I Watched "VELMA" So You Don't Have To

I Watched "VELMA" So You Don't Have To


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@dasokuazureflux Says:
Mr. Humpkinz is more well-written and designed than the entire Velma series, legit would prefer his arc of how he became a smoking weed gay murder
@halljustin4306 Says:
Why is every female empowerment main character just fleabag? I miss Murphy Brown.
@LuciferAxolotl Says:
nothing can save this crapshot of a show
@user-uf5um5tp7d Says:
I watched batwoman, 2 episodes, and couldnt watch it any further. But this 💩 is actual 💩 couldnt make it through halfway through the pilot episode. Im so happy scooby wasnt depicted in this 💩
@Fistmybeer Says:
@corycramer9098 Says:
Tell me why I thought the same thing. I'm glad Scooby isn't around to this. He deserves better.
@HyperMurder Says:
I hate the show, my big sis response : me too my little sis response : me three
@jasonhare8540 Says:
I just find it interesting that a person of a certain body type that might have been teased would suddenly find body shaming humor acceptable. Once again I wonder if these people can even spell irony
@adamsmall5598 Says:
Velma looks to me more like a terrible, hateful knock-off of The Proud Family than of it's so called source material. Granted, Iahven't watched Velma except through shows like this one. And that's fine with me.
@Manglet762 Says:
8:24 "If they made a female lead that was feminine and nice, that would be subversive at this point" I've been thinking this for a good long while, glad to see others think the same.
@chrysathan8356 Says:
I was gonna say wtf w the black velma but then i saw the rest of the fck ups and got put back into my place
@krill101 Says:
@nivedhaceaay3453 Says:
I love your " hello edd boys" that show was awesome.
@nivedhaceaay3453 Says:
I love the Ed edd and Eddy joke. Literally laughed good. Your good Shoe.
@androgynousmaggot9389 Says:
Kelly is someone who keeps spewing how "insensitive" The Office was, the same show that made her famous and rich(er)! Celebrating networks who took down a bunch of episodes, even saying she will not allow her own kids to watch such inappropriate show! She's such a hypocrite. If she had problems with the show writings, why did she keep renewing the contract or not straight up resigned!
@androgynousmaggot9389 Says:
5:11 Don't, for the love of everything sacred, ever again compare yourself to Chris! Never disparage yourself like that!
@seanl6478 Says:
What was with Velma’s “white man boxer” comment? Has she never heard of Iron Mike Tyson? The most successful and famous boxer
@HyperMurder Says:
I mean fred's character development if you can call it that, is kinda interesting at least to me, because literally fred has more depth than every character in velma
@HyperMurder Says:
velma in this story, is terrible, she could've been a nerdy jerk but overtime improve herself not kiss a girl and then fucking blame fred because he is white. and the fuck?, they removed scooby they could've made shaggy and scooby still together but make scooby a dog who can't talk but overtime, he'll learn how to talk. like man.. this show is so so sad. I wish the creator didn't ruin it, since velma would've still been my favorite character but now she is a thot now. I could write a better simple story, that actually makes everyone together.
@bikeczarmagicschool4390 Says:
@7:35, I'd watch that.
@vicenzostella1390 Says:
1:26 Is that a rare sighting of Eudaimonia?!
@fenrirsghost2051 Says:
So that means I have to stay away from this channel cause I´m no millennial? 😭🤷‍♂
@MrMoneyclips Says:
Cockroaches are asexual
@hypnoteapot Says:
Small penis jokes. Groundbreaking.
@Levicandoit Says:
*Glad I stayed through the credits* RUH ROH RAGGY
@jasonlongie1659 Says:
Nooooo Mr. Humpkins!!!!
@jeremyarmstrong7857 Says:
@ravvij9643 Says:
It makes sense that the show is horrible. There's more than just rumors coming out of Hollywood that the "writers" are just activists with terminal self-insert disease. No one's hiring actual writers, just DeviantArt fan-fiction freaks.
@JackTownsend-FrumHell Says:
I’m starting to wonder if they are just seeing how SHIT they can make everything at this point.
@johnnysullivan6834 Says:
I'm a year late, but the only part of this show I liked was when Velma got hit by a car
@McShavey Says:
"spiteful" If you've ever watched Mindy Kaling do stand up, it's pretty clear that she only has like four emotions and three of them are spite.
@Luciana_McC_99 Says:
I don't think you're an a whole i think you are a very pretty nice girl.
@john_doeherty Says:
“I’m like a rip-off of Boxxy & ChrisRayGun” SHE KNOWS
@broklond Says:
If Velma wasn't based in the Scooby-doo universe but instead been a whole new IP, it could've been a good show, imo. At least me and my flatmate watched it in that viewpoint and it's all around cringe and chaos vibes were quite enjoyable
@aquilaaltair3507 Says:
"I'm like Scooby-Doo without Scooby" -Howard Woloitz Big Bang Theory
@captainmaim Says:
The incredible hulk reviewed "eat pray love" for you assholes
@binks_jim Says:
I got mostly through the first season. My head actually began to hurt. I could suffer through all the rest of the stupid things. It's terrible.
@tanyapetersen7238 Says:
That little tid-bit at 7:30... That shit lives in my head rent free, I honestly can't get over it.
@jimmy6535 Says:
People who don't think Jesus was white still calls Jewish people white this is wild
@RebelRadio97 Says:
You know what's funny trump said I rather have a woman that's what I'm attracted to, then you have a full video of Biden pulling a kid back and the way I see it that's something I would do to my girlfriend not a child.
@karrde5566 Says:
0:01 im to tired for this this just feeling like a fever dream i need to go to bed
@onebucks6815 Says:
This movie was worse than GTA 5 TV shows
@WutTheDeuceGaming Says:
2:35 I like the look of "no tremendously long eyelashes" Shoe.
@COCK-erel Says:
they are trying to make later seasons Archie in another ip its odd very odd
@TaigaClaws Says:
10/10 much better rolf
@UnusualPete Says:
Maybe it's because I'm not Murican that i was able to enjoy this show. Honestly, the first episode is cringe as hell but was soon as some mystery appear, it hooked me. I mean, isn't that why people used to watch Scooby Doo? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯ The mystery, not bullshit. Again, maybe it's because I'm not Murican that I was able to turn off my brain during the things that trigger you guys so much and was able to enjoy the few moments of mystery that tickle my brain. Or maybe I'm basic.
@patricesmith2321 Says:
Terrific, ENCORE! You should (PLEASE) try movies by people who HATE comic book movies! “THE PHANTOM”, “DOC SAVAGE”, “LIL ABNER”, the meta classic “THE ADVENTURES OF BUCKAROO BANZAI-ACROSS THE EIGHT DIMENSION”
@brenyatta Says:
Apparently there’s a scene where Velma is having a panic attack and Daphne makes out with her. I found out about that via comparison to the panic attack scene in Puss in Boots The Last Wish
@yashgoyal8280 Says:
I only saw Velma through review clips, and that was the point of no return any Hollywood release for me (no matter how good it was)
@jonw8764 Says:
I watched a YouTube synopsis of that show. The show was so bad that just few clips they put in gave me a migraine. I am not joking or exaggerating. The dialogue in Velma was so bad it gave me an actual migraine with physical pain. I didn't know that was even possible. I don't even get migraines very often.

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