"Instant Ronin" Double Tanto!
"Instant Ronin" Double Tanto!



@AkoulyGaming Says:
Where to buy?
@jonathanchark5291 Says:
Where can these be purchased?
@fh2083 Says:
Quá ngắn làm đuộc bản 45 dến 60 cm( chiều dài lưỡi) thì tuyệt cú mèo!
@deussalt4479 Says:
@lukadaft8243 Says:
I think I saw this on John Wick 3 movie, pretty cool handy weapon 🫰
@CreatorBirdChanel Says:
Apa hanya saya yang merasa ini palsu panjang bilah tidak seukuran ketika di sarungkan terlihat lebih panjang ketika di cabut
@miguelamaya6246 Says:
HOW MUCH ? We want one , looks awesome...
@LanisDad1185 Says:
I want one
@prince2718 Says:
How to buy this blade
@leosarracini Says:
Já quero ❤
@brandondb6190 Says:
Where can i buy ???? I always say if you need to defend yourself with a blade 2 is always better than 1
@IrishKream Says:
So even if the springs/locking mechanism fails half the blade will still be exposed.. pretty cool design!
@DJR0K1 Says:
@siddharthpal1564 Says:
Thorffin would love that
@JobertBelen Says:
How much
@haziqehsan Says:
Alright, its gonna be my next edc!
@AwasX Says:
@UltimusMagus Says:
Thankfully, we're not all like that in New York. Also to whomever wrote the censorbot here on YT: FUGGEDABOUDYOO From the bottom of my heart
@LWGN Says:
Probably the dullest blades ever seeing how you pull them out
@mayankkumarsharma3354 Says:
Clever! half half in both handles when closed
@jeroenklink9855 Says:
I bet i can cut of all my finger when i put them together again.
@WajahatMAhmad Says:
The physics is not physicing
@ジェニファー山田-d2q Says:
@debrajnandi3495 Says:
How to buy items please
@Oldsong889 Says:
@ide1020 Says:
*Shinomori Aoshi has entered the chat
@theglassmaster3140 Says:
Blades partly retract into their own handles. You're welcome
@HudanProperty Says:
Mau dong
@saulmunguia1531 Says:
Quiero uno
@demon-uk1kq1rv8c Says:
Привет дружище Как заказать Расскажи как привезти в Россию
@Aragami_78 Says:
Я тебе конечно верю....
@arharovecz Says:
У мегя есть что то подобное ,только рукоятки из красного дерева ,но это не практично ,но красиво ) и есть танто с обычной прорезиненой рукоятью в ножнах ,очень дешевый ,но им можно орудовать как мачетэ
@kdsingh4325 Says:
Kha milenge
@HeathenRidesdragons Says:
So pushing the tip makes it retract,,,ehh if it was a mechanism to lock the blades it's good but it's really difficult to make those sturdy,, try some stress testing they look awesome 👍 i guess if it's really good quality they are really expensive and should be because that's awesome engineering i would like to see inside the handles
@JustCreateYou Says:
Where can I buy
@skwildones Says:
- Endlich ein Review, das mir wirklich weiterhilft, danke dir! 🛠️🙌
@Kumanekosamurai Says:
@alexh1p623 Says:
Damn I'm jealous
@LeftIXD Says:
I want one
@CanThought Says:
Temu special 😂
@deddrapoved628 Says:
это холодным считается?
@thesuspect02 Says:
@РадикНигматуллин-с6ы Says:
Иди на тигра - больше не доя чего это оружие
@geekgospel3394 Says:
Where I buy this
@MrGarylando Says:
Impossible les lames sont plus longues que les manches
@SebaztianRey Says:
@bibinbibin9022 Says:
How Much
@alonzojohn9048 Says:
I want q
@joseleonardopereirodonasci8635 Says:
Onde vende?
@Vaskacot Says:
Где такие взять ссылку пожалуйста

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