


@1stFoxmovie Says:
Musk reinvented underground public mass transportation and screwed it up.
@OgOssman Says:
What is that Infalible quote from????
@mNabeOma1Rn Says:
No wonder he bought Twitter for 40 billion. Now he wants Tesla to pay 56 billion for him buying twitter to shut down criticism.
@Atmost11 Says:
Elon! Elon! Elon! Elon! Elon! Elon! The Vegas hyper loop is awesome. Try it before you critique it. Elon could have used fully self driving vehicles. But that would have put human drivers out of a job. These are hard working ones, I know, most of them arent but these are the good ones. I am doing it again! I too hope that Elon will use fully automated CTs and crank up the speed to 150, it will definitely happen, its inevitable. But these human drivers are as safe as the AI.
@chat4783 Says:
Wow no delay and no scrutiny when building new road. When building a train, delay after delay with scrutiny. Is the government pro car?
@umadbra Says:
They should ask be driverless by now. Since FSD was ready in 2014.
@beefgoat80 Says:
Give me a trebuchet, and I'll get you there faster.
@TheClaudio7078 Says:
World class system lol
@t666moriginal Says:
Why didn't they just put rails in it and used a normal rollercoaster without the funny loops 😂 it would be definitely faster 🤣
@andrewstorm8240 Says:
@car_tar3882 Says:
Another thing not mentioned in any videos about this is even if the tunnels allowed for 150 Teslas have garbage brakes and would not be safe at those speeds
@kuei1215 Says:
This is so dumb I figured Musk would have announced that the tunnel road surface would be made of solar panels.
@minoc2 Says:
was that a blake 7 clip!?
@Yanquetino Says:
"Wisk" you… at 30 mph? My eyes couldn't roll any farther back in my head. Elon Isherwell originally "thought" of this when he was stuck in traffic, trying to get to LAX, and wished he could drive his Tesla underneath the congestion in a tunnel. Welp… sorry to tell you, folks, but you CANNOT drive through a Boring tunnel: you have to have taxi drivers take you through in dozens and dozens of Teslas. How in the hell is this more efficient, more convenient, let alone more cost effective?
@slartibartfass5729 Says:
This CES 2024 a reporter from a German computer news magazine commuted all over CES and around the city using an electric bicycle. It took him 5 to 10 minutes for typical distances of 1-3 kilometers whole cars could need up to an hour for such distances.
@stanleyklein524 Says:
musk is a prime example of technology absent creative understanding of the technology and its implications. Just get a so-called idea and throw resources at it. And sell, sell, sell.
@dantosinferne Says:
Wow! I remember you from your anti-christian phase way back when! I was nostalgic, came to revisit, and I see you're all anti-elon now, wow! I hope you don't only hate him for his politics though! BTW, best bible translation = LSB/Legacy Standard Bible, they translate adonai and YHWH properly, anglicizing it to "Yahweh", I bet you're someone that would appreciate that, too lol Fuck elon, but I hope you're not retarded about Trump lol best wishes, God Bless lol
@sangamjrgill Says:
Gold 😂😂😂😂
@Treblig1969 Says:
There are only three ways that i want to do 150 mph. In the air, on rails, or on a motorcycle, on my own, on a track.
@hervevazeilles3790 Says:
Paris metro transports 4 million passengers every day. lines are being automated without closing the traffic. Already 2 lines are fully selfdriving and a third one is finishing this year. Autonomous metro, transporting 600 passenger at once, with a new train exiting the station every 90 seconds. That is not the future, that is right now. If Elon did care about transportation or the environment he would build a metro. But he only cares on how to salvage money on his impulse buying of a tunneling company that can only make small tunnels. Same as usual he buys a company slaps a stupid idea on top of it durring a board meeting, and then let the people in the company trying to figure out how to make it happen. Even though the idea was a pure scyfy fiction. Then over sale it to stupid investors, grab money, repeat.
@KnakuanaRka Says:
Gaah. We need better public transport!
@TopazBadger6550 Says:
Musk: putting "Hype" in Hyperloop.
@Machistmo Says:
Elon needs a cell next to Elizabeth Holmes. Both are Schiesterz. A claustrophibic 2 block tunnel space with no escape routes if a car becomes disabled. YAY! I mean WTF?
@przemysawpawlinski5536 Says:
It should be called Extremely Slow Loop.
@onlocationkat Says:
Uber and taxi in Vegas, don't do the loop. Stay downtown, it's cheaper, and shuttle to the Strip. It will be faster than the loop and actually will go somewhere.
