"Now Is The Time To Get Rich!" - Get Ahead & Build Wealth In The Upcoming Recession | Codie Sanchez
"Now Is The Time To Get Rich!" - Get Ahead & Build Wealth In The Upcoming Recession | Codie Sanchez



@neoQueenusagijobuTupaki Says:
It didn't start from a sextape. It started by her raiding Paris Hiltons closet, stealing how many Ks worth of her fashion, to look good when she went on to go to all those Diddy party's inorder to groom the next upcoming line of young celebrities, while her mom was laundering it all through the Church they owned and sponsored to get more tax breaks
@hildaroth9316 Says:
What I the book she is recommending somewhere around 29 minutes,please?
@Rodney-z5s Says:
You're silly.
@wandemiles Says:
Hi! I’m excited to be here in your channel and I’m interested in learning more about investing and saving up for my retirement but am a little confused about the whole process. Any advice or tips to get me started up would be greatly appreciated.
@antoinette3828 Says:
This woman echoes inside, it's very sad to see. I hope that sooner than later she realizes that the train she's driving her life off the cliff on will not provide what she's clearly lacking. Her idols were the madmen in history, ruthless to society and who's foundations were dealing with in this exact moment ...
@trueconspiracies7945 Says:
With a $35T debt, plan for the STHTF.
@yeseniasplace Says:
She’s amazing. Seeing her for the first time. She’s brilliant eloquent and so engaging. She’s got me hooked to every word. ❤
@yeseniasplace Says:
Arthur and Oprah wrote the book and let me tell you it’s a great book . It’s my current read and I love that I bought it. One thing I learned is Compassion over Empathy. Now this will help me gain my time now from now on . 45 years old and this has been my best takeaway thus far in 2024
@qwertyntarantino1937 Says:
@TomBilyeu sorry to hear that much arrogance and ignorance from your side regarding Buddhism. Saying that you choose engage with life and not disengaged as buddhists is ridiculous. Apparently you didn't study it well since you can't understand how minds of great scholars are superior than ours. With much more self control, will power and perceiving reality as it is. What we are engaging with is not a "life", but our hallucination about what reality is and very far from the truth. Buddhism is all about engaging with life with 100% of your possibilities when what we are usually doing in our lives is not very different from mentally sick people that are "engaging with their lives" that exist only in their imagination.
@noewindmuller465 Says:
The Jooz are evil - they're not people with good intentions making honest mistakes. Some of us just want a simple life, grow a family, work hard and have purposeful, fulfilling life.
@peterweston1356 Says:
Now I know why Tom’s discussion with Iain Mc Gilchrist was so excruciatingly awkward. This interview is two left brained folk sharing left brained stuff, mainly. It’s not about the hard work, that’s a given …The ‘give me it on one page’ is a clue. Post hoc rationalisation of lucky performance is very left brain. This is NOT a criticism, there is great advice for building a business. Strangely at the very start the interviewee spoke about Munger and Buffett doing a few clever things, then sitting back, for the rest of the interview, mainly what I heard, was going the extra mile, working all night, putting in 10% extra every day, I’m not here to hug people if they need it. Around the hour mark Tom actually says “Utility is my God”, that is what the left brain is for! He worships his left brain.
@paulhess3771 Says:
Codie got it wrong; googol got it right. Tec people need the play time, to help people think.
@furryhippogaming Says:
Consistent investments into yourself and the market will make you millions :) Love the content!
@AnonymousanonymousA Says:
*Is the start of this podcast missing?*
@Limitlessaccounting Says:
You guys are the best ! Love watching your podcasts! I’m in this moment in life where a lot of huge changes happening, and this podcast gives me so much confidence that what I’m doing is the right thing to do ! Thank you so very much ❤️
@steelreserve9050 Says:
worked yesterday through... starting my copywriting business :) nowadays. Your words make peace in my mind & heart. THX! It was not the first worked through night this month, week, year, btw! Love the flow state I am kicking in while building up my business... Love your support...
@AlexandraKozub-tp7fe Says:
Not too many competent people honestly in this world. Need MORALS CASE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!
@Cynthia-mm1cv Says:
Our economy is facing challenges due to uncertainties, housing problems, foreclosures, global fluctuations, and the lingering effects of the pandemic, leading to instability. The rising inflation, slow growth, and trade disruptions require immediate action from all sectors to restore stability and promote economic recovery.
@meredithhillard5449 Says:
Ayn Rand! 💯
@olfamm3921 Says:
There is a lot of content that does not deliver the promise of the episode. Tom, sorry, you fell again in your old habits, where you make it a self-interview (long monologue with unnecessary diversions) instead of focusing on getting the best out of your guest. Please be mindful of your listeners time/interests…. Our time is precious, it’s a big investment, and when it does not pay off it is really annoying!
@AnthonyJustice-i9x Says:
I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Brooke Miller.
@ConroyWhynn Says:
Even in my sleep, I can hear you clearly.
