'Female Loneliness' & How To Fix It
'Female Loneliness' & How To Fix It



@Shoe0nHead Says:
Big thanks to Ridge for sending me this neat wallet and sponsoring the channel! Check them out here to save up to 30% through April 1st >
@Trixie_I Says:
The applepie. if a girl baked a tasty applepie for me I'd be hooked, to me it'd be the same as a girl approaching and trying to flirt with me, only I get the bonus of eating a tasy applepie. But lets be honest, in this day and age that ain't happening so ill just wait for AI girlfriends to become a thing, I'm too antisocial and insecure to approach women.
@LionHeartSamy Says:
19:44 Great, and now I've melted in your hands!
@sneetchw Says:
to any ladies in the comments, yes i am currently single hit me up if u wanna play runescape
@yarglelargle9555 Says:
As a dude, I just don't care. I didn't have the whole, "you asked for it," thought when seeing that tiktok video. All I though was, "oh well." No spite, rage or anything like that, I'm just done caring about it.
@MondomondoTime Says:
I've noticed I don't really get a choice in the dating world . I get asked out alot wich is nice and all but as soon as I ask someone out it seems like it just doesn't pan out. So if I do like someone we hang out for a bit and I just kind of sit there until they ask me out. It's just how it has played out for me. So ehhh idk what to do about it lol as soon as I show interest it just comes off creepy I guess. So I am uh perpetually stuck in this I hope the right woman asks me out loop.
@TheWorthlesstoWomenCoali-zg5lo Says:
very funny!
@auhsojjoshua0 Says:
Hey Sh0e, just wanna know your opinion. If you were stuck in a foresf, would you rather be with a man or a bear? 😂😂
@jasonsmith7583 Says:
Hatbox all the way works everytime
@henryking8219 Says:
i seen you on isaac channel, so i came here to check you out. and i have to say, of some 1 on the left side and there r not many... but i do tip my hat to you. keep up the good fight
@jasonfox9992 Says:
The apple pie. The hatbox would definitely be a conversation starter. Basically, smile say hello. Ask us about our plans. Say something, “that sounds fun. I wish I could come along!”
@magetathelion5825 Says:
This is what happen when you reject every man because you're looking for the jock or the rich papa's boy . A Jock or a rich papa's boy want's to get laid with many women to assert his "privilege" over normal men .
@RebelRadio97 Says:
Oh poor girls getting lonely maybe stop expecting a guy with big bank, big dick, always hot, tall. Oh what did you girls say bout men loneliness we should smile more then maybe y'all should shut the fuck up and smile more or should I tell you what guys got told when growing up, oh stop your bitching and act your age. Want a relationship want to get married then stop making your love a challenge stop being a 304 and stop expecting shit y'all wanna be treated as equal then shut up because you got it. You wanted equal rights girls so remember your the reason guys gave up trying like they use to. Women loneliness just smile more grow up and stop expecting
@MP_Indy Says:
13:04 OMG Passport Gals existed before Passport Bros?!?!?
@ayxan3950 Says:
I cant help but thinking... this youtuber is the sister I never had (I know it's not and people do videos for money)
@MP_Indy Says:
What does 'User-Specified' mean? I would understand user not specified.
@ismayonnaiseanfruit2377 Says:
If a woman approached me I’d assume she’s a fed
@Cosmosimp Says:
Ain't that just sadder than a Saint judes wig....😥
@buddermonger2000 Says:
20:30 The answer, is women ☕️
@buddermonger2000 Says:
5:41 I saw Rollo on a podcast once and knew he was on something
@simian504 Says:
June! We need more June, June!
@NonsensicalSeaLionFactory Says:
This bee needs to be canceled. I have now watched 30+ of her videos (for research, not because I condone her behavior), and I am outraged. Her channel is like an echo chamber for common sense, and I'm having none of it. Sometimes, although far from always, she even voices slightly controversial opinions and when faced with the inevitable opposition she either just casually laughs it off or even stand by her beliefs. Disgusting! If I had a daughter and she turned out anything like you, I'm not even sure what I would do. I'd have to come up with some bizarre punishment, like taking her to theme park of her choosing, so she could feel the full force of capitalism and its exploitation of the consumer (work in progress, but know that the punishment will be severe). Anyways, know that I have shared your videos with a couple of my friends in the hope they'd be as outraged as I am. Also don't take my subscriptions as show of support to you or your channel, I simply don't wanna miss an opportunity to insult you in the comment section of future videos. Have an average day
@tattoow1 Says:
The hatbox stays on during sex.
@rjstanley89 Says:
I’ve never approached a woman in the wild and probably never will I may smile at one if they smiled first, however I am terrified of being made an example of online by doing something that use to be acceptable.
