We Dug Straight Down for an Entire Day...
We Dug Straight Down for an Entire Day...



@wesley135 Says:
the end of the video looked dangerous 😰
@MrKelenek Says:
Imagine getting Sonar survey stuff to see if there is more voids. it can also tell the density of soil to tell between poor in dirt or solid rock.
@user-yo3ef3sb8y Says:
@zacksshed7585 Says:
Please tell me y9u ran all that material through a sluice. Almost guaranteed there's precious metals in there.
@Drakior Says:
with all that shoveling, if your going to do that alot then just get a conveyer...
@Panzer_jaeger Says:
What are you gonna do when it rains?
@alexmathieu5406 Says:
I realized how much I loved caves when I first visited enchanted rock! this is so awesome, I need more!
@Jack-Surreal_Panes Says:
Stop digging. Haven't heard of you seen The Curse of Oak Island?😂
@richardtruesdell8289 Says:
Y'all are reliving your youth, doing things I did as a kid.
@richardtruesdell8289 Says:
Get a couple of digging bars, they would help get the rocks loose.
@richardtruesdell8289 Says:
That could be made into a great tornado shelter OR safe space (
@doublemwelding3997 Says:
Year 1824: Matt packs in 555k spectators into the cave to watch them dig hole. Year 2024: Matt uses modern technology to record himself and crew digging hole for 555k viewers. Also year 2024: Me scratching my head wondering why 555k viewer's are watching a hole be dug, I'm here for it but can't figure out why I am.....must be the oak island effect on modern civilization, we watched that and got addicted to watching men dig holes and find nothing.
@emmitt169 Says:
Guy spends his whole life trying to fill that hole in on the ranch and you guys are on burying everything he did he's probably freaking out right now😂😂😂
@johnrogers6291 Says:
Adventures in spelunking. Good job and team !
@helgrind5093 Says:
To whoever edited this video you missed out well he was digging you could have played the soundtrack diggy diggy hole
@jaylockz8545 Says:
Mikey is my personality. Down to get dirty. And just dig.
@michaelpilla3543 Says:
Why dont you use a pulley system from the ceiling like you did with the camer shell on the raptor or the kayaks in the bar at the old house
@SoreTv Says:
This fool, he forgot the sacred texts! *DON’T DIG STRAIGHT DOWN!*
@Aaron.Reichert Says:
Americans will use everything but the metric system...
@trif55 Says:
just the tip
@samauxier Says:
It reminds me of the guys building swimming pools in the forest and I can’t stop watching
@fischerjm09 Says:
Matt, what happened to Booty Snapple music?😂
@jaytibby Says:
Lift up and pull the trailer out would have been easier
@charlesmoore70 Says:
How in the heck did you get Jenna into that hole digging dirt?
@gammprupp Says:
You should put the roof in with the longhorn cows and make a nice sun/rain protection for them
@wilfredovelez7991 Says:
Love this caving videos. Pls keep up the process. 🔥🔥🔥
@BluntedBaboon Says:
lifting rocks against other rocks I'd suggest you guys just use chains. And instead of drilling and hooking, just pry the rock up and synch it with more chains. Its how we move big chunks of refractory rubble inside smelters and stuff. Also instead of a hydro vac just use a regular vacuum truck. No need for the water.
@michaeldove720 Says:
Need some subterranean ranch shirts!
@NoOneTwoTrust Says:
41:00 no harness is crazy
@johnharris4738 Says:
We had 2 turkeys. One white and one standard breed. I named them Buscuits and Gravy. We still have Gravy. Biscuits fought off a coyote that broke into the chicken pen in November and unfortunately didn't make it through the winter 😥
@PolarisRider06 Says:
16:05 2 inch ratchet straps are your friend in these situations... attach it to the forks a little bit more securely and it allows a little more speed moving atuff around
@PolarisRider06 Says:
12:54 smart move
@PolarisRider06 Says:
12:29 about damn time you greased it lol
@PolarisRider06 Says:
6:41 Matt swore on his channel... the unsubscribe guys are rubbing off on you... lol
@kirby.hofman Says:
Most youtubers dream of getting 500k views. Matt: Hell I could get 500k views digging a hole in the ground.
@PurpleBox89 Says:
Jenna's enthusiasm for the longhorns is precious.
@RampageObidos Says:
Mike is on something
@lukesdailypov190 Says:
bro broke the first rule of the girl Minecraft rules 1.never dig down u can hit lava Good vid.
@ranndomundead9112 Says:
31:18 when you see water or dust pop off a rope like this that a surefire sign its about to snap
@ranndomundead9112 Says:
using your hand to measure when youre surrounded by 2x4's is just magical man math
@fire304 Says:
Re moving the stage cover... if only there was a trailer that could have safely moved it across the field instead of precariously balancing it on the forks!
@robbob7455 Says:
OMG I'm screaming!!! USE YOUR IPHONE to measure
@jeanjackels6384 Says:
Consider a pad to put stage on the keep wood from sitting on wet ground
@sharkracing071 Says:
Man the song that plays at 23:00 goes freaking hard!!! I can hear Kanye west or NF using that beat!
@texascountrybear1077 Says:
Lift the railroad ties then strap it to the other boards it won't bounce off
@carlosavila9886 Says:
oooo matt said shit
@greyfoxice Says:
Are you guys contemplating converting this into a fallout shelter in the future?
@JohnyLatelyCome Says:
Time for another cave update Matt, let’s go
@KyleHaines615 Says:
Matt, I absolutely LOVE the cave videos, please keep making them, and make them an hour long! Somehow it's super entertaining
@blakecarroll1257 Says:
Need to put a tiny excavator in there

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