Australian farm dog tries to round up wild emus
Australian farm dog tries to round up wild emus



@BearingBear Says:
Dad and his Kelpie 'Megs' came across a bunch of emus in the Queensland outback. Go Megs. Good girl.
@facelessone6555 Says:
Dog nearly restarts the great Emu war...
@phookadude Says:
Dog was smart enough to look when crossing the road. Some people need to learn that yet.
@UnrivaledBarresi Says:
¿ǝʇɐɯ 'uᴉɐƃɐ snɯǝ ǝɥʇ ʇɥƃᴉɟ oʇ ƃuᴉɹɐdǝɹԀ
I was about to ask which planet this was. I've never even seen these animals...
@lsixty30 Says:
Those guys and that dog were found dead with bird related injuries a few hundred yards from that location
@jaejonmalloy1341 Says:
Cool but, if they'd just give you guy back your guns, you could still be fighting the great emu war. On the other hand, they wouldn't able to get away with their disgusting acts of tyranny, if that were the case so, no guns for you, NINE!!!
@SniperKing-O Says:
Now imagine this with a guina Pig herding kiwis birds.
@manicmechanic448 Says:
Maybe get the army out there with a couple of Lewis guns... oh, wait never mind.
@RandyKalff Says:
Even a dog is more threatening to emus than the Australian army.
@philbert85 Says:
That's the goodest dog at emu musting I've ever seen
@weswolever7477 Says:
Make “the adventures of Megs” a regular thing ya furry cxxt
@jaclynmiles8447 Says:
Who hits the thumbs down button on a dog video? You should be ashamed of yourself
@theHedgex1 Says:
A good dog
@toddlosure4793 Says:
Thats a good dogoo ya got there mate. Bestest of doggs.
@bouldaa Says:
That looks so familiar to me, the mulga, that red dirt. I miss it.
@emilyeggert-botkin5090 Says:
@lordodin5755 Says:
That moment when dogs succeed where guns failed.
@scottyd2262 Says:
The dog in your thumbnail is a dead ringer for my Australian Kelpie... Extremely smart dogs..
@donthaveaname15 Says:
Ahh, I see the Second Great Emu War is beginning.
@comradeblyat25 Says:
That's a damn good boy right there
@aussiebloke4601 Says:
It would take a super dog to out run a bush chook.
@wrongfootmcgee Says:
for real, thanks man, this is goood stuff heart medicine
@bryancorrell3689 Says:
It is a dark time for the EMU ALLIANCE. The AUSTRALIAN ARMY may have been beaten decisively, but a new threat has emerged. MEGS has turned her attention toward toward the Emu forces with a bold plan......
@CesarPerez-zc6kl Says:
And the emu war is starting again.
@herbiehusker1889 Says:
She's just mad about the Emu War.
@patrickgjorven7832 Says:
All I want to know is, can I eat it and how good does their meat taste?
@DragonFruitXVI Says:
Post war Racial tensions.
An Emu ate my baby!! 😢
@rustedshackle678 Says:
Its nice to see good content with all the bullshit going on in the world. Its honestly refreshing
@TomELong Says:
If you really wanted to lower their numbers? Tell the Chinese, they can have them as a food souse. Take out an add on CNN telling liberals, they are health. Those clowns will believe any lie CNN tells them. At one time they thought Potato's were a health food.
@Shadow_Wolf_190 Says:
I’m a proud Kelpie owner
@alvarojm750 Says:
Australia is basically Jurassic Park on meth. Giant chickens, monster spiders, Insta-kill jellyfish.... not sure if pterodactyls or not, but it sounds right.
@davidgrover5996 Says:
Victory against the Emu remains elusive.
@LastOne155 Says:
Wait a minute, Emus adn Australia are REAL? Geesh I thought they were just on tv and movies, like Tibet and Platypus
@GreyhawkTheAngry Says:
Is this how the second Great Emu War is going to start?
@jakethompson5129 Says:
How did you lose a war to those oversized chickens?
@Ye_Is_The_Way Says:
@marialiyubman Says:
2020 in a nutshell….
@myfeliscatus Says:
Beautiful dog.
@crushember3519 Says:
The Australian accent always sounds friendly.
@dannyferrell3364 Says:
@somedandy7694 Says:
No wonder dogs like that can live to 30! They chase death away!
@somedandy7694 Says:
I heard those Aussie Cattle dogs can live up to 30 years on table scraps! [edit]'s a really good thing birds like that don't hunt in packs or think to gang up. People would be screwed if birds that size launched coordinated attacks/counters.
@summertimerobot437 Says:
@jonmcgee6987 Says:
Thus the promise of peace has been broken. The war begins anew.
@johnwatts8346 Says:
reminds me of that old joke- 'mate, ya dont expect a bloke with no legs to catch his own kangaroo, do ya?'
@thorild69 Says:
Fucking. Amazing. Good girl, Meg, good girl!
@mickz8369 Says:
Megs is a dead ringer of my kelpie "Lolly" , she died late last year , I miss her greatly....thanks for the vid.
@tylerseibert1438 Says:
Good job megs

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