Elon Musk Buys Twitter - World Ends

Elon Musk Buys Twitter - World Ends


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@QuantumEX Says:
Love watching Elon, a certified moron, burn down Twitter while also burning 40B. What an amazing moron!
@zakariwalker7477 Says:
It's funny how woke people think right wingers are nazis when they literally support and endorse the leftist ideology which is one ego maniac away from being 1940s all over again
@Rawkuz99 Says:
& now most of those tweets are being proven right in real time...
@Mal_O_Ware Says:
"For democracy to survive, we need to moderate people we don't like!"
@theconductoresplin8092 Says:
I mean it's not great but he owns it but... Idk
@zacharymorris9917 Says:
Elon is unique (to them) only because he's not an extreme leftwing lunatic like the other billionaires.
@Badassest Says:
Run! Run for your lives! Just don't forget to bring your phone.
@Anomin1s Says:
I like Elon. Roast me
@lugheasy7979 Says:
Never been on twitter don’t care ..
@elliottb7009 Says:
after looking at how the world is going. i don't think ww3 is going to be caused by twitter. they may have been a little off that mark with that one.
@michaelkollars663 Says:
Wouldn't be amazing if lefties understood that Nazi's are left wingers?
@OlaftheGreat Says:
These people just don't get it. By actively making Twitter a shithole, it is slowly but surely dying and fading into irrelevance. It's perfect.
@eladcohen9914 Says:
Funny they call elon a nazi And in the end it turned out The same liberals are Just as anti semetic as the nazis were
@WhytePride4ever2 Says:
White people CANT be racist to black people. No one can be racist to black people.
@WhytePride4ever2 Says:
Fascism is better then communism.
@WhytePride4ever2 Says:
Abortion is baby murder.
@WhytePride4ever2 Says:
Would you fight Lauren southern in MMA for charity?
@richardthomas3505 Says:
I knew that the words world war three and Yahtzee would be shoehorned in to this
@aether6500 Says:
They are so fragile. And helpless.
@sipinosapa Says:
I like how people on twitter act like Billionaires don’t already control the world lmao.
@SleepyHeadYTwastakeb Says:
Thats a helluva butterfly effect
@Khilo_Oh Says:
Damn i need to remember the Weimar Republic one. As a german it's even funnier.
@snorrisveinnorrason5632 Says:
The world still stands
@mereyz Says:
@juancarlosrivera5689 Says:
Lets be honest, twitter is just as bad now that elon has bought it then before 😂
@geordangundelfinger Says:
First guy was 100% right
@cheezcutterz12 Says:
I need a text tone of you going "get outta heeeeere"
@BayBlends Says:
Well on this day Elon Musk Promoted Anti-sentiment. And the lack of Advertisement on the website is killing it, thankfully.
@scottbivins4758 Says:
You know what I find really funny and this we can actually blame on women not all women but a good majority of them this country would be mostly Republican if we just took away women's rights to vote. Because you know who makes up most of the democratic parties voters women who just so happen not to be married. That's where Democrats and the left get most of their voters besides the black community but I think that is changing because I just seen a video of people up in Chicago saying Trump our vote is for sale bro come talk to us😂😂
@scottbivins4758 Says:
Can't forget he's also for free speech
@themangomanjuice Says:
I still find Elon Musk buying Twitter a rather interesting development. Love the accent in the get out of here lol.
Great music choice.
@Bobby-wn5yr Says:
Yeah looking back it was nothing to worry about, it was just the end of twitter
@indorex8112 Says:
Why does everyone think your a Nazi lmao
@LL_main Says:
but he did actualy do the first thing
@jamesrogers7049 Says:
Hey guys just a hot tip: billionaires will eat you alive to save $3.42.
@stevier3510 Says:
Media - Elon Musk can control exactly what people think. George Soros - hold my beer.
@christopherpepperdine7739 Says:
Fuckin A
@vatopunko Says:
L take contrarian count
@krislong9338 Says:
@officermofiz4600 Says:
"In order to preserve democracy, we need more moderation" is probably the single worst sentence ever constructed in human history. It's like saying communism benefits entrepreneurs.
@DaddyFatty Says:
🖤 poo on shed 🐐
@ThomasistheTwin Says:
4-14-22-Elon Musk buying Twitter means WWIII is coming 11-28-23-Sir what are you six favorite numbers?
@Iceythegreat Says:
So year later the world hasn’t ended yet lol
@dougieh9676 Says:
"that is our job" (Freudian slip) 😂😂😂
@supercold1171 Says:
This didn;t age well
@darrenskjoelsvold Says:
Well Musk buying Twitter was bad. The world hasn't ended yet but it's still early. But seriously yeah he has done a lot of terrible and stupid things but society hasn't spun off into the void. Watch your backs people.
@oscarcastro5670 Says:
I've followed you for years and I've just noticed you have huge eye (they're pretty I mean)
@MrScathgadai Says:
this didn't age well...
@cameronvanatti6629 Says:
It can't cause WWIII if that was already coming down the pipeline 😂😂😂

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