Rock 5B: Powerful RK3588 SBC

Rock 5B: Powerful RK3588 SBC


Rock 5B RK3588 single board computer review, including hardware specification, and demos running Debian and Android. Also drive speed tests and Kdenlive rendering test, and experiments with the HDMI input. :) The Rock 5B shown in this video was purchased from Radxa (via AllNet) as part of the board's pre-order discount code scheme. You can learn more about the Rock 5B on the Radxa website here: My earlier review of the Rock 3A is here: And the video in which I ran the Kdenlive rendering tests for the Raspberry Pi 4 and Khadas VIM4 is here: The M.2 drive speed and Kdenlive rendering tests for the LattePanda 3 Delta are in included my review of the board here: And my test of the M.2 drive speed on the Odroid M1 is part of my review of the board here: For additional ExplainingComputers videos and other content, you can become a channel member here: More videos on SBCs and wider computing and related topics can be found at You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at: Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:46 Unboxing 02:55 RK3588 Power (specification) 07:14 Cooler & Drives 09:41 Debian (inc drive speed tests) 14:40 Desktop Apps (inc Kdenlive test) 17:05 HDMI Input 18:47 Android #Rock5B #RK3588 #ExplainingComputers




@Lurch-Bot Says:
Haven't seen a reference to RoR in a loooong time.
@DivisionStreetDrums Says:
anything to do with mask rom is unreliable and a waste of money
@Rushil69420 Says:
These are on sale starting at just $80 right now on Arace (an official Radxa distributor)
@andreamitchell4758 Says:
Not covered on this video is thr power supply. I tried all of the Type C power supplies I have on hand and none of them work The wiki for the working powrr supplies does not even mention Android at all so how do I know which power supplies are compatible with Android? I also see peppt having problems with this board not booting with some of the power supplies listed as working in the wiki I am not sure I want to waste any more money on this thing and kep buying powrr supplies that won't work
@ironhead320 Says:
Where can you buy it at
@mihailvormittag6211 Says:
@ayeminoo2067 Says:
Please do power consumption test for all sbc. One of top selling point is that I think
@cruzcarneiro Says:
Great, can you send me the emmc adapter link? Thank you
@travnewmatic Says:
thats a beefy board
@JeriDro Says:
English people are so good at presenting and explaining, I find the best speakers to be either British or from the US.
@wankyuchoi1853 Says:
안녕하세요 저희는 영국에 위치한 SBC 제품 유통 전문 기업, RS components/OKDO 라고 합니다. 당사는 라즈베리파이를 대체할 수 있는 Radxa Rock 제품을 공급하고 있습니다. Radxa Rock 제품은 라즈베리파이 보다 한층 더 업그레이드 제품인데, 가격은 라즈베리파이 보다 더 저렴하게 공급해드리고 있습니다. 현재 KC 인증이 완료되었거나, 조만간 완료될 제품들이 많이 있습니다. 1. 라즈베리파이 3B/3B+ => Radxa Rock 3A, 3C 로 대체 가능 (1G,2G,4G램, On/Off Power 버튼, Wifi 가능, Dual M2 Connector) 2. 라즈베리파이 4B Series => Radxa Rock 4SE, 4C+로 대체 가능 (M2 NVME socket, RTC, Android 구동 가능, eMMC socket) 3. 라즈베리파이 CM3, CM3+ Series => Radxa Rock CM3S 로 대체 가능 (1G/2G RAM + 0~128GM eMMC. 양산중) 4. 라즈베리파이 CM4 Series => Radxa Rock CM3 로 대체 가능 (2G/16G eMMC & 4G/32G eMMC with Wifi/Bluetooth. 양산중) 5. 라즈베리파이에는 없는 슈퍼 싱글보드컴퓨터 : Radxa Rock 5B 8G, 16G, 32G (RK3588) 와 Radxa Rock 5A (RK3588S) 6. 이외에 여러 가지 Rock 제품들이 있습니다 (예: x86기반의 Rock X2, Rock Zero 등) 언제든지 관련해서 연락을 주시면 적극적이고 친절한 대응을 약속드립니다! [email protected]
@Lucretia9000 Says:
Are you sure you got that heat sink on properly? It looks like the thermal pads should sit on the RAM chips which would mean rotating the heat sink.
@carlosssandovallucas9326 Says:
i allway falow your teching on computers i love how you teache
@neutrino4377 Says:
If I don't use the cooler, any problem will happen?
@tural.ahmatov Says:
This guy rocks
@joelee24 Says:
Thanks for the video, I like the original Pi 4 but it's outdated and slow, I always looking for a replacement, and wonder how much faster this new chip is in general use. How does the RK3588 compares to the Intel, what type of 'low end PC' you referring to, the ATOM or i3 for example ?
@shapelessed Says:
For the cooler I would personally just buy some small 1mm copper sheets, solder them together to make a bigger cooler with spaced ou fins, strap a 12V 140mm fan running at 5v/0.25A through GPIO at the lowest speed possible and cool it that way. It would basically be completely silent because the fan would run at like 300rpm.
@Buciasda33 Says:
Nice hardware. I'd imediately drop my score from 5 star to 3 star because of the two missing screws. The heatsink should have had pre applied thermal paste and maybe thicker pads all around. The suport for the Rock boards is very bad, I just struggled today with the Rock 4 SE. I installed Debian 11 and I tried to install OpenCV. At this point I'm pretty sure bringing people back to life is a reasonable and easily achievable task compared to dealing with this piece of shit board. I had absolutely no trouble doing this with the Raspberry Pi 4.
