Kids being c*nts on planes
Kids being c*nts on planes



@BearingBear Says:
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@specialk8888 Says:
You know I’m not above hitting someone else’s kid… I wouldn’t even put up with this for 1 hours let alone 8…
@ericredbear425 Says:
I may be waaaay late to this party, but airplane mini-Karen comes off as having a developmental delay. My youngest daughter sometimes behaved like this (on the autism spectrum + another issue) and honestly *couldn't* regulate her own emotions when she became overwhelmed. She had to wear my gun-range headphones for assemblies at school or anywhere with those loud autoflush toilets. I'm not sure if this is the case here, but in my experience it feels like more than just a spoiled brat tantrum.
@idontrllyknow8998 Says:
these kids deserve a whooping
@pikeplace187 Says:
Now we know the real story of Oceanic flight 815.
@lalaboards Says:
Politically correct term for the little buggers COP’s
@openbabel Says:
Recent law changes in Europe and the UK means that air transport duty will now be reapplied to children after a high court ruling it was discriminatory against the blind and severely disabled who have no atd consessions up to now; but is required by primary legislation. Clearly the child must be presented as fit to fliy and should have be refused boarding under transport rules. Such behaviour could cause medical harm to the blind and severely disabled who relie on quiet environments to be able to navigate the cabin and gain accessability to the aircraft. Reminder that children have NO legal rights and disabled rights are primary legislation which overrides all other legislation. Hopefully extra charges will diswade the carriage of young children until they are old enough to behave in such environments. This is a practical demonstration that children should never be able to use mobiles under the age of 16 as will be the case n the UK shortly. This child is most likely be suffering from dopamine withdrawl, physcological dependency, too much screen time induced low medical mono and lack of personal displine which could leave her at a disavantage in life.
@6banzai5 Says:
where is the duct tape when you need it?
@6banzai5 Says:
many times in situations like this have noticed the parents let their kids act out...
@DLKnightstick1989 Says:
For real... I'd have spoken up after 15 minutes, yelled in the kid and parent's face after 30 minutes, and be arrested by an air marshal after 45 minutes for putting the kid in a sleeper hold and making him go night-night. But I'd rest easy, knowing I was the hero of the day.
@the-trustees Says:
Just give the kid some Benadryl an hour before your flight leaves. And as for that first kunt, I'd beat the shit out of her right there on the plane and show her what REAL pain is. Same for kunt number two. Crap like this is because of woke bullshite positions on corporal punishment. They'll say that their pretend god made us, and so can treat us however it likes, but THEN won't correct their own spawn. THEN beat the shite out of mom for being the biggest kunt of all.
@tomsmith6379 Says:
Yeet the children
@victorslate3376 Says:
wtf first you have to hear that shit for 8 hours ,then you have to go to New Jersey .
@hamzah5643 Says:
sorry, but a hard smack across the face was invented for a reason
@jsaplays33 Says:
11:15 it really is a demon! Kill it
@ryproar11 Says:
The amount of belt lashes I would have got would be legendary. Kids have it easy... Too easy...
@ZhongXina515 Says:
The fact kids like this exist is the exact reason I chose not to have children. Because if either of those children were my kid I would’ve thrown them both out of the plane.
@bluntlyhonest3157 Says:
Should have gotten a good hiding 🙄
@LA-xf8hl Says:
Congratulations on your family dude. Your Mrs sounds mega.
@animachainzvideoz5921 Says:
This could be an argument for laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate abortions.
@animachainzvideoz5921 Says:
I wonder how people just put up with this. I would have literally told that mom to shut that fuckin kid up before the plane ever left.
@shaclown7721 Says:
I'm sorry, but i would've pulled my kid's ear HARD if he'd pulled any of those shitty shenanigans. Brat doesn't do enough justice as a description for this bitch.. listen to your parents, ESPECIALLY in public areas.. imagine being this mom, totally out of control, but not wanting to give in. Imagine the judgemental stares of all the random people on that plane.. absolute horror.
@shawnbell3468 Says:
Too many doctors now a days tell parents their kids are boarderline on the spectrum so this makes the parents not able to properly "parent" their child as well "it's not their fault" (the child). This way it allows frustrated parents to hand over to the state their kid to be controled properly for the future. It's just a scam to have better control over the next population of people.
