The Male Loneliness Epidemic

The Male Loneliness Epidemic


Get yourself a good-quality watch from Holzkern for 15 percent off by using code SHOE15 at checkout: The men are not ok, folks. ? Twitter: ? Patreon/donate $5 or up to join the discord server ? ? sources used in this video ? ? outro song ? (subscribe to them they make great remixes) ? Some pro-men lefty/liberal vids: ? Time Stamps 00:00 Intro 00:56 ad 02:29 The Male Loneliness Epidemic 06:22 Did THE LEFT fail MEN? 19:56 In conclusion if you're reading this write "o w o" in the comments.




@Shoe0nHead Says:
Thank you to Holzkern for sponsoring this important video. Get a 15 percent off discount by using code SHOE15 at checkout:
@MovieBuff757 Says:
Shoe is so gorgeous and smart and funny
@jackthegeat2234 Says:
The issue is that these “toxic leftists” don’t recognize that men’s issues exist. Worse, they will blame men who support women’s and lgbt movements. It’s frustrating because it feels like the only way they will respect me is if I “become gay”. Ironic.
@pharohscollection3730 Says:
We don't need anyone, they never wanted us so why be dragged down by it.
@ZombieDeathRace Says:
Anna from TYT is amazing. Been watching her for years.
@oyasumigabriel Says:
I'm a little late to this video, anyway, as a man I feel this loneliness, but it's different from other loneliness portrait by social media, movies, tv shows. The loneliness of "modern" men drives mostly from not having deeply connections, if they are not working, who cares? not studying? no one truly cares. The feeling of emptiness, hollowness, lack of touch and grasp of what social circles are, affects men mostly, specially when social media has become such a big thing in the last decade.
@threestars2164 Says:
Dating apps are the worst offender. Handing over dating to predatory algorithms was NEVER going to end well.
@KirillManenkov-ug7fz Says:
21:22 I think it's actually a good tip
@KirillManenkov-ug7fz Says:
Growing loneliness epidemic and male depression is not only the problem of western countries. One of my buddies shot himself because his girlfriend ditched him. His brains were everywhere. I even almost puke when I saw the photo. Well, on the other hand, the whole picture is not as bad as it may seem here: Now we have one spare AK-12, 16 mags, brand new ratnik helmet and light bulletproof vest with IV aramid armor plates lol
@KirillManenkov-ug7fz Says:
I have a AI anime boyfriend
@ALIENrbx Says:
bro its pathetic and sad that women will beg for attention and will keep pushing "women rights" for no reason even though they honestly have more rights than men tbh at this point. But then they turn around and get mad at any man who isn't a gay transgender when they open up about how they are feeling. Its literally so sad. Im not saying we should all just forget about women now and that all women are trash and we should only care about men, I'm just saying that we have idiots for leaders and influencers in society and this world is fricked if smth doesn't happen soon.
@yodathejedimasteroftheclon8741 Says:
I'd enjoy Shoe's videos more if she was Naked
@lynic-0091 Says:
No wonder there's passport bro's nowadays. American women are f'd in the head.
@finalboss7989 Says:
She speaks a lot of facts. The debates sounds like a previous group of friends and my ex. More importantly, this video makes me feel... somewhat understood for once. It's weird but true. And more importantly, watching how both sides react is eye opening...
@geraldpond168 Says:
I get attacked for my appearance after lots of self care and transformation, get called fake and a botox zombie by mainly men. The bullying still continues either way if i did improve myself or not. What do people want me to look like? They arent happy either way. Only positive comments i get are from girls yet my fellow men degrade and insult my jawline. So here i am, I have some girls stalking me, and i still feel like crap. 😢
@jarrellanderson9411 Says:
😂😂😂 I literally looked at the yellow pillow and the empty room I'm in. You can't make this up.