@judyfreel150 Says:
Amazes me that content creators work hard to create these channels and episodes then act so unprofessionally and turn so many off by cussing like immature middle schoolers. My support ends then and there. Be a good example.
@madworldusa255 Says:
How much dies it cost to buy a business?
@williamkreth Says:
I <3 Codie
@Elizabethwells-q7f Says:
Tired of the "recession is coming!" threat. Recessive periods come along with equivalent market opportunities if you are well informed and equipped, I've seen folks amass wealth in the midst of economic turmoil and even pull it off easily in favorable conditions. Invariably, the collapse is getting somebody somewhere rich
@Qwerty-mc5zi Says:
How do you get access to the president's briefs?
@hstrinzel Says:
What would you do when Communism is coming in more and more into America?
@neddiesmith- Says:
You want to know when was the last time I worked through the night? When my son was born and I had to help him through belly pains, colics and going through rough colds. Countless sleepless nights with both my boys. And Man, am I proud of them today. Looking at them growing up, becoming men. And what was the hardest time I went through in my life? To find out that one of my boys had heart disease… So maybe it’s not all about making money and buying businesses and putting in the sweat to find joy and fulfillment… Maybe it’s about raising a human being? A human being who you care for with all the power that you have so that this little human can live a happy and healthy life, a strong spirit. Part of the problem for me with Tom and Cody Sanchez is that they don’t have kids and know nothing about being parents. And so they glorify finding purpose and fulfillment in building wealth through hard work. And if I was in my early 20-ies I would go for it but I am in my 50-ies now and the sleepless nights have worn me out. Any advice Tom/Cody?
@TicklePickleLover Says:
Come on tom.... screen your guests
@ricklong3218 Says:
When you say we are doing it to ourselves, that is NOT TRUE! Blackrock, Blackstreet, Vanguard, WEF, "The Fed", the Federal government (influenced by WEF), are all against US! WE CONTROL NOTHING! At some point you will both be targeted as well. They start with controlling the poor, go after middle class, upper middle class is next, and then they go after the individuals that do not agree with their "program" or beliefs, AGENDA. Have either of you been to, or been invited to Davos? If not, you will be next on their list! I agree with most of what you guys are saying about being self sufficient, own a business, own multiple businesses, but at the end of the day YOU DO NOT CONTROL THE MONEY. You will be top of their list as small fish with millions of dollars. They will change the "rules" to make you comply with their agenda. It will take a civil war on a GLOBAL scale to stop what they want. I believe it is starting to happen right now as people realize what is going on. Sorry that comment triggered me, and yes I AM looking to go into business myself! I'm sick of being a number in the rat race where they think I can be replaced every day ✌️
@68macun Says:
If you call any of those a recession you don’t know what one is
@Coreismld Says:
Sold my house and bought gold. I'm on the road until mid next year until we see who's in office and the changes coming. Don't put your money into anything MAN made. Stocks, bonds, IRAs, 401...etc. Anything electrically transferred....get out.
@neiljoy8465 Says:
If you need to bury a body 😮...
@neiljoy8465 Says:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wow...why didn't I think of that.I can be out in the sunshine getting to know my neighbours whilst earning 500k washing their windows🤩👌🏼
@neiljoy8465 Says:
🤣What a bunch of pelony.Your knowledge of history must be very distorted
@flashpan26 Says:
Man Codie is so smart and beautiful. I love to listen to her talk. She has an amazing business mind. Great video
@peaceatthefamilytable4636 Says:
@deathsurgeon4660 Says:
Afte hearing just 30 sec , i knew she will talk sh*t the whole podcast
@resonartmedia948 Says:
Our obsession with overwhelming wealth is a cancer destroying the fabric of society. A disease of a minority forced on the majority by people who are unable to answer the question… “how much is enough”
@MultifamilyProSCDC Says:
Good advice.
@kytoga Says:
Tom, you are a total BOSS, but if you want to look/expose what's behind the curtain.... start questioning your "Evolutionary" lens ....
@Energyfl00d Says:
20-30% decrease in property value is just getting it back to normal. That’s not a sale.
@dewaldjacobs86 Says:
Young people need to often get the experience first before becoming a dragon… one does not simply buy a business without real life experience… i feel this is more geared towards experienced entrepreneurs who aren’t scared of hard work…
@MatthewMaranell Says:
Kim Kardashian's mom planned everything and Ray j got a contract... world's a stage and we're the audience 😂
@CrookedCrow66 Says:
not a fan of this one. "when I was at Goldman Sachs, i was never on social media...." why is that supposed to be significant? I'm sorry you sold your soul for money, but dont bring us into your fuck up. lost some respect for this channel. i am all for hard work, but now, you sound like you just want me to be another grunt for your own benefit. makes sense, given how many employees you have. can you please explain where i am wrong?
@ChitChatBFF Says:
Staying late does not necessary mean anything good. The best ones are efficient with their time
@adexmokson7185 Says:
Misleading tittle. Keep doing it and you will crumble.
@themu3e Says:
How old is this one, Tom?

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