@joeynrg Says:
Hi Chris, watched your channel for years. I'm interested to know if OBS studio works and could you lower the input resolution and record it with OBS?
@adrianhendy Says:
I've come back to this video - re: Android video capture, when you click on the screen some buttons come up on the bottom including a record button.... didn't see anybody else comment along those lines though I could be wrong!
@boringsoftware2093 Says:
thanks for ur geeky videos :D the slowness of the Rock 5B during KDE Live export can not be explained with the CPU, might it be harddisk performance problem (lack of SATA, NVMe connection)?
@relaxationforbeginners2089 Says:
My boards have all had screws for the needed slots on the opposite side of the board with exception of the v1.2. You remove that screw and add it to the other side as needed to mount the m.2’s.
@MatthewHill Says:
I wonder why it came out so much slower than the Orange Pi... despite having what should be near-identical CPU internals (except for the I/O).
@jondonnelly3 Says:
If only Microsoft made a native version of Office for Linux with Outlook, this would be perfect machine for the office. I mean they make 365 for the mac and the future is cloud.
@jceasar5685 Says:
Is there a reason why there is no display port?
@cataelectron Says:
Pikvm shoud look at this board. if the usb-c supports otg we have the perfect board.
@LisnicVitalie Says:
How to use HDMI input, if it have only 2 fps?
@pleappleappleap Says:
Power consumption? Pricing?
@TheGrinderd1 Says:
Be aware that this chip does not support hardware HEVC streams
@rahuloturkar6241 Says:
Does it work with Raspbian OS?
@RogerBarraud Says:
That password really should have been "roll" ... Opportunity missed 😕
@glucosefructose Says:
Yo was watching the new Jeff Geerling video where he mentions this video.
@WSallai Says:
Congratulations on achieving 400-videos!🎉
@DragonEgg11 Says:
@toweliethetowel8280 Says:
Nice thing. Here in europe, the 16GB version is sold for about 400 Euro. For this price I get a B550 board + Ryzen 5700G and some RAM. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@theodorechryssanthidis Says:
Chris, try to test Reborn OS on this SBC and see if it performs better before you come up with your Pi Alternatives video! Also have a look here ->
@kostasgiagidis Says:
Mr Christopher as suggestion if you can look it for consideration it will be nice to use phoronix test suite when you testing that boards. it will give us more spherical view about their performance and you can compare it with other similar boards. it will be nice addition to your wonderful and useful videos. maybe it will add some more time in the videos that but will help us more. i want to thank you from my part for the great work you do for all of us :)
@kostasgiagidis Says:
its quite expensive board.... sorry near to 200 dollars or 200 euro is not worth it... (16gb ram version). with that moneys you get sbc far more better in performance. sorry the price is not good. not worth it... i like it a lot, but their prices kill it...
@GlennJTison Says:
Will it Chrome or Firefox run encoded movies, usually via WideVine?
@ihavediabetestoo Says:
Get a haircut!
@fix_404__anti_virs Says:
Thank you explain computer the Rock it's real cheaper add Raspberry Pi and any more
@smartassist9700 Says:
Sir Chris, I see you attached NVME. DID YOU “BOOT” FROM NVME? I SEE they have written steps for that capability, however, we’re you able to boot from NVME? WHAT WERE THOSE SPECS PLEASE? THANK YOU AGAIN!
@АртёмСабадырь Says:
You should be able to play (and record) HDMI In with VLC
@1xXNimrodXx1 Says:
Wo lernt man denn am besten in Berlin das kleine Messerstecher 1x1? Neuköln?
@DuncSargent Says:
Wow, as of 2023-01-08 Amazon had these priced around $369 USD!
@kamertonaudiophileplayer847 Says:
$190 is for 16Gb version? It is too much, perhaps $150 was more reasonable.
@blender_wiki Says:
Great board is so unfortunate that rockchip politics about Linux kernel driver of hw and accelerator is close to garbage. That kill any LTS capability. To save video for hdmi input use ffmpeg like any input video stream. Something like this: ffmpeg -f vfwcap -i 0 -codec:v copy rawvideo.nut ffmpeg -i rawvideo.nut -codec:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset medium-sized
Amazon sells it for $370 LOL when for $300 you can buy complete 4k media player with HDD bay build in, ISO, MKV playback and whole more functions compatible + accessories.
@Diggnuts Says:
Pointless benchmarks inc...
@markmuniz6258 Says:
Since RPi's are few and far between I was thinking this may be a decent alternative for putting Kali on. Anyone have any thoughts on that yet?

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