Quantum Computing 2024 Update
Quantum Computing 2024 Update



@JumbieLove290 Says:
I think people would stop saying quantum computing doesn’t exist if there was more than just talk about it, and there was an easy to understand, highly publicised demonstration of it doing something practical.
@scherge Says:
Whenever QC will be ready for market it's going to be the next big buzzword for all the marketing geniuses who are currently milking AI dry.
@OlivePittsOnDesk Says:
Largest scam in science that eventually will be proven mostly useless. Until I see an actual program, this is all just wishful thinking.
@bounceofffast Says:
Thanks for the summary !
@GerryMinetos Says:
Quantum computing is "yeh, whatever" till Microsoft offers "Windows Quantum" on a 1-Mqbit quantum PC at Best Buy which, let's guess, might be in time for Cmas 2040. 😂
@__--JY-Moe--__ Says:
i thought England was famoose for computing!
@drumunism3781 Says:
So, reading between the lines, quantum computers are communicating with a fallible intelligence that must be proofread by a higher intelligence.
@gregritferdjr Says:
We’re making it to Tier 9 with this one!!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🙏🏻🙌🙌🙌
@KevinNdhlovu Says:
@ted_van_loon Says:
quantumstability at room temperature(and far above) now also is a thing. even though that speciffic tech is designed and tested(as in confirmed working reliably in pretty much any normal circumstances without needing something to clean the signal or stabilize it) for quantum actuation instead of quantum computing. as the device from which the very first prototype made the same morning the effect as discovered/come up with, using materials just laying around actually directly worked, this should suggest how stable it is and how easy to make it once you know how it works. the researcher/innovator however mostly focussed on the effect behind it, but the device itself is essentially a quantum programmer. which is in simple words a device which can create stable or semi stable quantum effects in normal materials with ease and also easily alter them. so controlled programmable quantum effects. which allows to quite litterally program and controll physics themselves, ofcource rigth now it is mostly just done for certain quantum effects which normally only happen in special materials around the absolute 0 point, but once in the hand of random hackers and other forms of hobbyists and developers people can make way more effects with it based on this tech and the simple principle behind it. in normal materials like mercury, aluminium, wood(living), and also the same silicone wafers used for chip making. as in that on it's very first day it was already possibly to mass produce it using standard production processes(technically seen as there was no direct layout design for such mashines to use, but that is very easy compared to even super simple chip designs. these could then both hold the hardware to program it as well as the materials being programmed. I originally designed this device to test amplifying certain measurement methods, as well as to simulate certain quantum effects which normally only happen at insanely cold temperatures, but got it working without any funding and without any proper materials, just some electronics thigns I just had laying around, a arduino uno to power it and controll it combined with a small physical setup. and having many scrapped parts from old electronics devices many of which might be damaged or broken, and cheap parts which probably are ripoffs or failed items with terrible quality compared to the real deal. one of the existing quantum technologies listed in the video seems to be close to it in some ways of it's base working from what I got when rapidly looking up it's working. even though I ofcource only rapidly looked it up, and also from that it still has notable differences, since the most easy way to describe how the quantum programmer works is by creating some kind of gohst matter, or quantum mater, which is kind of like a new form of virtual matter which can overlay and exist in or move through normal physical matter, essentially it is quantum matter, which only really exists in the "quantum realm"(note that this is heavily oversimplified, you can also find and detect it normally with the right hardware, but then it won't be a material, since the reason it forms that material like state is because essentially it programs things in other dimensions like the Time dimension as well as things which most people would not even see like a realm or dimension but this tech can treat them as such, hard to explain without telling exactly how it works, since the base working is very simple and logic since it is actually the same way normal physics effects and mater are formed. how modular it is is fascinating however, since it kind of is like wizard magic but then technological, entire new areas which where never even concidered now opening up to potentially actually be very easy and cheap. also controllable quantum effects means that unlike traditional quantum effects which stay static when on and don't work when off, these effects can be programmed and can change shape or change their effect or power. it is truly fun. sadly not really any interest from groups who have the capacity to properly publish it and help protect it against patent trolls and such. also ofcource since this is one of those things where despite it already working many people would still doubt it working and also can't see the potential, for that it would require disclosing how exactly it works, which is very risky in this field since if you are a small hobbyist who isn't rich or famous, in that field over 99% of the time some random other person will just copy it and run away with it.
