"My Biggest Fear Is A Reverse Market Crash" - Prepare For This Now Before 2025 | Patrick Bet David
"My Biggest Fear Is A Reverse Market Crash" - Prepare For This Now Before 2025 | Patrick Bet David



@stevenclark5682 Says:
Communist Blackrock
@stevenclark5682 Says:
Elite will have to stay in their bunkers after screwing the people
@stevenclark5682 Says:
Printing into oblivion!!!!!!!
@stevenclark5682 Says:
Recession was 2008. Depression began 3-11-20
@stevenclark5682 Says:
A debt based empire is doomed
@stevenclark5682 Says:
Fiat currency is super unsustainable!!!
@stevenclark5682 Says:
Collapse is inevitable with the federal fraud system
@Dmytro-fr9nd Says:
Where are those 3% loans?
@Dexduzdiz Says:
Patrick Bet David 4 President
@joehomerbartys Says:
We can't just automatically judge them to be criminals just only based on the simple colour pigmentation of their natural born skin...
@joehomerbartys Says:
If the seamen in your woodie are the bad ones, you can't say no, they still have to have the same rights ...
@joehomerbartys Says:
He makes 400 thousand a month, yeah, 400 thousand grandma and grandpa dollars.
@incredifall Says:
money = control
@malek88561 Says:
everyone knew years in advance what was going to happen in 2008. it is just a corrupt system and millions of people around the world lost everything.
@RoseJohnson-y6o Says:
as an employee paid peanuts as a consumer pay coconuts get a bank loan
@meinhaj Says:
Patrick Bet-David is a J____
@BoyPlunger-me1wz Says:
I had to show more proof of income and even a criminal background check to rent an apartment . Its now harder to rent an apartment than it was to get a home loan in 2007.
@boberto1979 Says:
It’s funny how these videos just go on about America, this is the case for most of the world. Richer get richer and poorer get poorer!
@togodbetheglory3638 Says:
@19:00 the BILL THAT kamala supported and complained Trump didn't support wld have allowed 4000 illegals a day, 1.4 million/yr to come in the country, they are each to be given $150,000 in EBT, free housing & healthcare, 3000/mo cash assistance benefits plus + the $25,000 HOME DOWNPAYMENT ASSISTANCE IS ONLY FOR ILLEGALS not Americans, because if anyone in your family has ever owned a house you cannot qualify, although some will, most won't as it's a 1st generation homebuyer assistance so it will mainly go to illegals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HiihUC-GLM
@nomdeguerre7265 Says:
Increasing interest rates won't contain inflation that's cost push based. The federal regulatory regime' increases costs for everything, but most especially energy. Reducing demand doesn't mean that anyone can sell for less than it costs to produce.
@psempruch Says:
Lol, we never had any idea what's coming. This is such a cliche...
@Charles-in3zt Says:
C'mon Tom Bilyeu you should have made it clearer that this interview was done last year. You have confused the heck out of us. Do better.
@Babycroc40 Says:
Were in trouble
@trishaholmeide2192 Says:
How old is this video? Where was our recession in August 2024 right before the election? You mean August 2025 after Trump is in office so the left can blame him?
@bgwhalley Says:
Too many fake online gurus are calling for A RECESSION. That tells me no recession is near.
@id10t98 Says:
PBD = Pretty Brain Dead Everyone knows 2008 was all Wall Sreet fraud. They literally made movies about it and banks paid hundreds of billions in fines.
@fakeplaystore7991 Says:
It's all a racket of the Jew.
@Rexs.poolhall Says:
Covid hit us. Didnt touch me. Im rich no matter what my bank account says. No matter what you say.
@Rexs.poolhall Says:
Thats your biggest fear. God will provide. He is better than your bank accounts. The only economy that really matters. We get it you think your rich.
@redreadyj8916 Says:
Working two jobs saving up until I get to a few hundred thousand then retire doesn’t sound too bad to me especially being ill also be getting social security living comfortable in my paid trailer in the woods beloved so you should be careful giving advice 😬
@MeTuLHeD Says:
Hmmm. "Printing Events". A euphemism for inflation. Looks like "the managed economy" isn't workin' out so well.
@MaxItUpwithMarta Says:
I cannot sell my house because I have some property tax protection (Florida Save Our Homes). I would sell it and buy somewhere else but I refuse to pay those horrible taxes.
@paradigmreality7940 Says:
It’s the markets , they shorted it to death and now they have been caught!!!!!!!! Lol
@paradigmreality7940 Says:
Too much MK Brainwashing!!!!!!! Wake up
@paradigmreality7940 Says:
They can take their fake system and shove it!!!! In Jesus name🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@paradigmreality7940 Says:
It’s all fake!!!!! We are fighting the elites!!! And stock market corruption!!!!!! Period
@romanmichaelhamilton8729 Says:
PBD is a good guy, but even in this good chat, he says something really quite stupid. That one being working from home and having more than a single job is a fraud. So, he seems all set in life, but people cannot afford living on a single job, so what is his genius solution for that???
@zr2dd Says:
these gold laden elites , kings, leaders .... are going to go after your GOLD ... ~ for sure, they want it all .... especially out of the hands of 'patriot types ' ... ~ 🦎
@paradigmreality7940 Says:
Covid was a criminal act on humanity!
@paradigmreality7940 Says:
That guy talks too much!!! Let’s here Tom
@bobbymainz1160 Says:
I recommend diversifying your investments by considering stocks alongside real estate. During a recession, there are potential buying opportunities in the stock market if approached cautiously. Additionally, market volatility can offer short-term buying and selling opportunities. However, please note that this is not financial advice. It's important to be proactive in investing as cash may not be the most advantageous option during these times.
@roflagain1 Says:
If I had a dime for every video that talks about a crash, I would be loaded.
@interesting_perspective Says:
The great news is that those in lower socioeconomic status haven't figured out the masters still control them.
@ricardochaparro1533 Says:
recession always begins in September, that is just the way it is. the economy has no crashed because the government allowed 10 million people to cross the border, so we were able to rent the house and kept it that way
@drewyoung2102 Says:
Not a valid source of info. Avoid him.
@Steveo_00700 Says:
Oh god, here we go again about another market crash again.
@Younified Says:
Exactly what happened to us. We had seven homes that we were refurbishing and all of a sudden couldn’t sell a single one!
@coronabuster3611 Says:
I didn't know it was called a reverse market crash but YES that's exactly where we're going. It's been driving me crazy how so much of the US doesn't see it. When I was young my family used to talk about this kind of thing happening in countries and it doesn't lead anywhere good.
@tommychestnut5335 Says:
The continuously changing economic conditions in our society have made it necessary for people to find additional sources of income, thus I am looking at the stock market to fuel my retirement goal of $3m, my only concern is the recent market crash.

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