Breaking Down The Ideas Behind The Presidential Debate | Biden vs Trump | RFK Jr | CNN | Censorship
Breaking Down The Ideas Behind The Presidential Debate | Biden vs Trump | RFK Jr | CNN | Censorship



@mrasposito Says:
Following Robert F Kennedy Jr for 17 months listening everyday I am inspired by his countenance, humility and his continual search for truth to make the right decisions for the future of our country. I believe in, support and stand together united with Robert F Kennedy Jr come he11 or high water I will swim paddle or die to vote him into office as our next President of the United States of America November 2024! ~Peace be with U.S. all now and forever
@stevemolloy2747 Says:
How many times did he say “frame of reference”???
@Rodsupremos Says:
Bullshit. In the real world Trump & Kushner would get a nobel peace prize for the Abraham Accords. My whole childhood cried for peace in the middle east. The gas lighting here will be a great story in history.
@RubenO.-tz5vv Says:
RFK Jr is actually crazy son... what is happening to you Tom? You are going insane!
@shocker6491 Says:
I love the channel in general. But this was cringe and mostly generic wisdom with very little said on the advertised topic. Hopefully RFK has a chance.
@joezapp1852 Says:
Rfk doesn't have the stones. Only Trump 2024. He is the lion we need for these times ... RFKs voice can hardly reach the mic
@bmacaz Says:
This is terrifying. Let’s hope RFK can win the election to maximize our chances for survival
@shanenorton9631 Says:
You are the first person that should go occupy mars. Pack your bag
@jeremyneworleans Says:
Real talk, thanks
@TheZGALa Says:
Much Love Tom!
@markizano Says:
This needs more views. The calibur of discernment is outstanding! Yes, my life outside of social media and the news and the screen is fantastic. I regularly take time in gratitude for this human experience because outside of the programming, it really is nice outside and people are great when I personally interact with anyone in real life. Thank you for this in an attempt at keeping us focused on reality as much as possible 🙏🏾
@KaraMarisa Says:
RFK Jr. better be on the NY ballot.
@graphicallydeb9897 Says:
3 bad choices is not the answer.
@RubenCLeon Says:
Something not one talking head has mentioned. The Democrat National "Committee" made the rules and they can change the rules. The committee can convene and change the rules and open up the convention. Does anyone believe that the committee "can't" change the rules?
@cultivatelongevity4026 Says:
Kennedy 💯
@DeborahSch Says:
This guy is so silly, down to his backwards baseball cap. RFK had zero pressure. RFK is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders , lots of “detailed complaining” and no real action.
@gardyloo3415 Says:
Dude it was the democrats who denied RFK. That is why he went independent. Same thing they did to Bernie Sanders TWICE
@kenpowell3557 Says:
go Joe go! looking forward to Sept debate! Trump 2024
@beatrizrosado898 Says:
@beatrizrosado898 Says:
TRUMP is the choice!
@musicclasstube220 Says:
RJK has ZERO chance of winning Tom, disappointed to see this nonsense. I don’t like that our system is a binary choice, but it freaking is. Sad to see people waste their vote to get RJK to maybe 5% 🤷🏼‍♀️ I said what I said.
@Benevolentkings Says:
Stop being a coward with your Meta zoomout and criticizing the 2 party system for easy likes. Thats a tomorrow hope, today we have these 2 parties and you're not helping anyone blathering on.
@christiankraft2447 Says:
Americans elect personality not policy. Trump knows that. That's why he speaks like he is explaining it to a five year old. Most people don't have the background knowledge to even explain current events to.
@christiankraft2447 Says:
Kennedy is a big government Commy. I appreciate that, which he informed me of early in the pandemic. He's just a big Government Democratic.
@christiankraft2447 Says:
Go ahead and vote for RFK says the Trump supporters Thanks for the vote.
@HarryPotterFan1307 Says:
Still dodged the question.
@DinoPalazzi Says:
Thank you Tom, for your outstanding example of compassionate critical thinking, of discerning one's north star principles and flourishing in that direction. Bravo! May mighty oaks grow from these exquisite acorns. Many thanks.
