"Biden's Cognitive Decline Scares Me" - If Nuclear War Starts, This Happens… | Robert Kennedy Jr
"Biden's Cognitive Decline Scares Me" - If Nuclear War Starts, This Happens… | Robert Kennedy Jr



@jessicalynn4415 Says:
3:30 I’m not the spoiler Biden is lol love that!
@cruz3076 Says:
The only American who won't acknowledge this Administration's failed economic policies is Joe Biden. "Shrink-flation' is the least of our worries compared to rising rents and stagnant wages, but it is an undeniable indicator of how bad our inflation has gotten. I have $100k that i like to invest in a non-retirement account, any advice on that?
@doublevision5465 Says:
Change the VP pick ASAP!
@joecalcagni9615 Says:
Why do this video and your most recent video (another RFK Jr. one) only have a little over 30k views??? Is that a shadow ban?!
@WorldviewMedia Says:
Seriously? You're talking to a man whose both uncle and father were assassinated by gunmen and your first question is, "What is your best 'kill-shot' for Biden and Trump? That's either next-level sociopathy or just plain insensitive stupidity. I can understand someone having a brain-fart and being momentarily insensitive to the implications of saying poorly chosen words to a man with that history, but I don't understand how it got through the editing process into your program. Inappropriate man! Kennedy's response was to not react but to simply get you to rephrase the question. Very well handled by him, I thought.
@kataclysmic4350 Says:
As a veteran, a person who’s voted both parties, as a Texan, as a small town mini-farmer… and taking a couple of hours to GET THE INFORMATION STRAIT FROM THE HORSES 🐴 MOUTH… and not paid-off false media… by listening to him directly …RF KENNEDY JR…is BY FAR a man of great integrity, honor, self-sacrifice, bravery, experience, & the BEST representation of an American 🇺🇸 President That we haven’t seen in this generation! My family fully supports RFK JR. And his fight for us as Americans! I’ll proudly donate as much as I can to his campaign & the fight for America! To hell with the Two-party Uni-party system that is dividing our country. To Hell with CNN and their corrupt paid-off Grade C fake journalist and fixed Debate! A country divided is not a country at all!
@DenisUspeshny Says:
How can you win when you can hardly talk....?
@BramleyStafford Says:
Vote out of hope not out of fear and we can win! We little people can beat the system in our favor. RFK all the way!
@annslato5210 Says:
Yes, Americans need to be concerned that Nuclear threat is real! We don’t need a man in severe cognitive decline or an impulsive bully
@iannisaliferis Says:
@generations-now Says:
It’s the DNC that’s Cognitively Impaired.
@andreafong9952 Says:
It’s Dr. Jill Biden who should make the call today. No one else will but she should bring honor to women and function as any decent women would and save her husband from this constant humiliation and protect the world.
@andreafong9952 Says:
It’s Dr. Jill Biden who should make the call today. No one else will but she should bring honor to women and function as any decent women would and save her husband from this constant humiliation and protect the world.
@DustMan2704 Says:
RFK delusional af.
@goddessgirl5891 Says:
There is no poll that will make me NOT vote for Kennedy. I am not going to vote out of fear ever again! Kennedy is the best presidential candidate of my lifetime, and I'm 65. RFK, all the way! 🎉
@hermanhelmich Says:
RFK would be the best choice imo
@hermanhelmich Says:
And no word about Drumps cognitive decline… bizarre
@DeborahMzDivine Says:
Both democrats & republican are the "deep" state please open your eyes Americans...they're going to thin the angry herd by provoking a nuclear war to fix the social security problem...it's so obvious...WTFU!!!!!
@DeborahMzDivine Says:
The elections are rigged to keep the crooks in...vote Kennedy!!!!!
@DeborahMzDivine Says:
They don't want change because the criminal government loves stealing tax payers money!!!!
