How Nuclear War Starts: WW3, Russia, China, Area 51, Aliens, Nazi's & CIA Secrets | Annie Jacobsen
How Nuclear War Starts: WW3, Russia, China, Area 51, Aliens, Nazi's & CIA Secrets | Annie Jacobsen



@TomBilyeu Says:
WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
@garyfrancis6193 Says:
Let me strike this guy with never go to his site again. Right now using nuclear scare tactics to scare people away from voting for Trump. Just how dirty can this election get? Democrats know no bounds to whatever they will do to try to win. They already tried assassination.
@garyfrancis6193 Says:
This is campaign strategy. She claims Trump was takking cavalierly about nuclear war with North Korea which I never heard. Then she goes on about how concerned Biden is about proliferation of nuclear weapons. Really? I never geard that. So this is stealth campaigning in favour of Democrats.
@garyfrancis6193 Says:
Ever since the technology has existed to wipe out all life on Earth there have been madmen dedicated to make that happen according to some perverse ideology. That ideology is working in over drive right now with chemical warfare in our food, biological and psychological warfare and the ultimate nuclear warfare. You might not have noticed in recent years technology has continued to create an inhuman environment with little or no actual human interaction. You irder online rather than go shopping and your goods delivered anonymously by someone you never see. You go yo fast food and order from a kiosk rather than meet someone at a counter. At some places they dropped your fast food order under a glass partition without ever meeting or talking with anyone. Next is robots and AI. You never interact with another human being. Right now yiu see groups of young people at a coffee shop, not talking. All stsring at their phines interacting with someone they may have never met. This is the increasingly inhuman environment people are living and we are seeing the psychological results in loneliness or inability to interact socially in person. It’s such socially isolated people that may make decisions to push the button. That is the future that is being rapidly created.
@sumanthmurthy1642 Says:
I hope the audiobook is narrated by her! A great combination of content and voice!
@BalzAldrin Says:
If she wasn't such a tryhard with selling her books over the years, I would take her a little more serious. there is so much theater with her
@bot_meditation5587 Says:
lol I feel like the next gold and resources will be to discover it in other planets .
@xchazz86 Says:
Holy shit her mind must be so fragmented, this is unlistenable.
@HomesteadingForHealth Says:
Truck driver. Totally had the same impression as Tom. I don’t think the truck driver thought.. “I’m been told I’m so stupid and all of a sudden I read this woman’s book and I’m able to comprehend complex subjects.” No. I don’t think that’s what he meant. He meant that his intuition was one thing, he had been gaslit and made out to be stupid and what he had thought the whole time by intuition was actually true.
@ArnTodd1337 Says:
Covid was just an attempt to regulate humanity because it grew too much; it could have been something else on a global scale. It didn’t change much, so humanity will experience other tragedies, and it will be very difficult in the coming years. UFOs will turn out to exist, which could be the end of the world for many believers.
@fredwhisman7866 Says:
I think I am in love with Annie……❤
@josephinewhite6224 Says:
If you read 2 Peter chp 3 verses 3 - 12, you will know how the world will be destroyed.
@shazdibbs Says:
Gosh hope she’s still not a Democrat with that mess of Biden lol
@annemosbergen3951 Says:
Now, in June 2024, we know about Don's M.O. He is a bully, a malignant narcissist. He thinks of himself and bullies - he has others to do his dirty work. Yes, Don threatened to bomb North Korea.His threat was aired by all American media. He told his Chief of Staff he wanted nuclear missiles ready to fire at Pyongyang, North Korea. General Kelly and his aide were bracing for Don's command. However, the next day, Don was distracted by another issue. He didn't give the command. Kelly was relieved.
@frankwhite1816 Says:
Annie is amazing! Thank you for having her on. Few people know more about this sort of thing than Annie.
@moppop2016 Says:
Intelligent lady, here at the right time, warning us ,thankyou
@kramer1916 Says:
cool but it wont ever happen
@Ren-1979 Says:
The concept of the "mad emperor" scares the living cr... out of me. 😱
@nedyah151 Says:
This woman is not living in reality, all of her stories lead nowhere and her conclusions are childish.
@ramo_141 Says:
Annie is such a good storyteller but all this stuff is scary!!
