I brought the boy to his homeland
I brought the boy to his homeland



@PewDiePie Says:
Big thanks to Ridge for sponsoring the channel! Here’s the site if you want to check them out (and get 40% off some of their products) >
@Blossom_Blys Says:
When he did the promo😂😂
@puernatura8998 Says:
Which languages are Björn growing up learning? Will he be the world's first tetralingual 5-year-old? Swedish, Italian, Japanese, English.
@efaz7186 Says:
guys dad fever is a real thing
@yasminxx9329 Says:
i never knew id be jealous of a child
@tomatdoras Says:
Pewds starting to look more like Hans Gruber by the day
@kingcharming1 Says:
I wish Felix was my dad
@ElScoobarino Says:
Never on youtube have I just watched a video and just smiled, until now
@jordanwallace8921 Says:
I stopped watching 4 years ago due to life. I was 20 at the time. I will never forget amnesia, happy wheels, last of us, TWD, undertale, meme review, and the battle against T-series. I'm happy to see you so happy now, compared to when you took your break many years ago. Cheers.
@mlipersson3896 Says:
Herre jössanes vilken gulleplutt!!
@kinkuganku8629 Says:
I wish you the best in life felix
@kinkuganku8629 Says:
Bro won
@vollblutchaotin Says:
Been here for what feels like a lifetime. Seing Felix and Marzia and their little family is still kind of surreal to me. But I'm so happy for them. ;_; ♥
@lianakidd3893 Says:
that hotel in sweden reminds me of the grand budapest hotel
@milhamfadillahs Says:
Can't wait to see you keep Björn busy with painting water on a fence!
@Bruce_Wayne777 Says:
Dude won at life…
@samlomp6267 Says:
Bjorn truly the last samurai
@evilhero7332 Says:
God I'm do glad he moved on from all the gaming stuff. I use to find comfort in his videos years ago, and though I've fallen off that band wagon. I myself have had a child recently and seeing Felix with his son and how he has grown as a person makes me look back and reflect on how things have changed and how much I have grown since then. Life is crazy man.
@thnhhxng Says:
Björn is the chillest baby I’ve ever known
@ErinJeanette Says:
Most wholesome family ever. I loved this
@sametsahin-eh3qj Says:
wait maya is dead?
@Saburo82 Says:
Будь здоров, богат и счастлив, Феликс. Ты заслужил это.
@natejones5402 Says:
I remember watching this dude screaming in his basement, now he got a whole family
@beorlingo Says:
Kan du gå på gatan i Japan utan att bli igenkänd?
@Greeeyt Says:
@grenselinjepersonlighetsfo6094 Says:
0:25 , this might be an Emil i Lönneberga reference
@joyjoy1342 Says:
Beautiful family ❤
@WallBreakerOfficial Says:
This makes me miss my Father.
@hjpev6469 Says:
Man, I am really getting baby fever watching these videos
@ILoveBakedPotato1 Says:
@masoudmaani Says:
I see Bjorn is speaking persian too, Jish means number one in persian. lol.
@kateg993 Says:
@madfilms1000 Says:
feel like this was just a flex that he hasn't forgotten any Swedish and i know he is from there but the point being he hasn't had to speak any Swedish for a while that we know of
@brendastefany9730 Says:
This video is fire!
@dwightschrute2822 Says:
I am envious
@kinley.-. Says:
Wow… seeing the old setup was so nostalgic
@ReynaIsabelBinoGomez Says:
Mrbeast passed t-series
@YourSweatyUncle Says:
This kid has life on ezmode, both good genes, born into wealth, male, white and born into a homogenous country without Islam.
@MatsLM Says:
Björn banging the wooden sculpture will never be not funny
@WeRequireMoreMineral Says:
Bjorn is really lucky to have them as parents
@marcus6918 Says:
6:20 - the name of the boy is gang gang?
@bulka9214 Says:
Watching these vlogs is always just so heartwarming seeing Pewds and Marzia enjoy their lives
@earo3029 Says:
Must be crazy to have a swedish father, italian mother and growing up in Japan lol
@green7449 Says:
13:17 Fkn Sean flipping off the camera. 🤣🤣
@r.rsmith Says:
I normally don't watch vlogs, but damn this vlog is just beautiful...
@pugsmurf7207 Says:
Yo what did pewds say 3:55
@yuckfou514 Says:
Pewdiepie still curing my depression till now since 2016 ❤
@sanm3londan_th315 Says:
When baby grow up you learn japan language, goodAbsences
@fiyoritakeshi2129 Says:
I honestly love these videos the best. A little peek into their lives, and its always so relaxing, sweet amd heartwarming. My smiles are as endless as Björn's when i watch these. So thank you for letting us into your lives.
@XKatching Says:
You should move to Sweden and start a family vlogging channel. Buy a house and some animals :D

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