@MildredSandy-l8g Says:
Gary didn't understand why Doug went upstairs to get one dollar bills when he invited him to go cow tipping.
@CalvinHarte Says:
To bring anything into your life, imagine that it's already there.
@LawrenceSymons Says:
One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.
@GregGodwin-y9q Says:
He found the end of the rainbow and was surprised at what he found there.
@JeffreyFreeman-g6u Says:
Barking dogs and screaming toddlers have the unique ability to turn friendly neighbors into cranky enemies.
@ErnestAnderson-o4u Says:
A smile is a light in the window of your face to show your heart is at home.
@GodferyJosh Says:
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
@AdairRobin-s8h Says:
He said he was not there yesterday; however, many people saw him there.
@douglasauclair3086 Says:
For practical applications, quantum computers have solved pathing problems. In one case, 90% of a new circuit was discarded due to observable quantum effect supplanting the need for most of the circuit's logic. The other case was fuel transportation paths. In this case, a quantum computer increased the path-efficiency by 45%. It was earlier attempted with classical algorithms with no solution reached.
@RudiCarlosMurga-x9z Says:
I never viewed any videos or initiated viewing for any of the last two videos I reported, terrorism and hacking involved.
@itsbs Says:
At this point, you must be a real dum-dum to believe in Quantum Mechanical Computers and their "Quantum State Superposition" creating massively parallel processing via QUBITs. It's all a big lie.
@johnstuart2472 Says:
New to the channel. Well explain to someone who is not that tec. But need to keep up with the latest news. Well done, I enjoyed the film.
@Citrusautomaton Says:
I’m only just now seeing this. I forget about the updates every year until they happen. Thanks!
@SciD1 Says:
Quantum computing is still a fantasy, because quantum state superposition is a fantasy. The hype only serves to attract more gullible investors, just like for fusion... Giant companies like Alibaba and Baidu are already shutting down their multi-billion dollar quantum computing research facilities. Who will be next?
@MelvinArthurMurray Says:
I don't know much about quantum computing other than it's like almost like a maze and it's basically computing on a particle level or at a quantum level which I think is extremely funny because like this was like something that the godfather of quantum physics you know Max Planck and and all the other quantum physicists like Albert Einstein they never knew about they would never have dreamed about quantum computing they probably they probably couldn't even imagine or fathom this being a reality
@techniqueswithtodd Says:
My quantum computer is off and on at the same time so I can't reboot it :)
@universeusa Says:
As of 2024, quantum computing continues to advance rapidly, with several key developments and trends emerging: ### 1. **Increased Qubit Counts** - Many companies and research institutions are achieving higher qubit counts in their quantum processors. This is crucial for enhancing computational power and addressing more complex problems. ### 2. **Error Correction Techniques** - Progress in quantum error correction is a significant focus, as it is essential for building reliable quantum computers. Techniques like surface codes and other innovative methods are being developed to mitigate errors caused by decoherence and noise. ### 3. **Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms** - There’s growing interest in hybrid approaches that combine quantum and classical computing. Algorithms like the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) and Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) are being refined for practical applications, particularly in optimization and materials science. ### 4. **Commercial Applications** - Industries are increasingly exploring quantum computing applications. Sectors such as pharmaceuticals, finance, and logistics are investigating how quantum algorithms can improve drug discovery, risk analysis, and supply chain optimization. ### 5. **Quantum Software Development** - The development of quantum programming languages and software tools is expanding. Frameworks like Qiskit, Cirq, and others are becoming more robust, enabling more researchers and developers to experiment with quantum algorithms. ### 6. **Quantum Networking** - Research into quantum communication and networking is progressing, with experiments on quantum key distribution (QKD) and entanglement swapping. This could lead to secure communication channels and the foundation for a future quantum internet. ### 7. **Government and Institutional Support** - Many governments are investing in quantum technologies, establishing funding programs and initiatives to boost research and development. This includes partnerships between academia and industry to foster innovation. ### 8. **Commercial Quantum Computers** - Companies like IBM, Google, and Rigetti are offering cloud-based access to quantum computers, allowing businesses and researchers to experiment without needing to own the hardware. ### 9. **Quantum Hardware Diversity** - Various technologies for building quantum computers are being explored, including superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and topological qubits. This diversity may lead to breakthroughs in stability and scalability. ### 10. **Public Awareness and Education** - As the field grows, public interest and education initiatives are increasing. More resources are becoming available for learning about quantum computing, including online courses, workshops, and outreach programs. ### Conclusion Overall, 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for quantum computing, characterized by advancements in technology, growing commercial interest, and increased collaboration across sectors. The potential applications of quantum computing continue to expand, promising transformative impacts in various fields. 👍👌
@lupus7194 Says:
Wikipedia: Bra–ket notation was created by Paul Dirac in his 1939 publication A New Notation for Quantum Mechanics. The notation was introduced as an easier way to write quantum mechanical expressions. The name comes from the English word "bracket".
