmcdougald6372 Says:
Man...if i had the chance to just weld with you matt! That would be so awesome especially for not being that far away from you!
@johnhalchishick7094 Says:
The openings you have are similar to a pump station
@Dollarframe Says:
Matt is so funny he can use measure app in his phone for measuring the size of gate
@nomercyinc6783 Says:
thats ok because spelunkers are morons
@kevinklein9565 Says:
Your iphone actually has a measuring feature. I think you just type in “measure” in the search.
@LukeAWallace Says:
Day 78. Asking Matt for a job at the resort as a resort hand. Ex Army. Iraqi freedom veteran. I did most of the grunt work in the Army. I can do all of your grunt work for you! My official job title was 92F which is a refueler. I drove and operated the M978 HEMTT.
@wcresponder Says:
Just remember this next time he goes off about his 5 ton being able to do everything.
@hypnotiklich3586 Says:
With so much land, have you ever thought of using something like MilGPS for your phone?
@The_DarkLord5236 Says:
I’ve been watching you for years now and how did I never know you had another channel besides demolition ranch
@n3rdst0rm Says:
Gonna plan a trip just to look at all the welds now.
@seanlight5383 Says:
Has he made a video about this cave he should if he has not😊
@tzook4080 Says:
Any welder watching this... Is saying this; ... You can.. not inspect a weld? How? This is foreign.

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