RISC-V Week: 7 days only using RISC-V computers
RISC-V Week: 7 days only using RISC-V computers



@ExplainingComputers Says:
Hi all, a couple of things. Firstly, I was clearly wrong about GIMP Lava test being multi-threaded. My bad. Secondly, it is now possible (just over a day after this video posted) to run the Kdenlive video editing on the Lichee Pi 4A. Yes, we can now video edit on RISC-V hardware! I knew it would happen -- but not that fast. If you've interested, I've done a quick post over in the Community Tab for this channel, and will demosntrate in a video fairly soon.
@Grimmwoldds Says:
5:20 I'd like to point out that this is working as intended. When you browse DalekTube, this is normal except for the lack of extermination.
@richardwernst Says:
Am I missing a link to that RISC-V flip cell phone?
@JureRepinc Says:
I wonder how KDE Plasma 6 would be working on those. Really looking forward on using a modern desktop on RISC-V and moving to more free and opensource on hardware also. Would it be possible to do a video of how KDE Plasma 6 is on those?
@ShearAventador Says:
are there laptop used RISC-V without CPU 💯👍
@rursus8354 Says:
Wow! You're trying to run kdenlive and blender on ... kind of a Pi. Of course that's a little bit heavy!
@PsiQ Says:
Still waiting for a comeback of the intel surfsticks and clones. Somehow they disappeared apart from branded versions like the amazon 4K firesticks and such. But bloatwindows got too slow even within 1 year to run smooth, especially streaming with adblockers. (Same hardware that was used in the first latte panda). You would think with the performance of mobile phones with 5K screens and "gaming" the hardware would be used elsewhere. If there is no software support its going to stay a small portion of nerdusers.
@theorphanobliterator Says:
now im not gonna try to be negative but are there any risc V boards/processors that aren't potatoes? like that can actually run things and not drop frames at 1080p youtube?
@rasoulkhandan9334 Says:
Hi The processing power of this board is higher than Raspberry Pi More mining is desired. THX
@vicmac3513 Says:
How about using the Milk-V Pioneer desktop with Intel A-series gpu for a month?
@b213videoz Says:
Riscy business 🤪
@eulondon Says:
Apple proved low-power computing is possible and reliable, The PI's proved it can be affordable until scalpers got in the game, now we only need to get both together, and I think an open solution like RISC-V when properly supported by software may be the answer, unless scalpers start attacking again.
@Shotgun_Only Says:
As soon as I saw that haircut, I knew you were British
@Auraxium Says:
I look forward to the solitaire week, where any computers are used only for solitaire. 😁
Could you make a recurring quarterly:ish update on this? Would be great for the world to know when it's possible to take the plunge!
@ScottPlude Says:
I know it's an older video but I found it really enjoyable. I always assumed yubikeys would just work but I learned something new today! Thanks!
@RichardRLindley Says:
Who is going to risk five? Nice to see this racing program. One thing I thought of was the fact you have to deal with only using one display with most new RISC-V boards. One way of dealing with this I thought of was using one computer per display. Is it easy to run them off a network like this? Show is great! Thanx much!!
@alexanderulyev4651 Says:
You can speed things up by installing the applications you are using in chromium browser. So the interface of Google docs would just initialize from the code bundle from your computer, not needing to download it. Not the biggest win, but still something.
@InikoPro Says:
Which is best risc-v computer? I need to buy
@leosmi1 Says:
Please, do a vídeo talking about the flip phone.
@PeterDoingStuff Says:
thanks for making this video, i needed to know what hardware you can get as a private person with a risc-v cpu
@timstevens3361 Says:
watched your video on power supply (psu) excellent job !!! could not have been done better.
@briccimn Says:
Really exciting perspectives for the future! Thanks Christopher, it is very interesting as you made us used to expect from you! 👍👍👍
@MohsinExperiments Says:
I am very excited about this open source processor since I watched the Linus video about it. And now they are in people's hands.
@andrewhussey2002 Says:
I tried ordering a Lichee on Ali Express and on Amazon and the carriage was over £80! Didn't bother. My computer equivalent of the Countach 20 years ago was an IBM RS6000.
@CaimAstraea Says:
I'm so excited about this :D Really rooting for it. In 1-2 generations it will be ready for mass adoption I think.
@bukkakeftw6205 Says:
Well, Washington regime is trying to kill RISC-V citing national security concerns lmao.
