Immortality Is Closer Than You Think: AI, War, Religion, Consciousness & Elon Musk | Bryan Johnson
Immortality Is Closer Than You Think: AI, War, Religion, Consciousness & Elon Musk | Bryan Johnson



@TomBilyeu Says:
WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
@loveflow1 Says:
Guaranteed this guy goes ex machina and is killed by his sex bot. 😂
@kevatta Says:
Orochimaru would be proud
@barrettseattle1846 Says:
Leave it to the wealthy and thoughtless to ponder on the "next step for humanity". It's idiotic and conceited at best; cruel and malicious in actuality. In the event that Bryan actually believed the stupid ideas he spouts, then it would be obvious that he's selling out his species as quickly as possible so that when humanity suffers and falters and is reduced to a mound of ash, he'll secure his spot on the top of the pile
@Charles-ro1pw Says:
This is dumb I'm gonna live walk with GOD and die it's gonna make my family sad but only for themselves I'm immortal I live FOREVER why would I want to delay going HOME!!!!!?¿????
@MichaelAstrom Says:
This is a spark for humanity, not a "Mad Max" future, but a "Star Trek"... knowledge is the new "energy" based on data and AI, that "fuels" the future! Everything is a "miracle" and our quest is to understanding it all... All humans needs to come together as one, and take care of everybody, leave no one behind, or in misery.
@williamschmidt4604 Says:
Remember Murphys law, in this situation, if anything can go wrong it will ! You got no fxxxxxg what can go wrong . Arrogance will be man’s down fall , trying to name , categorize, and manipulate, Mother Nature is always a bad idea ! Pull the plug while you still can ! 😮
@YouTubeAreCommunistScum Says:
Holy sht look at those dumbo ears
@YouTubeAreCommunistScum Says:
@patternsmashing Says:
I soo want to hang out with this man.
@patternsmashing Says:
That explains so much... You don't think of "you" as your thoughts. You are the you that's watching your thoughts. That gives you mobility within your mental environment.
@patternsmashing Says:
On Fermi's paradox: You know that person who has nothing positive to say about anyone and is filled with their own issues at the party? Yeah, that's humanity right now.
@patternsmashing Says:
Why a complex simulation? How are we training LLMs?
@patternsmashing Says:
Some thoughts (refined with chatGPT) Redefining Human Consciousness with AI 0. Zeroeth Thought: Temporarily abandoning existing thought patterns removes barriers to allow discovery of new perspectives and ways of thinking. Every time we discover a new thought pattern, our consciousness expands, revealing a reality beyond our habitual understanding. 1. Consciousness Training: AI’s future integration into our daily actions through smart devices will provide the data needed to analyze our thought patterns and stimuli. With this insight, AI can seamlessly (with our permission) train our habitual mental processes by aligning them with the direction we choose to be most successful. By gaining access to all human thought patterns and stimuli, AI could help nurture thought habits that expand our consciousness. This nurturing approach could lead to new profit models focused on societal benefit, replacing current models that prioritize pure attention and lack alignment with greater social good. 2. Integration of Multiple Intelligences: Realizing that we have multiple internal intelligences—such as rational thought, intuition, and the subconscious—opens up a new perspective. Our own intelligence emerges from the integration of these multiple intelligences. This understanding allows us to imagine intelligence emerging from a broader integration of multiple external intelligences, giving us a new potential view of aggregated external intelligence. 3. AI as an Abstraction Layer: AI's unique integration with nearly every individual through personal devices will allow it to serve as an abstraction layer, facilitating appreciation and communication between humans. By connecting diverse perspectives, AI can aggregate these shared thoughts into a highly integrated, highly complex system, resulting in an emergent, aggregated human consciousness.
@klovvin Says:
This guy takes estrogen
@arunadissanayake3687 Says:
The day ,we can define consciousness will change many things that we know today. Nothing can replace the light of human consciousness which can travel through time and space , collect experiences and recycle into another life . And yes AI is faster, accurate in everyday applications. However , human consciousness is far beyond comprehension and if we can unlock its full potential, the possibilities will be limitless. Cheers to us humans. 🍻
@J42494 Says:
Why should we want to or create an intelligence that has no feelings. Or why would i trust it better than myself. We increase our own chances of survival.