@JeremyPickett Says:
...Alice and Bob have a cat qubit? This is a real company? Am i tripping on... (Clears my throat, straightens my tie)... Catamine? Thank you folks, tip your servers and try the veal! Good night!
@thinkingonpaper Says:
Great and timely update! 1000 Qubits is coming.
@ronnymumbere Says:
computing is so marvelous to study with a good friend😍😍😍😍😍😍
@kaiying74 Says:
We just need to finish inventing Quantum Computers so we can finish inventing Fusion Power... 🤡
@ericphelps1796 Says:
They already got the quantum Computer chip Out Now It is about 3/4 of a inch to a inch❤❤
@RobinTheHoodedMan Says:
I'm saving up for a brain upgrade to understand all this stuff (lol). I also can be in many states at the same time!!! With one eye on the future.......
I look forward to making friends with androids that have quantum computing hardware powering their minds.
@oooboo3249 Says:
12:39 Monero should be used this
@oooboo3249 Says:
I don't know how long but before 2012 at least I've thought about how to make a Quantum Internet I even told people that works in computer science about and they thought I was crazy also thought of a laser CPU around that time also and they have made a laser CPU IBM did I had hydrocephalic when I was born so there's certain things I cannot do like reading spelling that well if I could do that stuff and I didn't have brain damage I would be really doing something crazy
@PeruInvest Says:
IONQ is the leader
@punkavatarworld2 Says:
Quantum internet sounds very exciting. pardon my ignorance but one system of entanglement used an optical fibre to maintain entanglement. Where's the advantage over a regular fibre network?
@7alken Says:
this is almost all nazi bullshit; excuse me;
@farhanaf832 Says:
We can help scientists by processing data from boinc distributed computing software and by playing quantum moves
@starbase51shiptestingfacil97 Says:
It's good this guy is enthusiastic about computers, but if you actually knew what it takes to build a working computer you would know quantum computing has holes you can fly galaxies through.
@FirstAmendmentAudits Says:
🎉🎉🎉 quantum physics quantum mechanics 5:17 5:20 4:00 cubits or qbits
@FirstAmendmentAudits Says:
4:37 4:00
Quañ autom Program function only monitor either stopped or cut to assembly myqujnQx
@BeKind-ve4id Says:
Can anyone gaze upon a quantum computer and not believe we are reverse-engineering alien technology?
@thiesenf Says:
It would be awesome if those companies could give us a tech demo or something other than press releases... It's the same deal with graphene... graphene is a thing but no one have ever produced a working tech demo of a graphene based battery... They just produce hype and press release after press release just to pump up the hype to Get people to give them moar money... They talk the talk:.. but don't walk the walk...
@ThorirMarJonsson Says:
@explainingcomputers There is a small error in either the slide or the spoken part at 4:04 - 6.7 billion vs 7.6 billion.
@logiclock9483 Says:
clicked liked before even watching

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