@volker4897 Says:
Two problems with what she said. 1. She can't understand how such educated people (the Germans) could have been so evil. 2. The "dumb" truck driver Education is not morality. I think it often distorts morality. I'm not surprised when the smartest people do evil things.
@vripiatbuzoi9188 Says:
She sounds like she's being fed false info by CIA operatives or she is one herself. It's also strange how she says very little in so many words. Sounds like she's making stuff up as she's going along.
@ChristianSingles2 Says:
If Russia and US fight , the world may end in few hours 😮
@jrose12011976 Says:
@destrytennea Says:
Say book one more time… 😭
@Indrid__Cold Says:
Annie Jacobsen is a literary HACK. This latest work on nuclear war is based on the work of other far more talented people. Her book is the equivalent quality of a highschool book report written over a weekend
@6MMDirectActionWargame Says:
It’s insane that this woman has talked to the very people who are making decisions that could destroy everything around us and folks are like “she’s full of shit and this is BS”… just Wow!
@GamerRangerX Says:
China 5000 years of civilization,Africa 10000 years of civilization,Russia 1000 years of civilization,United States of America 400 years of civilization
@brianmoodhe8020 Says:
They have Temo advertisements to start off your warning
@anmolsingh9025 Says:
How about talking a little bit about US unilateral withdrawals from missile and nuclear treaties? Look in the mirror.
@NemesioRobin Says:
@deletedaccount-b5o Says:
2:42:00 omg, the truck driver's joke deserves some kind of award! I laughed so hard. Someone please tell this self-absorbed lady about post-irony! ))
@jscottfischer Says:
She lost me at "no one says 'let's have a weaponized arsenal of smallpox'..." My lady where jave you been the last 4 years
@jscottfischer Says:
I think she's trying to sell a book... I'm not sure....
@MissionAssets Says:
I am so confused about whether she's telling the truth or lieing to us. 🤷‍♀️
@BusyAir Says:
She sounds so intelligent, rationale and quite reasonable. Then says she listens to Biden for shards of wisdom and insight. Must be political season.
@cherryblue8080 Says:
Is she wearing these - 🥸 ?
@amisgohome Says:
We are already in WW3 it's just still limited regional The Neocons will not stop escalating as everyone can see Russia will be forced to use tactical nukes at one point as they won't be able to fight Nato US troops conventionaly for eternity After the use of tactical nukes there will be a, short timeframe to deescalate I'm not optimistic that this will happen though So at the moment we are with a damocles sword over our head on a daily basis
@gaple1995 Says:
She’s not as smart as she thinks she is
@fskk00 Says:
Four years with Trump and no wars. Now, biden is funding two wars with nuclear powers at the same time, facts don't lie and I don't trust this woman.
@JohnAnderson-ss9vn Says:
the british are the smartest people in the world just look at the inventions that came from there
@JohnAnderson-ss9vn Says:
only an idiot would start a nuclear war when mutual destruction would be assured
@JohnAnderson-ss9vn Says:
what kind of maniacs would even contemplate such a scenario where the world would destroyed
@craighart9278 Says:
Well, this cheered me up 😱
@mattanderson6672 Says:
@boricuaarecibo9259 Says:
She part of the propaganda ministry of the democratic socialist party. The world will be much more safe under President Trump in 2024 bidenomics has proven to be the absolute world's worst economic experience for all Americans
@DallasV Says:
So, Pres. Trump worried you when he threatened nuclear war with NK? What did Little Rocket Man do? He backed down and shut up, didn't he. Now, we have Biden and we ARE on the brink of war. The difference between a strong and true leader like trump and a corrupt politician like Sleepy Creepy Joe
@lillianjensen7324 Says:
So many, especially those on the left in the United States, claim that Trump is a warmonger and that he lies so much. The world was actually a safer place under him. He shook hands with Kim-il-Jung and although no agreement was reached, a kind of friendship was formed, which was not followed by the current administration in the United States. They do not understand that what he is doing is provoking on purpose. He teases stones to create a landslide that is necessary to free all those who sit in their platonic caves and look at the wall to watch what is happening outside the cave. The entrance to the cave is hidden by stones so that only a small strip of light enters. How they can get it that the current situation is due to Trump is absolutely unbelievable.
@JosephBenicke Says:
Is. Nuclear war coming
@JoeDebby-u9f Says:
Im addicted to brake fluid. But its ok I can stop anytime I want

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