Grandparents Came to Japan!
Grandparents Came to Japan!



@sankeerthv7431 Says:
I feel so old 😭. The brother we grew up watching has a kid. I can't wait for Bjorn to start talking. ISTG I'll feel like an uncle then
@TheYakushinyorai Says:
トップユーチューバーが、日本で幸せそうに生活してるのを見るのは、嬉しい。 願わくば、このまま日本のマスコミや、迷惑なYouTuberなどに邪魔されずピースフルに生活を楽しんでいただきたい。
@Hoebig6050 Says:
What a beautiful baby omg babies little deep belly laughs are THE BEST!!
@otps8035 Says:
What is the music, please? I really like it. Thanks
@Kreatee Says:
Does PewDiePie teach his son Japanese as a main second language since they reside in Japan?
@GamesEmDobro Says:
I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! PewDiePie has inspired me for a long time and I decided to create this gaming channel. Focused on launches, news, curiosities, rankings, secrets... I'm dedicating myself 100% to making quality content. I need to reach 1000 subscribers by August, to reach the monetization goal. If I don't reach this goal by then, everything I've achieved so far will come to zero. If you can sign up, I would be extremely grateful!
@staceycastanares5610 Says:
bjorn's always happy cause he knows he got the good life.
@strawberrylemonade5305 Says:
you guys make me think that having a kid wouldn't be so bad..
@RaffaJaffacake Says:
perfect family
@RM-xy3lr Says:
Soo bjorn's grandpa is jurgrn klopp?
@melissabarrett5222 Says:
@melissabarrett5222 Says:
Cute baby
@melissabarrett5222 Says:
@feitantherapist9271 Says:
this baby always smile he is so cute 😭🥺
@afroahmed3989 Says:
Pewds dad looks 2 years older than him
@kinriko5663 Says:
@kletov1699 Says:
Наш козак 8:04
@shiminycitrus321 Says:
Bjorn's power increases everyday
@vestavind Says:
Been watching since 2011. Happy to see them doing well!
@Ouchhhhhhh Says:
skip them glasses! omfg
@justinuranus8506 Says:
Holy cow pew dad looks just like him omg 😯
@Amy-ez8jd Says:
8:45 @pewdiepie That's a subluxation of a joint, not simply swelling. Please see an experienced foot specialist (podiatrist) for a diagnosis and treatment to stabilise the joint. So it heals in the right way. It would have been better to see the specialist 2 months ago. But it still isn't too late. Don't neglect it. You don't want it to be a source of chronic pain later in life.
@enisarifi6878 Says:
@Charlotte-bf5pc Says:
@juergensnudat323 Says:
I swear I’m just sweating from my eyes 🥲
@pearl-vo5pr Says:
4:08 so cuteeee
@Plantisenn Says:
teach björn swedish that would be cool
@Emptiness771 Says:
He living in a anime life now shhhsh
@user-dc9gd5zq7f Says:
Who is filming ?! 😍😍😍
@user-dc9gd5zq7f Says:
The baby is smart .. he doesn't like avocado 😴😴
@user-dc9gd5zq7f Says:
Do I need to book an appointment to talk to you .. Jesus Christ .. ❤✌
@user-dc9gd5zq7f Says:
What have u done with ur beard .. I miss seeing it .. 😁😁😁
@user-dc9gd5zq7f Says:
I miss you idiot .. where have u been ?! How is Marzia doin' ?? What's the name of the baby ?? Where you at ?? Whatcha doin' ? U okay ?? 😍😍😍😍😍
@sijamMGL Says:
@TheGoatTamerFTW Says:
Would be Hilarious if Felix got into trains just as hard as he did with bouldering from that short visit at the monorail museum.
@renataleite5432 Says:
Pewdiepie time traveler.....
@DuraheLL Says:
why Japan tho...?
@jasmine080 Says:
すごく幸せそう! 鎌倉は良い観光地ですよね。 日本語もすごくお上手です
@Grady1285 Says:
5:48 it is alarming how much Felix sounds like a younger version of my dad-
@juliakrymzina6816 Says:
ура моя депрессия исчезла
@molarstorm7924 Says:
Mitt hjärta smälter, gud så kärt
@kersst Says:
This man won in life
@aspeda Says:
Woooow Pewd and his dad look so much the same xD
@torgnyelgstrandmusic Says:
Tack Felix, följt dig i mer än ett decennium till och från. Nu fick vi en son med en månads mellanrum. Underbart ❤
@TigerOlds Says:
pewdiepie is a grandpa now?😮
@nikolapavlovic9117 Says:
This baby needs to learn Japanese, Swedish, Italian, and English 🫡
@user-m__ Says:
What a cute baby!
@jessgc93 Says:
Meu Deus essa é a criança mais fofa do mundo 😭😭
@yan7006 Says:
日本を好きでいてくれて、楽しい姿をおすそ分けしてくれてありがとうございます! 映るもの全てが美しいです。 一家の幸せを心より願っています!!
@SafeSpaceGaming1 Says:
i would love to see marzia's face more in these videos, i miss her making funny jokes and being such a positive personality to the videos <3 always love these videos felix, you two are amazing and wonderful parents <3

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