@athar_adv Says:
You know what would fix both male and female loneliness? If more people were as cute as June 😃😃😃
@Venotide. Says:
Damn shoe! How are you 33?you still look as young as ever!
@freddybenelli9100 Says:
The Band-Aid trick would totally get me
@KoolMeester2 Says:
I’m not looking for females because i don’t believe i will ever be able to provide for her, and i will probably only be a burden for her. Not only financially but also emotionally. I’m fearing emotion because I don’t want to lose my self-control.
@neilstone3583 Says:
Lesbians don't have this problem. Well most don't my friend is hopeless
@thesadisticskitty7665 Says:
The whole hatbox thing. I'm watching this on May 9th. I have hatboxes on the brain (if you know, you know). And the only thing I can think of as to why a woman would carry a hatbox would be to hide the decapitated head of her previous husband while she takes it somewhere to dispose of it.
@gentledragon Says:
Called me a vtuber anime freak? I guess I'll join the trend and start reacting to your videos. (I've been watching your videos far longer than I've been a vtuber, and love your content)
@jinifysfbiagent3452 Says:
"not every woman is a blue haired man hating feminist stereotype" the man or bear argument proves otherwise, even people in my personal life would rather be with the bear its honestly sad
@HoosierDaddyOfficial Says:
My wife chased me and I LOVED it! We’ve been happily married 25 years.
@steveodude Says:
Seriously if you want a guy, literally walk up to one and ask him what his favorite dinosaur is or what his plans are for the zombie apocalypse.
@RismanJidan-yx3zg Says:
@thefunnyultra7guy237 Says:
19:35 " I feel very protected when I'm with you" No joke, that immediately made me burst into tears. I never realized how much I would love to hear a girl say that until just now
@abrarkadabrar7829 Says:
There are always outliers. There will be women who will approach men. There will be women who will initiate date ideas. There will be women who will ask for specific dinner options. That is not majority of women in general and of course statistics will not show these because, if you've done maths, they're trend curves based on average rise and fall. They are not like scattering plots where you can clearly see that even if you have dots lining up to make the straightest lines, there will always be a dot or two on extremes of either axis. Business trends don't care about that, they care about the majority rise and fall aka the average. Applying that to people just kinda doesn't work. A person is more than just a statistic. Rant over. Sorry if this doesn't contribute anything to your day. 🤷
@Dekkard5 Says:
Hey Shoe, just wanted to ruin your day by pointing out a channel that got in my recommended called BurbNBougie. It's all videos about how all men are trash/predatory/etc. and it fully supports and celebrates this movement in Korea called the 4B movement (it's basically a female version of MGTOW).
@borgyboy Says:
As a man anything that involves me giving a helping hand. I'm a Christian so its something I'm kinda wired to do help thy neighbour that sort of thing so its the easiest thing to get my attention so the dropping their stuff trick I would fall for instantly and to be honest as a man if its a girl I think is cute I would try and start a convo is possible.
@shrk128 Says:
Two pieces of advice, as a man: Don't be afraid to give men honest complements - that shit burns into permanent memory that not even brain damage can expunge. Do not, under any circumstances, assume he'll "get the hint" - if he did, he would've done something about it. Either he doesn't know, isn't interested, or unsure you're interested. To paraphrase - Keep it simple with the stupid. Jokes aside - being straightforward is likely the best thing you can do; it might be a bit awkward, but straight up telling a guy you like his looks and want his number will give him an ego boost which he will associate with you. YMMV, but that's my take on it, for better or worse.
@TheRaiderman1 Says:
Simple formula to getting a man, so respect, so respect and so respect for guys.
@thaddadeodead Says:
Men often tease women they're interested in. Not really all that weird your husband was trolling you.
@NickBingham01 Says:
Yeah, anyone who looks down on nurses just doesn't get it. Nursing is hard shit, and without nurses, people would be dropping dead in the hospital constantly, nurses do like 70% of the work getting us well in the hospital, we'd all be fucked without them, please more women and men, go, become a nurse, help us all not die.
@R3GARnator Says:
This is gold.
@UC5kym7PU5p4gqtCGShcXhFA Says:
Believe what you see, not what you’re told
@dhruvanpansuriya2659 Says:
The Article only had 128 advices, if they can be considered advice.
@Myndir Says:
As a man, I have never not dated a woman stowaway who was on my battleship.
@tubularbill Says:
I’m not buying this at all. Most women can pick their men and find companionship. The problem is most women want guys that are completely unrealistic. The proverbial 6 foot plus tall., six pack abs, high six digit salary, ect. That’s the problem. Invest in cat food!
@tomboysupremacist Says:
lmao imagine being as miserable as the author
@maxinator2869 Says:
But no like: GO TO THE GYM OR EVERYONE YOU LOVE WILL DIE. Kind of sums up mens perception of life pretty well.🤣

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