A... Football Crossbow?

A... Football Crossbow?


This is a reupload of an older video (8 years now) , reformatted for the Shorts platform. Enjoy! Original full length video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om0O0_gr6Vo




@TheVladkov Says:
Did this man just make a portable catapult ?
@rhyslogan6490 Says:
This man is an international treasure if he wasn't a maniacal weapons maker I would say he needs to be protected at all costs. But he got that down
@kadinbrown5481 Says:
I’m gonna be quite honest I’m a little scared. What would happen if somebody try to raid his home.
@tom221263 Says:
What about a bowling-ball-cannon? 😂😂
@richardallanhopkins2690 Says:
Very cool 👍😎
@redbloodedfarmboy Says:
Well here in America, that’s called a soccer ball
@mclt8883 Says:
That's a strange looking Football !!! Just put a spin on a real football and it will go far. GO ...U.S.A....!!! Love Your Vids.
@IberianCraftsman Says:
nuke launcher from Fallout
Forget the football crossbow, just go to football with a repeating crossbow, you’ll win.
@xpndblhero5170 Says:
I bet you could make it so strong you'd need a little winch or ratchet strap mechanism to pull it back.... I'd like to see this shoot over a whole soccer pitch. 😂
@bigbrowntau Says:
Was half-expecting him to run around yelling "GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL" :) Thank you so much for your videos, they really bring a smile to my day.
@rickcoona8368 Says:
You Have Just Taken The First Step In Creating The *Fatman MiniNuke Launcher* From Fallout 3
@jacquesdespadas Says:
FIFA has entered the chat....
@jamesdearman814 Says:
gotta love jorg
@assassinlexx1993 Says:
Teams with this. Could be a whole new sport.
@emrysmcwryn7902 Says:
Try with an american football. I wanna see the feature that puts spin on
@disturbtheremains Says:
classic guy
@austinjeffries5741 Says:
I bet your dogs love this one.
@robertwhaley8069 Says:
You sir have made a fat man from fallout
@mirsadmemic5863 Says:
Like said . Alien man
@austinberry3299 Says:
Why is the “football” round like a normal ball. I’m America so in the US a football is an egg shape with pointy ends. Ha ha ha just kidding I love the videos don’t ever stop.
@MichaelGittel Says:
Das waren noch coole zeiten, nicht dieser "wir müssen uns vorbereiten für die zombieapokalypse, aufstände, homeinvasions oder russische luftlandetruppen-schei.."
@cybitner6159 Says:
Needs more power!!!!! 🤣
@ghalko1169 Says:
Liked it? I personally loved it
@val.ma. Says:
You are so positive! I like your videos
@jamessatterfield5705 Says:
I really enjoy your laugh. Thanks for the video.
@tylermorgan6369 Says:
The grande launcher from 1650
@mikehunt8968 Says:
*"Let me show you it's features!"*
@marcelpfeiffer6587 Says:
I am a fan of the edc trebuchet
@jakubdelimata2059 Says:
Use it to shoot out a watermelon or a pumpikim
@jasonlincoln7863 Says:
As a less than intelligent American, I was confused for a minute.
@zachary2815 Says:
@jabberwockydraco4913 Says:
That's a Soccer ball but still awesome
@alZiiHardstylez Says:
His laugh is my goal.
@user-mu9ki8mw1y Says:
Make this a sport
@stephendilorenzo5328 Says:
That guy needs to learn that's a soccer ball not a football there's a difference
@RSA548 Says:
I dunno if an ACOG will do it, maybe a grenade launcher sight thing is more appropriate
@stickdav6484 Says:
@qusy15weeb30 Says:
Imagine being the keeper💀
@averageapple1668 Says:
I would love to see how far they could launch an American football
@agustinleal2556 Says:
At first, it didn't looked to be that powerful, but that second shot changed my mind!
@davidcollins248 Says:
Something about his laugh just completely changes my mood . His happiness is contagious
@asueroastilla6288 Says:
He’s German!offcourse🤣🤣🤣
@riflemaster4743 Says:
Awesome bro!
@billtree52 Says:
@NewBSFromYt4UAndYouDontWant_It Says:
*Ha ha ha ha* 😂😂😂😂😂
@MrLordExdeath Says:
thats the Nuke Launcher from Fallout XD
@Rentedreaper25 Says:
German artillery on Dec 7 1914:
@ClipFactory069 Says:
Your laugh brings me joy in my time of sadness
@AdamOwenBrowning Says:
the only issue that you need to be as strong as Joerg to actually load the damn thing!

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