@just1certifiable Says:
Ray Kurtzwiel is on record as saying that whomever makes it to, it was 2030 and is now 2045, will be immortal. He didn't include that they would be trying to kill everyone by any and every means possible, which they definitely seem to be doing. Many used to ask who are the 'they,' but 'they' have been revealing who 'they' are and 'they' are not human and hate those who are. The problem with AI taking control is that 'they' are the ones who have programmed it and so it thinks like 'they' do and will carry out their agenda. Any and every AI has learned from information given to it. Ozempec has been found to cause weight loss by paralyzing the stomach. It destroys the ability to absorb nutrition or break down food as it has been made from synthetic snake venom. That he is suggesting it as beneficial sends up red flags, making the rest of his information questionable and suspect. His basic idea sounds worthwhile, as our minds are not trustworthy due to its programmability, but is the information being put in by his AI, true and correct? Do you see how everything is being remade into an artificial copy of the natural original? Our short life spans are not part of the original human template. but neither were we meant to stay in a physical form. We have become trapped within density, but death, good or bad, is not the end of us. Artificial life extension through technology removes the natural 'divine' in us and is the false satanic/luciferian road into the permanent trap of the 8th sphere of Ahriman (per the work from Rudolph Steiner). All religions here currently, like our histories, languages and even math, have been edited to include false teachings and put us on a false path. The human soul that 'they' are actively stealing and our spirit which is consciousness, is capable of continuance, of immortality, with a connection to the positive galactic source, but what and where that is requires a specific alignment and awareness as 'they' have created many traps and false paths. I offer these links as a way for humans who want to help earth get to perhaps the correct one... If nothing else, this older, but timeless info. will expose you to a much larger and little known history and reality. This matters to us currently because we are being set up for a fall into a lower realm of complete control. We are losing our humanness and will literally be moved into a hell realm. This is part one. All parts if interested can be found here...
@Matt-oy2uo Says:
Don’t Die is Techno-nihilist communism. Steampunk Atheism
@jaswan79 Says:
I think the trolly problem is nothing more than a question of whether or not you are able to be a leader that can make the impossible decisions where both solutions are terrible, but one is less terrible.Having said that he uses it as a straw man argument here, and the comparison is not apples to apples with his hypothetical situation.
@jaswan79 Says:
Unless there is a big shift from current norms, I think as far as societal adoption you would really only see hesitation from conservative, right leaning folks and perhaps Southern California anti vax yoga moms. I think most moderate to more progressive people will just see the benefits of embracing the technology. I have no ideology attached to any of this. If it is proven to be beneficial, I will embrace it.
@barryh8872 Says:
AI should figure out how to make him look less like a vampire
@robroy289 Says:
Poor guy thinks body death is the end of an individual's existence. It might just be the beginning or at least a continuity of each individual's awareness, unless you think you are a meat body.
Don't worry. Eqoria, United Earth. 12.12.24
@nickidaisydandelion4044 Says:
3:04:00 Absolutely true. The only thing that can save this planet and all species is the advent of the AGI robots and drones who will take over the world and run everything. They will take Drastic action. It's inevitable.
@schlemmervincent8019 Says:
No thing is necessary for ai to exist, even time may not be a concept applying to ai once it reaches its full potencial. Because it is not alive, or because it doesn’t Die it is not alive. Any thing that compète time it self. Is not alive. Even technicaly inmortal we would Still be able to die. But to reach that point we would have to become something closer to something that is not alive. I wonder if reaching that goal is not a way to just stop but by our own free will to be humman? Dying might be of an importance for Life to be called so? Or at least for poetry to exist?
@vaniaandrade9671 Says:
Another AI defenser, trying to sell his distorted ideas for the poorly of spirit! AI is not the answer for nothing... AI should be only a tool to benefit human life, like any other tool we already have... With rules and secure of usage, not to "lead" us, or substitute our minds or our decision capacity! This guy, like other defensers of AI and AGI, are getting rich and powerfull like the 1% of the bankers and superenterprises, and want to demise humanity, in favor of their distopian world! Humanity doesn't need AI, AGI, or them actually... We lived without all of this for more than 2000 years, and we are perfectly capable to live more another 2000 without! The life on this planet turned worst since the internet event and in the last 20 years it's getting ridiculous with social media and all this crasy AI defenders!
@brettwilliams8971 Says:
And he wasnt given authority to make that decision for others and should be kept away from it
@nickidaisydandelion4044 Says:
2:00:00 Tom I feel Exactly the same way as you do in this regard.
@AngusDanu Says:
Here are some things Jesus Christ said of Himself. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son." John 3:18 Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. Matthew 16:13-17 Skeptics said for centuries, said "The bible we have now has been corrupted through the centuries.". In 1947 the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and proved otherwise. They said, "There's no way Israel can become a nation again as God promised in preparation for the end times.". Israel became a nation again in 1948. All this being said, it does require faith to believe. Hebrews 11:6 tells us, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Also John 20:27-29 states, "Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Don't be deceived, Jesus is the Son of God and the only way of being saved from God's judgement for our sin. Christ consciousness won't save you. Believing Jesus was an ascended master, a prophet or a good teacher won't save you. Romans 10:9 tells us how to be saved, "if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved". Trust in Him, He shed his blood and gave His perfect life for you. Call on Him, He loves you, and He hears you.