@tacotuesday1425 Says:
Hello, What comes pre compiled within the debian it came with? Do they have a binary file I can decompile to see if there is anything sketchy in the precompiled debian? I am sketched out about using a chinese product. I though about just not giving it internet access but then I though it could still get at the network if its connected and there is malicious software on it. Also I see ubuntu has a "working" copy for risc 5, can you make a video reviewing that? Thanks,
@trevorford8332 Says:
Hi Chris, i was just wondering for what you do is Google Docs enough of a word processor for your needs, as just started using WPS Ofiice it's much more compatible with MicroSoft 365, I've found some of the projects i've got going wouldn't of been possible in Google Slides. Although the ribbon is a bit weird to say the least but i'm okay with that.
@maximumcockage6503 Says:
As soon as Risc-V gets GPUs it's over for ARM.
@klaxoncow Says:
"I'll try not to mess up playing this game" **Immediately starts driving off-road the wrong way around the track** Yeah, you continue to prove that when you say you're not a gamer, you're not telling us any lies. :)
@seadude4869 Says:
Dude. That is very slow for just opening a doc. You also preloaded the browser which means it most likely took forever to open. Looks like risc v still have a long way to go!
@tutacat Says:
The VLC and Kdenlive issue was GPU, not CPU
@tutacat Says:
You can use luks for drives, that doesnt need 3rd party support
@Diamond_Hanz Says:
risc - v .. . five ways for the chyyyyynnaahhh to have 1000000 back doors
@Vergil.bin.Sparda Says:
Isn't Playstation 2 vuilt with RISC-V??
@BarnokRetro Says:
Thank you for another interesting video. It will be fun to follow this over the next 2 to 3 years and see how it all progresses.
@memineown4415 Says:
Thoughts, Tommy? Thankyou, Miss Anja. What programs are used to create the software? Not mentioned...why, Tommy? An ISA such as RISC 5...how does a user actually get to use it...wait for someone else to write the instruction set...another, in effect, fixed ISA. Not sure, Tommy. Maybe Chris can enlighten us.
@hypercube33 Says:
The way stuff paints it feels like these are about as capable as a Pentium 1 with some kind of video accelerator card. Not super impressive
@Trainz2950 Says:
Might have better luck with a more modern/bleeding edge Linux distro, like Arch or fedora or something
@bitwize Says:
LUKS should work on RISC-V if you want to software-encrypt your drives.
@cwt114 Says:
At 16:55 you need to enable CONFIG_USB_HIDDEV and CONFIG_HIDRAW in the kernel and recompile it to use the FIDO security key.
@yagoa Says:
I look forward to ooe on RISC-V, 8 core(up to 24 on M2 Max) ooe is incredible on the AArch
@CalcProgrammer1 Says:
Problem with most RISC-V boards is that very few seem to have a GPU paired with them. The SoCs have a CPU and a basic display controller for video, but no graphics processing. The Kdenlive and Blender errors both indicated they failed due to missing OpenGL support, which makes sense if you don't have a GPU available. I'm most interested in the chip used in the PineTab-V because it has an Imagination GPU integrated and Imagination have actually decided to open up and provide FOSS Vulkan drivers for their new GPU cores, so hopefully that platform will have graphical capabilities. Ultimately though, it would be amazing to see an open specification GPU instruction set to complement RISC-V. The current situation of pairing an open-spec CPU with a proprietary-spec GPU (which are usually undocumented as well, requiring reverse engineered drivers) isn't ideal.
@ApurvaSukant Says:
When you said, "This is my phone and I am going to be entirely dependent on my RISC-V hardware for this week...", I proceeded to click the like button. Cheers!
@PinkyZKey Says:
Have you tried using Haruna Player? It's just a GUI for libmpv, but I became really partial to it on Linux; even going so far as to prefer it over VLC.
@quarteratom Says:
You can edit videos with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i input -map 0 -c copy -ss 00:01:00 -to 00:02:00 output.mkv See? Easy.
@megaxlrful Says:
I've been having some issues with Pipewire on my machine, and I was only half listening to the video, and then the audio crackling at 5:30 happened and I immediately opened a terminal to restart pipewire XD
@badwolf6690 Says:
Speaking of RISC-V tablets, have you heard of the PineTab-V ?
@MrBrax Says:
Video playback in a web browser has always had a lot of overhead, desktop media players are pretty much always better when on a low power device.

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