@kalebv.1414 Says:
If Kennedy hadn't flip flopped so much on the 2a I would vote for him in a second. But I can't with a clear consciousness do it.
@kurt5312 Says:
Bro you gotta b a billionaire..... I try to watch your videos all the time but you can't get through 2 sentences without 20 minutes of commercial
@kurt5312 Says:
I do like rfk he definitely comes from a totally different world than us 99% and I don't know about all his ideas but aleast he has IDEAS not just bickering old man like the others
@jeffriley6774 Says:
What you said about what Biden believes is inaccurate. What he says and believes are not the same thing.
@jeffriley6774 Says:
Not a fan of some of his ideas. He should have been in debate. Our system is so controlled and not in a good way.
@LAP02 Says:
After seeing what the non sentient potato has done in a very short period of time, I will never vote blue again - ever
@jaredcrenshaw7665 Says:
Tom, I like you, man. But, when I heard you say recently that you'd consider voting for Biden if it weren't for his mental and cognitive decline you took a massive hit in terms of credibility. I haven't voted in 16 years because it's an illusion of choice. Trump is better than Biden, but it's like saying colon cancer is better than pancreatic cancer. Wake up, man!
@DianneCollins Says:
I really wish Tom would read my book, Do You QuantumThink? “…the 2-party systems (pick any country) have blended into blur.” Part I Wake Up, page 1
@mahande88 Says:
RFK is just as liberal as Biden, he just isnt mentally compromised.
@1maripaul Says:
I'm going to disagree with you Tom. I think you being a present and smart business builder via your own words in this podcast. You absolutely know 100 percent Hard choices are always a part of business, politics and LIFE. If you can't make a hard choice between the two candidates that THE PEOPLE have voted as 2 candidates. I do not disagree with you about RFK should had made the stage. But here we are and the people absolutely have tools to listen to RFK who answered debate questions AND is accessable all over YouTube. It's what they've (CNN) has done to Trump forever, not allowing him on CNN, but that's never talked about. So here we are, you absolutely have choices between the three. The PEOPLE VOTED for two of them as our candidates who make the debate stage. And I absolutely believe you aren't running business and are as successful as you are without understanding this (sometimes you make hard choices: Biden or Trump) I feel like you are making assumptions that sway one way but not the other. But I could be wrong.
@johnnywlittle Says:
❤Tom thank you
@Spokane3D Says:
Dude you're narrative is part of the problem. You're making this way way too complicated
@Seabreeze24 Says:
Just curious. I have not seen RFK Jr answers. I have seen clips of him bashing Trump and Biden but not his solutions to any of the problems. Then you have every democrat voting along party lines, the very ones that is blocking him from the debate stage, convention etc. How is he going to get them to work with him?
@amandafarr5736 Says:
Lost me at "God bless Elon Musk" 😂
@johnnywlittle Says:
It’s the 1st time I remember debates before a primary w/2-assumed candidates from each party. 30yrs Ago we’d talk about this as another country having fixed elections w/fake choices to appease the masses. It’s like theatre….
@waitwhat....2473 Says:
Biden is a super computer with a flickery CPU processor compared to Trumps advertising tactics targeting 4th grader minded people. P.s. they want you dumb and susceptible through their policies.
@f42un84u Says:
"It's not as bad as it appears or as good as you hope.". BS. Average USA citizens in a black hole about to be obliterated by unelected actors. US government stealing security, joy, prosperity and rights daily. "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it."
@rustybucket7323 Says:
For the first 65 years, rfk was as anti 2a as biden. But now is a "moderate". That alone constitutes a foff in my book. But he is an intelligent man and i hope trump gives him a cabinet position heading the FDA
@saintpatrick6681 Says:
democracy is a fugitive
@hollisey19 Says:
Your reasoning is pretty absent of logic. You sound like a vapid talk head lost in platitudes. Try addressing an open border killing Americans, dead Marines in Afghanistan, massive inflation killing the middle class.fentanyl the number 1 killer. go back to your hot tub.
@anthonybriggs5873 Says:
Fantastic Tom. Thank you for this how to gift of Critical Thinking 🙌🏼 I have shared it with my family Especially my children Cheers
@dihaig Says:
Thank you, thank you,thank you.

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