@AUZlE Says:
I can't wait to enact my execution stare on my child the first time he tries me like this. The fact of the matter is children don't begin behaving this way unless it has worked before.
@justinhartley1537 Says:
This is not what technology is doing the kids this is what absent parenting is doing to kids I've taken my kids phone away and they were upset but by no way did they act like this little s*** head
@harryfromwork Says:
I used to travel quite a bit and carried a little stuffed toy to give to unruly kids sitting near me to calm them down because some parents are clueless and useless.
@harryfromwork Says:
how old is that idiot child? jesus tap dancing christ...this is our future
@scottsmith7969 Says:
The sad part of this video is, bearing and miss bearing keep asking what they would do if this happened to there child. That’s not the question these parents are thinking about. They are wondering what all the rest of the adults on the plane are about to do to them and there child. Then they would be left with the the very sad truth, in a few years this child will be an adult and mom and dad won’t be there to stick up for them. Then the strangers will decide how this should be dealt with. Most likely violence, followed by jail. Raise your kids right.
@gooner72 Says:
That 2nd child would be dumped out the door on the runway with his luggage and family, there's no way that I would put up with that for 8 hours.
@troyturner6083 Says:
This is why kids need to be slapped. Or at least know the option is there
@azazelgrigori9244 Says:
I think we need childfree airlines. 18+ only.
@derekmartinez7134 Says:
Second video....never has it been more acceptable to choke out a child...or on second though suplex them.
If I was on that plane, I'd start a conversation with the random person sitting next to me: "Don't you find that kid annoying? His parents can't control him at all. The kid is going to have a rough time when he's older because his parents haven't taught him how to behave.". I'd say that at a volume where those parents can hear it clearly. Can't do anything about the kid, so just shame the parents. If they respond just say "I wasn't talking to you.".
@lilbigrigw9904 Says:
The first kid sounds like she's dying. So BOMBOCLAAT dramatic
@sunshinesoliloquy3977 Says:
Never too late for an abortion. A carefully placed knitting needle will fuck anyone up.
@axrelis5762 Says:
I'd destroy her phone. It would be a year of good behavior before I'd even think about getting her a new one
@dogethe1st725 Says:
what is wrong with them mentally
@dogethe1st725 Says:
if i were her parent time to go to adoption center lol
@vauhner81 Says:
Both of my kids are adults now. Neither one of them would ever try something like that with me. They knew better. I patented them. If a kids acting like this on a plane that parent is a FAILURE! First mom tried to stop it. Second shouldn’t be raising kids.
@duafatima1787 Says:
*laughs in asian* 💀💀💀
@duafatima1787 Says:
How do these people not feel embarrassed? Like the first girl is not a kid. She is going to grow up into another entitled karen if not brought up correctly.
@janicecopeland9083 Says:
First girl is poster child for not having children.
@TheScoobysteve Says:
This was deeply upsetting for some reason. Causing a ruckus on an aircraft can cause a whole plane to divert and get you sent to jail.
@AnthonyvanHamond Says:
shockcollars for juveniles on aircraft
@jeanolapin3830 Says:
My brother had a friend who was such a little brat, I remember he was running around my mother’s book sales like Taz the Tasmanian devil and she was like “oh honey, maybe don’t do that” while my mother was shooting imaginary tranquilliser needles with her eyes... or once we managed to get rid f him after being honeyed for an hour for him to come back, climbing over our 2,5 m wall, and again we had a “that was dangerous sweetheart” the kid was 7...
@mattberg6816 Says:
I would have got slapped into next week after about ten seconds of this
@cheesetoastie5887 Says:
valium should be law for these brats
@jasonjohinke5651 Says:
I've been saying for years we need an over 16 only airline
@ryansnow8359 Says:
My mom would have whooped my ass if i acted like either of these kids lol.
@MrRugbyloosehead Says:
We are now seeing the result of kids who were spoiled and were let have everything they wanted in the generation of entitled people the advent of the "karen" and people going bizerk on planes more frequently! it's happening everywhere and no more than the wearing of masks! As I seen these losers have a complete meltdown because of masks!

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