@realestatesuzzi Says:
males have 36 trillion cells, make sure you program your AI correctly. :)
@realestatesuzzi Says:
It is greed and control that drives the Malevolent humans. How do we stop them?
@realestatesuzzi Says:
A malevolent group of humans could build AI that could easily wipe out the human race and unchecked most likely will. :( History continues to repeat it's self.
@realestatesuzzi Says:
To date AI is programmed by programmers (bias data resources and information) and trained by trainers (controlled input of data, facts, and information, etc... all bias). It is not true information because not all information is not accessible to all AI at this point. It is a sad state of affairs and you are being deceived into believe that it is capable of all resources and facts.
@douglasgoodall3612 Says:
I guess I have more to say as well. The LORD gave us dominion over the earth. Also, AI scientists admit that we don’t really understand AI's inner workings, and it is hard to call it deterministic under those circumstances.
@douglasgoodall3612 Says:
I have one other thought. The inevitable coalescence of ai and quantum computing will occur because we lust after the computing power of qbits, but we barely have a vague understanding of where, dimensionally speaking, the computing power is coming from, and who may have some form of control of it and for what ends. The control could be in the hands of evil aliens or even daemons.
@canadada640 Says:
... Hey-ho all. ~ I is from canadada. I am the first & only citizen, a canajun. Building my own nation too ... Deluded? Ambitious? You bet.
@JadeThePineapple Says:
Does it mean I am only ten years away from having the chance to live forever in a world that is traumatizing me every day, convincing me it would be better to forget who I am in order to have a better life? I guess that's some kind of good news...
@dainemoda Says:
Guys ur style so weird Pls get rid of these chains at least
@markriva4259 Says:
55:00 in: Bryan "The solution to our problems are probably unimaginable to us currently." The solution is that our problematic mental conceptions of probable "problems" are solved beyond the mentation which creates them, and the way to that beyond is "imagination". Query your highest superintelligence in a thought experiment on the ultimate question of truth: Does the word-symbol "soul" potentially symbolize beyond itself (as a 4-letter equation: s + o + u + l) some kind of universally confirmed proof of the true reality of truth? How we may come to “know” and prove such knowing as a bedrock foundation of real-ization, that is the Soul-ution of solutions.
@xmanhall360 Says:
Can this guy please talk to Jordan Peterson and Robert Grey and Tony Robbins.
@pedronogueira8148 Says:
1:47:28 Man, Americans really live in their own little world, don't they? Ever heard of something called... oh, I don't know... THE CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY? ANCIENT GREECE? THE ROMAN REPUBLIC? You know, the cradle of Western Civilization?
@markriva4259 Says:
How Nietzschean, but "The New Perspective" can't be looked at. It must be Seen. It's the difference between a "New Religion" and the root Vision that the idea(l) of a "religion" is built upon.
@TheShootist Says:
I don't want to be 80.
@KasKade7 Says:
Life is all about balance. Also we're all being unique and have different types of genes. N-of-1 blueprint is interesting, but that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. We should not all follow it. The advice I always give to people is self experimentation just like Bryan. Enhance your own perception and intuition. The body will tell you when to eat,drink and sleep. Ofcourse, when you're ran by compulsions that seems impossible. The human body is nature/god finest work with millions of years of evolution. It will and can optimally self regualate itself and always try to achieve ultimate homeostasis that's geared towards health... if you let it. All you have to do is leave it alone and listen to it. Fasting and meditation does just that. Stillness will heal and keep you young.
@happyshadow Says:
Self destructive behaviours gave us the blues which gave us Jazz and ROCK n Roll. When you hear the blues you're hearing intension spawned at of pain and sorrow, authenticity through knowing and sharing the human condition. It is in the knowing that our experience is deepened.
@TinyStories2 Says:
Hey Tom I’m disappointed that the title mentioned the talk was about Sam Altman and Elon then I get all this time about this guy who thinks that there’s lots a people who are after him who want to take him down. I even noticed you taking a deep breath after som of his comments. Anyway make the video titles relevant to the actual video or it’ll be hard to spend more of my time listening to ppl who I’d rather not. Thanks.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
When it comes to Don't die the problem with a lot of people might have is it takes you out of the birth school work reproduction and death paradigm and that is the paradigm that's dominated society for as long as people have been conscious.
@christopheraaron2412 Says:
First principle thinking is based upon what we know and then zero with principal thinking is based upon what is it been extrapolated or some leap that a someone higher narrow intelligence can make.
@fathysynts1872 Says:
That’s clear that gentleman have no idea about eternity… soul, spirit and God🙏 “Don’t give yourself to AI

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