@kevinu12 Says:
May god have mercy on all of us
@Sad_dojo Says:
(sorry for bad english) for anyone reading the comment section. I know I am just a random person on the internet . stay strong and keep going. I am sure your family and friends or anyone you know would prefer you crying infront of them then to cry in funeral. I know how hard it's to show your emotions as man but it's way better then putting an end to your life, cause nobody would be happy hearing about someone d**th.
@astralengine666 Says:
The "Did THE LEFT fail MEN" Part angers me. I'm leftist and I believe about peace and love and inclusion. There's a proverb saying that those who wasn't welcomed in the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth. Yes men make us angry when they're doing violent stuff. It angers me too to think that so many were harmed because of someone's lack of compassion. But by rejecting manhood altogether we're just creating more young, lonely, traumatised men who will take revenge on people because of the things they've lacked in their childhood. While some are psycos, others have their reasons. It doesn't make what they do right, but reflecting the same negativity that we were given all as a mob doesn't fix anything, we're just using strawmen as punching bags. And the argument that "If they're lonely it's probably for a reason" is a bad argument and is basically the same as saying that "poor people can't have nice things" or that "everything happens for a reason" as if there was god up here punishing what's wrong. I believe that's false because I've been rejected from people multiple times, just because I was different to them. Is being born differently a reason to be isolated and bullied? NO! So does being born as any demographic. Perpetuating violence because of vengence is dumb and we need to cut the toxic cycle. For the question about solutions, here's my solution: There's more than life than just work, having kids, having a goal. Like you can have a big goal like the career of your dreams, completing your collection or taking care of humans and animals, but do it because it's FUN, not because it "gives you value". Video games have side quests just like humans have side things like hobbies in their life. Putting value to humans, is I think, a very dehumanising and capitalistic thing to do. Have hobbies, not because you'll find your special person there, but if you're having fun doing your thing, people will be drawn to you by positivity, just like magnets! Stay around the right people too, people who you feel good with, not toxic relationships, did any of you have watched my little pony friendship is magic? It's wonderful how it teaches little girls so many things like it taught me, and I hope it taught things to many too. Perhaps my answer is naive but I swear men, you're so much more than your job. You're so much more than a purpose.
@slepepadda2268 Says:
Thanks for caring about men Shoe0nHead
@charlesrubadue6352 Says:
Y'know what? These 'geniuses' fixed my depression! It is now replaced with overwhelming rage at pathetic hypocrisy and braindead stupidity. As far as what my personal solution has been, I have the good fortune of having a few tight friends (three) and have effectively started ignoring the wider world. Don't care about social media, I have effectively zero interest in dating anymore and flat refuse to get married unless the woman trying makes a *seriously* convincing argument. I have purpose and I have something to do and that's good enough for me.
@NoAh-in_best Says:
As a guy this is very true and why we're afraid of woman is because that we don't want to be heart broken again
@Jack-hu4hu Says:
The cure to loneliness is Radiohead. Or is it the other way around?
I have a few friends, a good education, but horrible social skills.
@AarninDoesStuff Says:
I've had severe bouts of depression around 2 or 3 times, and was one insult away from killing myself god knows how many times. It's not that I couldn't, and it wasn't some last-minute "I WILL HURT EVERYONE". Every time, I heard the same voice. The same voice in my head saying the same line. Not my voice, but something else. A girl. Every time, I would hear fireplaces crackling, and I would hear these words: "Don't cry. You'll be alright now. If you die, then they'll have nothing left to live for." I don't know who "they" are, and I don't know who this girl is, but every time I hear her soothing voice, I just can't do it anymore. I just can't kill myself. To whoever that girl is, thank you. Keep that soothing voice and keep your fireplace going.
@innergenichiro Says:
Mostly people dont care about mens problems because the only men women talk about are the douchebags. Thats why you see so many women surprised to find a man that isnt abusive like that is rare.
@stefanstojanovic2934 Says:
What is solution for loneliness?!
@pauligyarto3179 Says:
what in all of the fuck are you talking about? I couldn't tell at all when you were kidding or being serious. You definitely sound like you think you know everything, you're a fucking genius. Shut the fuck up dude, seriously.
