How Sound Illusions Trick Our Brains
How Sound Illusions Trick Our Brains



@LemlemDebesu Says:
I cant hear sound A what the hell is wrong with me
@gankie1956 Says:
Sound B was clearly higher... Get your ears checked...
@empanadasfritas7142 Says:
So, Organs are too big to even being heard by human organs? Art is a Bitc*
@riftblaze Says:
Either im autistic or all his examples dont work as he wants them to
@wikkywoldo Says:
I could not hear sound a?
@maksimivanov5417 Says:
0:05 I just don't hear any sound :(
@shirleyramacey7152 Says:
Johnson Paul Moore Helen Martinez Shirley
@DerpidyDerp Says:
Shoutout to whoever the hell had the patience to write/edit captions for a video about SOUND
@NimrodClover Says:
Apparently I have crazy good hearing, I've been acoustically tested several times by professional audiologists. Not only were those two initial sounds distinctly different to me, but I heard the three overlapping tones rather well, even before he went on to describe how the two sounds differed. Also, like many have noted below sound B was obviously higher, well at least to me too. The octave shift did noting to me and I could not hear it the second time. The scrambled (simulations) voices produced no word reflex for me, it sounded like garbled words. I've heard the "That is embarrassing" video before. I heard BEAR and then BEAR in both examples. In the cocktail first example, I did hear the "key words" first and that was the key, just like the video followed up with in explanation. With the ever reducing tone delay (simulating sound from one side of the head) the sound "moved" to the middle of my head and did not persist on my left, even if that was the point they were going for. I did nor perceive the binaural pulsation with the L & R 2 Hz shift, rather it sounded like two superimposed sounds, but no pulsations. (exactly for the reasons given in the video, the tones could not interact in the air) One professor who tested my hearing did note that because I am ambidextrous, the two sides of my brain work well together and that my apparent cross-hemisphere communication is rather good. This may explain why some of these illusions do not manifest as strongly in my brain and I am still able to identify the core sound components that build the auditory illusions in the first place. Still really cool stuff.
@gerhardusgrove594 Says:
Can you please make another video about sound, specifically the sounds we hear when wearing hearing aids? Can I know where sound is coming from with hearing aids? Things like that. Thank you and I do enjoy your videos so much!
@darrenstensland5301 Says:
I wonder if people with asymetrical pinnas (pinneas? pinni?) might be better at locating sounds? That would be like a mutant superpower. Thank you, Veritasium. Most of YouTube is a wasteland of brain rot, but then there's this kind of thing.
@doccadaver Says:
the sporting event, they are chanting " that is embarrassing"
@IAmFirstborne Says:
On the test for what we heard when you said bear, I heard "There," the second time.
@IAmFirstborne Says:
I heard either "low high," or "lo-fi."
@charlesxaqairy709 Says:
I didn't hear either sound... DX
@tinidavies6531 Says:
Couldn't hear sound A at all 😂
@Gopro88-tu5cb Says:
At 10:30(time stamp) i i think the word is die
@1nickdel Says:
I can't even hear A
@hulkgqnissanpatrol6121 Says:
Probably should make sure devices are able to play it! 😂
@fjcstenberg6178 Says:
Blank blank blank blank blank blank… well that was freaky
@douglaslivingston507 Says:
I have a sound illusion that is interesting. Everyone that works at a trash burner boiler with me hears music. It is just the ram table that feeds trash in the boiler. It makes high pitch screeching noises
@tomguder Says:
Thank you!
@calebmartinezhernandez6316 Says:
Te amo, Veritasium. I love you, Veritasium
@polarpigs_oficial8808 Says:
Auron Play
@nerdlife206 Says:
14:19 it was impossible for me
@nerdlife206 Says:
12:39 I heard "there" in the second clip
@nerdlife206 Says:
10:30 "low-hi" "low-hi" "low-hi"
@HrutvijPatel-jl2ef Says:
I can't hear Sound A😢😢
@user-xy5yg6se1k Says:
low tide
@vilgotholtmann2235 Says:
Sick vid
@KrazeJazz Says:
Good thing I'm good at making music and got pretty good at breaking things down :3
@marknhopgood Says:
The mix up into different octaves trick isn't correct. Its not just the octave that has changed, the notes have, too.
@Asgaia Says:
Our ear has a distortion factor of 1%. So hearing 100 Hz and 150 Hz sin wave, causes creation of differential notes of 50 Hz. Residuum hearing doesn't exist. Its actual creation of differec notes. It disappers when you play 100 Hz in one ear and 150 hz in the other. Ethan Winer proofed this. You'll find him. He's an audio and acoustic expert.
@Rave-agent Says:
Is the illusion that B was higher?
@nemtudom5074 Says:
13:02 It looks like they bounce off each other and not Pass through
@nemtudom5074 Says:
12:27 'There' and i noticed the changed mouth movement
@nemtudom5074 Says:
11:22 No. I just heard some croatian/polish/czech hybrid
@nemtudom5074 Says:
10:30 At first i heard 'light' and after a second it turned into gibberish. My ears are not good at hearing these illusions. Only one that affected me was the notes sounding the same a few seconds ago
@nemtudom5074 Says:
A is not higher. You just mixed a higher pitched sound, in with one that was lower. Edit: Well, i was almost right. Somehow i could tell that i wasnt listening to one sound but atleast two or more soundwaves mushed into one, but i clearly got the part wrong about B being lower than A. It kind of felt like i could hear the individual sounds independently
@AlexGAlexG Says:
Sound b compared to the breakdown of sound b was extremely different
@mrcelsius2928 Says:
10:22 I hear “go”
@slipknot42088 Says:
so cool.
@qsquared8833 Says: dude I wasnr watxhing rhw screen.. first rime tou said "bear" second time "there" subsequently it was "there" then still seamed oike "there" but one sounded like "bear". I swear I am torally stone cold sobre right now and just confused AF
@qsquared8833 Says:
Weird I could not folow the pattern of yanky doodle on the re-hear. Maybe there is something wrong with me
@qsquared8833 Says:
Omg it doesnr always accend, tou can hear it starting over and over and over again!
@BladesAcademy Says:
Low high —> lo-fi
@mauricerohrer Says:
It seems like I remember an audio illusion that has something to do with let's go Brandon. 😆
@keep_walking_on_grass Says:
Pink Floyd's "Echoes" on their "Meddle" album released in 1971 has a shepard tone in the final part, and it sounds amazing.
@thepooz7205 Says:
The whole cocktail party segment was lost on me. I’ve always been useless at only hearing what I want to hear. I’m terrible at trying to listen to someone in a room with a lot of ambient noise.
@Yipper64 Says:
0:08 so to me sound B sounds like exactly what it is... Sound B with higher frequencies on top. Like I was going to say they are the same the second one is just altered in some way.

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