Behind the Spacecraft: Michelle Chen

Behind the Spacecraft: Michelle Chen


NASA's #DARTmission will purposely crash a spacecraft into an asteroid to change its orbital period. But in order to hit the mark, this test mission needs to locate its target first. That's why Johns Hopkins APL engineer Michelle Chen helped develop new autonomous navigation techniques that will ensure a bullseye. Follow DART: The DART mission is a test of a technique that could be used to mitigate the threat of an asteroid on a collision course with Earth should one be discovered in the future. DART's target is not a threat to Earth. While no known asteroid larger than 140 meters in size has a significant chance to hit Earth for the next 100 years, only about 40 percent of those asteroids have been found as of October 2021.




@DonatienKlemm Says:
@DonatienKlemm Says:
@DonatienKlemm Says:
@ergo322 Says:
thank you, Dr. Chen for inspiring us all. G-d Bless. John 3:16-18
@whitmancharles1969 Says:
Von Braun's tombstone Psalms 19:1
@joseapsantos3633 Says:
Boa noite, uma mulher fabulosa de sucesso. Adorei o vídeo.
@isavrhu.28 Says:
@NASA @NASA @NASA @NASA @NASA @NASAAAAAAAAQ The 6/5/21 is the end of world?
@jakeedwards7286 Says:
@ameenrashid7827 Says:
Or do you feel secure that He who is above would not send against you a storm of stones? Then you would know how [severe] was My warning. (Quran 67/17)
@buddhistandcatholic Says:
Is NASA choosing to be 10 years late with the DART like they are landing on the moon. NASA is choosing to waste Artemis 2 by not attempting to land on the moon. Reminds me of a little kid easing himself. NASA should hand off the DART to the US SPACE FORCE. Defense is their job and NASA has become chicken.
@grumblewoof4721 Says:
Would be weird if the spacecraft sent a message back .... "Sorry, I cant do this, I don't want to die"
@jillmiller1705 Says:
Nasa worships Satan
@jillmiller1705 Says:
NASA is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
@jillmiller1705 Says:
NASA is lies
@johncrossley5381 Says:
Congratulations Michelle! Good to see you
@jcristion Says:
@lucianobernardodiasbernard1609 Says:
@lucianobernardodiasbernard1609 Says:
@lucianobernardodiasbernard1609 Says:
@FeelOfWartune Says:
target: genitalia
@zzangd1394 Says:
That idea is brilliant
@ronm6585 Says:
Thank you.
@skyforce1983 Says:
Thanks for wasting two min of my life
@jimbones155 Says:
The craft will do absolutely nothing because of the electromagnetic force buildup just before impact. This video is just a bunch of leftist nonsense and the background music proves it. NASA has jumped the shark, again.
@nilo70 Says:
I worked at JPL on the Viking II mission in the late 70’s ( they didn’t know it , but I would have worked for free) Best Job I ever had ! All of you folks ROCK !
@dulynoted2427 Says:
Why not use a focused lasor?
@kaneable7310 Says:
AWESOME WORK keep it up!
@mishalsingh1816 Says:
a best explanation nd idea
@andrewlapensee Says:
Ever wonder how china was able to steal the tech to create a hypersonic vehicle? Well here is your answer..
@potteryjoe Says:
Can't wait to see how it all works out!
@حموديے-ث8ق Says:
ماذا لو لم يتغير مسارها حين اذن ماذا سنفعل
@brynwhitehead1731 Says:
Time is a thing.
@Spidy_007 Says:
DART ur awesome. We are excited to see them work and do explore students for more such ideology🙂
@ZorexZockt Says:
Why are you not showing men and only women? Shouldn’t it be an equal amount?
@arkabir2491 Says:
@landielnegron4868 Says:
that is asome
@roshanamal7380 Says:
@roshanamal7380 Says:
Nasa 🤍
@szczepankwasniak5066 Says:
@lg972m Says:
@aanshithapliyal4848 Says:
@AlejandraOrozco13 Says:
@Martinkilbane831 Says:
@niksyt2831 Says:

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