@MusiCatsKing Says:
The solution is simple: Start sleeping with us.
@NicholasKoon-kg2jj Says:
I recently texted my own number that I matter. Just seeing the text brought me in tears. I just want to matter. I just don’t know how.
@PulseStar5k Says:
I'm french and i can tell you that : the situation is the exact same on this side of the planet. Right speak to us, and left doesn't. It's. The. exact. same.
@blazejflorkiewicz9698 Says:
we dont have a puprose any more.
@Alsihfjdid Says:
I just feel defenseless and unwanted, and that just makes me want to distance myself from this and wait for this to blow over, but it just keeps getting worse. This is why we no longer date.
@TheFlyingFishy Says:
This is fucking disgusting, what the fuck happened to the left.
@Luked0g440 Says:
She never once dropped that F-bomb that also helped to get us where we are today.
@IdoAnything9186 Says:
Thanks for the video. I related to everything.
@zachrahr Says:
This is important and thank you for shedding light on this subject. I’ve been working on a program in my community for men to feel accepted and cared for. If anyone in this thread has any constructive suggestions for a program of this nature, I would appreciate your thoughts. Be well, all 🙏
@angeldollface666 Says:
Use me as the hug button.
@Alexilund Says:
I dont wanna cure my porn addiction, just a little note there sooo, yeah, this is awkvard.. awkward.... avkward.. the thing you know when you you know yeah, anyways off to pornhub
@MellowHolloww Says:
it's not just a male loneliness epidemic, it's a fucking mass misandry. Bunch of fucking hypocrites. As much as i advocate for respecting others in order to respect yourself. Go fuck yourself if you think this isn't a societal issue. In my personal opinion, those fucking tweets are closer to toxic femininity. Love yourself. you do matter. If nobody else will, i will, i love you. Take care of yourself, please.
@jimlast4422 Says:
I just wanna be held. But I don't want a relationship. I have a fear of being cheated on, or.. not doing the right thing, or messing up, the way our world is rn, confuses me. I don't mean to be insulting, but actual women nowadays made my fricking attraction to irl women has been ruined, I want fictional women, at least sentient robots actually care.
@robotdeathderby Says:
i know that twitter isn't real life, but the rapid fire liberal opinions just read may have radicalized me in a way those people would not like
@ofthehills3215 Says:
Dang. Crazy how the left and the feminists literally trash the people who built the homes they live in like that.
@jojosadventureagency Says:
The left talls a lot about incels, what about all the men turning women down because mens and womens values no longer align gor the majority
@terra_9832 Says:
Honestly , as a man im suffering from extreme loneliness . in fact i havent had a single friend since my birth i was always just that one person in the corner not saying anything and i couldnt bring myself at all to reach out for help lay out my feelings or do anything because i was too scared of that which later evolved into the current state of depression suicidal thoughts extreme stress and constant panic. i just , want to have someone by my side
@bananagaming1800 Says:
I don't care about my problems anymore, i don't mind them they aren't important anymore, because there are people out there suffering even more then me, and thats what matters, i need to help them, one way or another, i will be train i will do it to make no one suffer like i did, i do not need a hug anymore i just need the smile of someone not suffering like i did, i don't care about my life anymore i do not need suicide what i need is to help others thats what i was made for and not to kill myself.
@colabear1529 Says:
You jogged my imagination to a future where women are seen as the obsolete "carrier" compared to AI technology-driven androids that men can take as wives. Might have been a movie already..
@colabear1529 Says:
@unabomr5424 Says:
AH never would have let it get this bad ✋️
@dominikb1284 Says:
This really resonates with my personal experience. I can cope with being alone most of the time though stoicism and studying for my degree or video games. But yeah when I was younger I definitely had similar experiences in getting rejected and no one caring about me or how im doing / feeling, especially in school. Unfortunately a solution is nowhere to be found in the future

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