@gwesam1 Says:
His voice is like he is dying
@nirradical Says:
@spogmyahmadi4869 Says:
@jeffsurfanderson Says:
Let's get one thing straight here there was a pandemic and Trump was forced to spend a stimulus package with frivolous spending implements into it. If he didn't have to do this he would have been one of the least spending presidents in the last 30 years
@jeffsurfanderson Says:
Two things about this current presidency it's called The Manchurian Candidate and it's also called elderly abuse
@bigtall8199 Says:
China will destroy America in the end. America’s debt and the de dollarization game over
@johnnywlittle Says:
Way to go Tom
@johnnywlittle Says:
Bobby! - totally nailed the right perspective. Biden is the spoiler - luv it ❤ [truth]
@julieterrell1973 Says:
Is he going to be in the upcoming debate?
@calicomist9213 Says:
RFK JR 2024! 💜
@NickMak-m2c Says:
00:01 Really poor choice of words Tom, I don't know what you were going for there, but it honestly seems either conniving or just oblivious, I didn't think that was like you.
@jjjoannides9392 Says:
Jill Stein
@boogermcphee2847 Says:
No one ever mentions that much of what Trump spent was on covid, plus he had an administrative state that was, let’s be honest, opfor, so wasn’t interested in trimming any costs. Yes he handed out money and unemployment during lockdowns, but if you tell people they can’t work and then not provide compensation, you would have 100 million people on the white house lawn with lynches.
@gregweston3770 Says:
Bobbie has a lot of energy and also a lot to accomplish. From New Zealand I hope he becomes the President and tells the American people just what a corrupt nation they live in. I also hope he dismantles the evil Fed Reserve that controls your country through usury.
@shan6736 Says:
My informational pro-Bobby comments are censored...much more now than before. They just disappear or are visible only to me. Type in bobby's last name and then 24. Watch his policy videos. Also watch more of his podcasts..Math Hoffa. Joe rogan, Aubrey Marcus, Tucker Carlson, Whitney Cummings Ben Shapiro etc
@HeyCheznut Says:
RFK Jr is in a real position to WIN the presidency!!
@Nashua-l1h Says:
If Nuclear War Starts, Game Over for the US as we know it! Internet gone, Marshall Law Prevails! Everything Americans worked for, gone! US Government Owns Everything Under Sun!
@l337z0r Says:
Man, too much politics on this channel. Chris Williamson's Modern Wisdom is better content
@jabster58 Says:
Trump is far worse mentally and he's a convicted fellon
@triple_sec0 Says:
The wealthy elites who fund Trump are funding RFK Jr. He’s a puppet. Vote blue my girls and guys and save our democracy. You should never throw away your vote on a guy who can’t win. That’s the height of ignorance. The dude’s not even on the ballot in many states. Trump’s people have just focused on making sure that he’s on the ballots in the swing states in the hopes he’ll siphon off Biden voters.
@manifestgreatness1 Says:
Gosh, seems this vid has been shadowbanned a bit... should have LOADS more views...
@motionsic Says:
RFK maybe the most morally/mentally sound candidate. But I can’t bear his speaking voice😂. It’s worse than listening to Biden speak.
@MicheleKaiser-io2dx Says:
Go Bobby! Kennedy/Shanahan 2024
@dimitryvolfson7759 Says:
Kennedy has a spoilled brain.
@PeaceLogic Says:
Tom, when are you releasing the full interview? I keep checking each day. You’ve teased us long enough lol 😜❤
@nwgverified Says:
Biden is pretty sharp
@leslieabelson6616 Says:
RFKJr has already been recognized as a Hero for our Planet….and proven he is a fearless warrior for truth. He has already successfully gone against big corporations, stood up for freedom of speech during COVID. Neither Trump nor Biden are speaking about the huge deficit, the health of our children and restoring the middle class. He has a VP choice that knows how to deal with AI and much more. RFKJr all the way!
@EmilyGrace200 Says:
Hallelujah!!! I’m blessed and favored with $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and support the work of God and the church. For Your glory, LORD! HALLELUJAH!
@afreespirit-il4px Says:
"The DNC is a very stupid group of people" - the most eloquent quote I've heard all week
@michaelparry1028 Says:
Come On, Tom. WHEN Will the Full interview be Posted? Please don't tell this is it!!? KENNEDY 2024 All The Way! THE Only Way... Out of this Clear and Present American situation!/ Mess.

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