GoGun: Crossbows 2025
GoGun: Crossbows 2025



@Furious88 Says:
I did my own hack on disabling my safety, it works but would like a switch to be able disengage it when changing the string. if go-gun won’t make the auto disabling switch, I was wondering if you would make it and sell it, I think most think that the auto safety is what is keeping the adder from being a tactical crossbow, because the revo and the interceptor doesn’t have the auto safety.
@3DprintingCROSSBOW Says:
After learning from your videos for a long time, I also made my own repeating crossbow. To make it stronger I used a stainless steel sheet metal sandwich
@Alfredofcroydon Says:
@Inhiseyes19210 Says:
I want that automatic when it comes out , i remember the one you made ,
@Inhiseyes19210 Says:
Lol 😂 hi hi i remember most of your videos awesome
@Inhiseyes19210 Says:
I use the new ones 7.5 carbon arrows
@Inhiseyes19210 Says:
I have been watching your videos since day one brother, you came up from all wood BK Then
@bigsam5171 Says:
Automatic pistol crossbow? Who needs a gun when you can buy that! Joerg is making it possible for Europeans to have the capability to defend their homes and families if the need arises
@Strelec666 Says:
Kann es sein, dass Sie sich an einer Reihe von Arbeiten beteiligen? Nach Version 7 ist das Gerät wirksam. Mit 190 Libraries ist die kinetische Energie, die sie am meisten braucht, ein echter Hingucker.
@ashanom Says:
Do you think that a compound bow on a Mey Interceptor is feasible and would it be interesting (more power)?
@Nunya369 Says:
Would luv an automatic crossbow. Already have the adder among others but I reckon an automatic crossbow will get all crossbows banned in the communist uk, since they're already looking at Xbow regulations after a high profile murder. The uk is a dangerous dump currently as is Europe.
@sinfulpistol7704 Says:
I would love to see a fully automatic version of the interceptor
@Gyrojesus Says:
Das Geld liegt dann bereit wenn die Dinger raus kommen. Danke für die Info und viel spaß bei der Arbeit
@johnjames_cowperthwaite Says:
Game on.. I'm all in, sign me up now. Automatics all round chaps.
@zlozlozlo Says:
Yes! That's what I need. A full-auto crossbow for home defense. I have the Adder, but I have a small house, so if there are multiple invaders, or if I miss with my first shot, they'll be on me before I can reload. But it needs to be powerful enough to penetrate deep into the attacker and stop him. It's no use to me if I'm causing surface wounds. So I won't buy one until I see penetration tests that convince me it's powerful enough.
@tinkeringtim7999 Says:
I'm worried once they become automatic government's are going to regulate crossbows and ban everything that isn't single shot.
@pub1iuz Says:
Thank you!😊
@wingnutbert9685 Says:
Given the brushless motors and servos coming from the drone and RC industry, full auto seems like an very do-able next step!
@john-9074 Says:
Yes yes I want one. Great concept.
@kjorgahn Says:
Will there be a compound bow for the mey interceptor as there is for the siege ?
@achimkronski1872 Says:
Hallo, ich bin Ingenioers und habe die Lösung für das Problem schon vor Jahren gelöst! Auto, semi Auto, kein Problem! Nur geht natürlich Energie verloren . Bei Interesse, bitte kontaktiert mich. Mfg Achim
@JessePawlak Says:
Awesome show 100%
@AshGreen359 Says:
They are actually paid pretty well for fast food. Though in California the minimum is $20 so maybe not here
@BronzeAgePuritan Says:
Joerg, I respect so much how you've carved a niche into the world with sheer mental power and creativity. Ausgezeichnet!
@dust921 Says:
did u try a coil gun yet / rail gun / E magnet accelerated projetil gun?????
@dust921 Says:
@SollomonTheWise Says:
@adamm3492 Says:
full auto crossbow !? Lots of new laws are going to be drawn up for that. Success = Mass murder by crossbow... murderer silently disappears
@Joseph660 Says:
Please. Please add matte earth colors as options for everything. I dont like reflections or black tones. Also if the full auto crossbow is at least 90 pounds I'll guarantee i buy it.
@sy84 Says:
Thank you 👍🏻
@MrSDS8 Says:
Would the automatic crossbow be legal in most European countries with current legislation?
@orinoco44 Says:
Can you get the colour kit in the UK?
@mididoctors Says:
Next step is a compound crossbow repeater . True game changer love to try that
@JulianoBreda Says:
Where can I get the steel reinforcement and colour kit from?
@ryanl2654 Says:
I want, but I fear an Auto crossbow will get the whole lot banned just about everywhere. Def a careful what we wish for thing
@danoseus Says:
My thouights - If you want to go automatic crossbow - I would use compressed air to propel arrrow. And use electricity just to pump tank up. I would make Something like drum arrow magazine around airtank to use space. Multiple arrow guide on drum and one moving nozzle :D. As old Gatling gun :D Storing enegry in mechanical will be always hurdle in fast operating system. Linear rails or motors are heavy. Chains are heavy / belts stretch motors are dead weight if they don't propel and just recock
@mity0k Says:
Would pay 1000$ plus for an automatic crossbow, as long as it is not manufactured in China
@imranlambat3834 Says:
When is the interceptor coming out in the UK I'm eagerly waiting on my order by GOGUN
@phantomcruizer Says:
How accurate are they?
@eitangrinspon1637 Says:
You should be proud. You have contributed a great deal to the evolution of repeating pistol crossbows. Your battery fed idea sounds very exciting. Thank you for sharing your passion and methods behind your crossbow madness! Be well.
@bamsebrumbamsebrumen5403 Says:
Suppose one copied the Chinese multi-bow design to get a longer draw while using that tiny bow, that might get interesting 🙂
@MZ-nw7wz Says:
This is a mic drop moment in crossbow history.
@Graham-g2e Says:
Fully Auto eh? maybe a compressed air canister powering a piston to cock the string??
@TwoDudesFunny Says:
Still making videos I love it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@JerzyLasica Says:
no blowgun in 2025?? what happened?
@JerzyLasica Says:
yeah, it needs to be of the shelf battery.
@KieranSearleTheDracul Says:
They made xbows illegal in Ireland. Cystoms service even confiscated a 14th century historical demonstration replica (with less power than an airpistol) that couldn't hunt for shit. Cost me 500euro to get made. Your xbows are awesome, I'd love one for target practise. I had a xbow when I was a kid.
@Boincari_ Says:
I thought that i have enough guns (14 guns + Revo12 ordered), but of cource i need full auto crossbow. I hope that this guy don’t invent any more interesting things.
@Zr0din Says:
As a Video note: Please next time don't wear a black shirt while showcasing black objects.
@benjessikarogers1187 Says:
How many times do you think you have fired a crossbow bolt? Lol

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