"Vikings" Folding Bearded Axe: PURE DANGER!
"Vikings" Folding Bearded Axe: PURE DANGER!



@GDOG520 Says:
Looks awesome 😎😎😎
@blacksun8435 Says:
Vikings would enjoy your videos, Joerg 😄
@100Prozent-Objektiv Says:
Krank einfach nur krank
@mr.freestyle8316 Says:
Germans Dragonlord Skullsplitter
@pawelkarpicki2375 Says:
Cant find it on the site. Link is unusefull could u help?
@addob7614 Says:
Wann gibt es das schöne stück?
@thecauldron2212 Says:
@Raven-flight Says:
How much and where can I get one 🤔 😅
@YTOG. Says:
I've been following your channel for many years and I just have to say, your content is amazing! I thoroughly enjoy every one of your videos. Also, dope jacket 🤙
@phillyblunt6969 Says:
Can I carry it scout style? Behind my back, with a right handed draw? Double holster? Draw 2 axes from behind....reminds me of the glave from the motion picture "Krull".........take all my money
@Apoc_Bone_Daddy Says:
I want it I NEED IT
@drew6909 Says:
I would like 4 ax sir.😀
@justinreeder892 Says:
Been watching you for something crazy like ten years still just blow my mind 😂
@latenightwizard6892 Says:
Want one
@deplorablekunt Says:
Can it be used as a throwing ax?
@shaggyrumplenutz1610 Says:
I have a folding sickle that articulates like that. It was one of those on a whim Amazon purchases that exceeded my expectations. The steel isn't the most durable, but the execution is great.
@TheTransforcer Says:
That reverse gravity knife is brilliant!
@maxoverridemax Says:
That's not a knife. 🤔 Your absolutely right 😏
@ankokuraven Says:
@Anteenee Says:
@jimdowell9925 Says:
Will this be sold In the UK?
@RaoulDuke333 Says:
Watching vikings now
@youtube.commentator Says:
@Outsideyourboxes Says:
That looks so chincy. That pivot point on blade looks like it'll break on first swing
@adairgwilliam8629 Says:
I need it
@psi-judgesanderson6983 Says:
😍 i need one
@garethong8002 Says:
Thanks for the video.
@aaizner847 Says:
What problem is this axe solving? The biggest problem with carrying an axe isn't the length, but the weight. This thing is short enough to carry in a backpack even when unfolded, but is of course much heavier than a normal axe that size with a wooden handle. The blade is wrong for splitting wood, and if you throw it, you will eventually break it. So... aside from looking cool if you're in high school, I don't see a use for it.
@terminalpsychosis8022 Says:
Hefty! That would be great for camping. A hatchet can get inconvenient on a long hike sometimes. Perfect solution. Also very tactical, great for any zombie apocalypse that you might find yourself in. The tiny folded size is super practical. Killer sheath too. The other two knives are really interesting. I especially like the gravity idea. Can see that working super for an even smaller utility blade.
@soulfate2996 Says:
For the gravity knife you could carve a channel or guide for the sheath to follow down the length of the knife to improve stability and remove some of the play while also adding strength to the sheath being broken or sheared off if dropped the wrong way.
@shmalevolokno Says:
@Bach_Treebane Says:
This looks like the kind of axe where you hate your own fingers
@thamomentum Says:
I want to carry this on my chest right now
@KarlRoyale Says:
This guy REALLY does not like coconut...
@brentc4303 Says:
I didn't realize that I needed one of these until right now!
@TheBlindjedi Says:
You should add two holes to the butt of the handle (where the it doesn’t interfere with use for left or right handers) to store those safety pins so the owner doesn’t lose them.
@RadiaFox Says:
I'll take two
@CriticalClub10 Says:
I want to buy one
@SamWicker-su7rp Says:
The axe: gimme two. The knife: hideous beast, must have.
@talib3n467 Says:
Where and how can I get one of these superb pieces?.
Hey Joerg from here in UKland 👋🇬🇧 I just wanted to say my INTERCEPTOR just arrived and it looks amazing, fantastic build quality and performance, all the adjustability is a nice feature too I actually bought this for my partner as she struggles with my Siege, she's tiny and I'm your size but this can fit both of us really well, yea a fantastic little bow I highly recommend it to everyone. Cheers buddy, stay safe and keep having fun.....👍👌👍
@zombieslaprrr Says:
I want 2, a black and a silver! Maybe the black can have gold accents!!!
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 Says:
@PhuckUKuntz Says:
TAKE MY MONEY NOW! Where is the link for the viking folding axe so i can buy one
@ghostfoto...3714 Says:
You are a thoroughly dangerous man.
@jhonrutger3508 Says:
I think having any moving parts that go through impact or chopping is a terrible idea already a point of failure. The simpler the better.
@atacstringer8573 Says:
All three of those are really cool
@atacstringer8573 Says:
Somebody comes up to try to rob you and pulls out their switchblade and you pull out your switchblade axe
@shrugger1 Says:
That's a great idea for packing.
@lapsedpacifist800 Says:
Awesome design man i wish i wasnt broke id carry that just as a conversation peice lol

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