@onlocationkat Says:
Haha, this loop thing literally goes around the block at the LV convention center. The rest is proposed. No way could it ever reach 35 mph, let alone 155 mph. Wouldn't play poker with Thunderfoot, that's fo sure. :)
@ethzero Says:
15:14 "**Los** Vegas"? I know it's a minor nitpick, but it really shows if you can't detail like a place name right what hope is there understanding mild technical details?
@godzilla928 Says:
Did he just compare a tunnel to a WORMHOLE?! Xd
@noneofyourbusiness6269 Says:
in the end it was all an ploy to sell dozens of the cars he produces, and it's no coincidence that all these publicity stunts and marketing schemes are carried out in america where the public is extremely ignorant and has been brainwashed for decades into accepting that public transport just can't work and is bad and the car is the only means of transport period. if you still can't see through musk you're either gullible beyond saving or own serious stakes into musk's enterprises
@sparrow_mj Says:
Somehow BBC wanted to report about it today. (Check the date)
@fredsmith4134 Says:
thunderf00t, quit wearing women's underwear, you kinky bastard !!!
@liamrobertson7265 Says:
@nikitatarsov5172 Says:
This might be quite a minor point but ... the only person so proud to wear an all green costume in a popular TV announcement so far has been queen Lizzy. Ledy's & Gentlemen, ready your edit softwares.
@cupcakeordeath Says:
As an area resident, I’m happy I don’t pay any of the taxes that went to that.
@Paul-bp6lp Says:
current public transportation works really well. Nice try.
@fold-squirrel Says:
@BadassExperiences Says:
this is going to be one of the main ways of transportation in about 15 years
@stg-tf4ns Says:
Honestly, at a 15-minute walk above ground, just build an auto walkway underground With the reduced distance and the walkways able to double the walking speed, the trip can be compressed down to 5 minuets as well, you can even use the power saved to AC up the entire tunnel
@DiarrheaBubbles Says:
I'm working on a self piloting giant glider that gets deployed from a solar powered rail gun. The gliders will be made of solar panels so you'll be able to charge your tesla on the way there. Tickets will be about $4 each.
@mattclark6482 Says:
It occurs to me in the bus vs. Tesla comparison, the Tesla doesn't accommodate people in wheel chairs. How is this even legal?
@srfurley Says:
But the LV loop is a public transport system, just a very stupid one. The cars don’t need to be parked, other than while being charged presumably, they’ll be in constant use.
@FizzleFX Says:
14:42 swear to god we got the one top right but in BLUE in our town. its well know, electric for DECADES at this point and brings people up a STEEP HILL not just hides VEGAS from them... thats just so f backwards in america
@epicterry6706 Says:
cant believe 50 billion dollars loses to a zoo train
@NickJaime Says:
What's funny is Elon hates government subsidies but his companies would've died without them.
@write2pras84 Says:
Personally, I’d just walk the 25 minutes and take in the sights. Tbf and be unbiased, let’s assume that once the whole thing is completed, it’s gonna be as good as promised. It’ll still at best relieve the traffic problem by perhaps replacing all cab based traffic underground. Which is good but that’s about it: measly returns imho for all of this money and time and effort. Honestly an above ground train loop would give as much if not more benefits for a fraction of the cost and time.
@morganjohnson4332 Says:
Lol, let’s drive around underground in LA, just waiting for the fault to slip 🤦‍♂️
@philiptaylor2366 Says:
You have good arguments Thunderf00t but you completely undermine them when you say that the “absolute maximum number of people you can load and unload a car is 4ppm” seriously? You think it takes a whole minute for 4 people to get out of a car and then into a car? And then you have the tenacity to say that a bendy bus can unload in the same time because “it has lots of doors”. As you like maths so much here’s some. Usable doors in a Tesla - 3. Max pax - 4. Therefore 1 1/4 pax per door. Usable doors on a London bendy bus (as per your example) - 3 max. Max pax - 140. Therefore 46 pax per door. Look, I’m no Musk apologist, but you have to get this stuff right in order to prevent those that are discrediting your views because of basic errors such as these.
@JustaGuy_Gaming Says:
Funny thought, walking would be faster. If they just removed the Tesla's and people walked down the tunnels you could have hundreds of people walking in both direction at all times. No loading, no unloading. Just people walking at about 3-5 mph.
@JustaGuy_Gaming Says:
Next up the Elon Musk Parking Garage. Using subspace portals... ... Coming in a Next year!
@raybbaby Says:
Elon fans are simply beyond help. Like Trump supporters when you think about it.

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