How Elites Will Collapse America Like Rome: BlackRock, Trump vs Kamala & Market Crash | Whitney Webb
How Elites Will Collapse America Like Rome: BlackRock, Trump vs Kamala & Market Crash | Whitney Webb



@TomBilyeu Says:
Special thanks to Netsuite: Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning for free at
@brysoncherry9884 Says:
I tuned out as soon as he said "first person". Been saying the same stuff over and over not your fault you're behind. Not the first person you just are extremely dense
@hopeowens35 Says:
"Revolving door," "revolving door...." the OPPOSITE of revolving door is DICTATORSHIP. And we, as americans, are trying to avoid that. 😂
@Die-sel13136 Says:
Ur beautiful just 2 let u know!
@stanleykania7184 Says:
@stanleykania7184 Says:
At Doctors... I was ask if I was depressed... I ask, how's asking? Their answer was the computer, I said tell the computer to f off.
@NibsNiven Says:
@30:15 Taxation without representation is theft. American taxpayers' money is being confiscated involuntarily with no recourse to how it's spent.
@Seawithinyou Says:
Yes We must Leave USA Blackrock and Associates to join BRICS! This is Shocking information regarding being an Allie to this Corrupt Government
@peterbedford2610 Says:
She recognizes that the power structure is the same no matter who is elected.
@Seawithinyou Says:
We Must hold Accountable for All Votes with All GLOBAL LEADERS TO BRING LOVE PEACE NOT WAR 🕊🌏❤️🙏🏼
@Seawithinyou Says:
And at Lrast with China they actually committing to building greater Welfare Education Infrostructures in these 3rd World Countries too Is USA doing the same or are they just trying to add more Confrontation with Increased Military Actions Hod America is just a Young country of 250 yrs 🧐
@Easttndude Says:
You've done your homework. Great video
@Seawithinyou Says:
And Green Energy is a Dream and is only giving $$$ to Blackrock and other Hedge Fund Corporations Watch Professor Simon Michaux and Mineral Metals investor Steve St Angelo And True Wake Up call 😇💖🕊🌏
@Seawithinyou Says:
Need not fear our precious country of Aotearoa New Zealand are watching how other nations are Struggling with their Future Food Water and Energy sustainable future 🧐
@Seawithinyou Says:
Absolutely Brilliant Podcast THANKS from Aotearoa New Zealand 😇
@Seawithinyou Says:
The Reason Totally is in the not too far Foreseeable Future global Resources eg Minerals Metals Oil and Last but Not WATER is the True Driver of Global Conflict As over the Hundred of Centuries Empires collapse because of non sustaining their Ecosystems along with some Indigenous Cultures 🕊🌏
@davidwillis5016 Says:
@guyatridaskerr4676 Says:
god damn we are so fucked
@Seawithinyou Says:
My God this is Exactly what Jeffrey Sachs has Tried for So Long to tell All How Corrupt not only the USA governments are fromPast President John F Kennedy onwards but along with big Banks Blackrock and belligerent Lying not to be Trusted CIA 🧐👀🌏 Watch Debate Powerhouse podcast All In One YouTube Debate with Jeffrey Sachs and John Meisershrmer
She so right about the AMAZON
@joshuaedwards3322 Says:
I would LOVE to know who her parents are. Ahe is far too young to comprehend the grift so fully.
@lightworkerwordsmithwhitma1039 Says:
All wars are money laundering operations.
@lightworkerwordsmithwhitma1039 Says:
They are designing the policies AND designing the crisis. Problem, reaction, solution.
@LoveQuestWithLisaConcepcion Says:
Whitney Webb is awesome. So glad I found her. Strengthen your faith and do not comply. We're heading into the formation of a parallel society.
@trinidad111 Says:
It ain’t black rock like it’s not WEF. They’re just the public front to hide the real pushers. And like Whitney says, it’s the way they can push things that they can’t in government
@elaineroddy9958 Says:
I would love to hear a conversation between Whitney and RFK Jr. I am a former supporter of Kennedy, but now feel betrayed.
@adamkays7639 Says:
35:08 is pure delusion of the juiciest level. How long will we parrot this trope that people “just want” this happy happy lalala existence??? People keep shoving soda, Oreos, Doritos, and fast food in their gullet. They keep gaining weight, getting more depressed, more anxious. They keep indulging in hedonism and sexual pleasure. If average people really wanted this “simple” existence these trillion dollar companies wouldn’t be the size they are.
@CaesarGhost2030 Says:
docile sheep encourage this dilema too AKA the normie
@dawsonk9298 Says:
Blacrock was asked to bail the us out and help the fed with asset managment and control of the economy in 2000 and more so in 2008. Blackrock is the fed. Justlook through ther etf holdings its not hardto see. It's all the same citbank, Lehman brothers, goldman sachs Bankers that are at blackrock now.
@pavspol Says:
Too bad she never talks about cybernetic tokenomics, web3, spatial web, smart contracts, social impact finance, etc. Oh wait. She can’t talk about that stuff 🫢
@CherryBerry79 Says:
Yes, "WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO DO THIS??". Great answer Whitney, thanks for brining clarity to this issue.
@EllieRiggs-rt6ml Says:
It used to be beneficial for the monied ruling class to keep the middle class strong. Now, it's more beneficial for them to destroy the middle class--and even the upper middle class. Why? That's the interesting part. Whitney lays it out pretty damn well. Thanks for your work, Whitney.
@Nicko-n5l Says:
So what’s the best thing to have …. Gold/silver, bitcoin, cash ?
@derekwhite2929 Says:
First they'll throw the UK to the wolves, as the unviable Vassal they've become¡
@anyofthexs Says:
Any chance you have a thought of your own? Thanks for the play by play. Not 1 alternative offered. Fkn puppets! We see you.
@anyofthexs Says:
Any chance you have a thought of your own? Thanks for the play by play. Not 1 alternative offered. Fkn puppets! We see you.
@jkmsaturn Says:
Audit offices within government needs to have more checks & balance power, along with Congressional committee oversight to reign in financial policy.
@chrismartenable Says:
The banking cabal is the equivalent of the mafia & their goal is to take down the middle class.
@GEN620 Says:
@joshuam4993 Says:
That's the problem. Everyone is focused on really, really dumb politicians for POTUS and not at the true monstrous Beauracratic iceberg that runs it all into the ground
@billmcallester7231 Says:
Why does this nut still get clicks?
@1frd1smth1 Says:
I have heard black rock is the very worst thing in the world and should absolutely be avoided !!!!!!
@63rambler66 Says:
Kudos for bringing Whitney. Always check with Whitney.
@fleurhols7889 Says:
@mikaelfransson3658 Says:
Fed's feed the hungry Companies first how own Fed's! And Fed's own the Treasury departement! /Mikael
@ChristopherReinke Says:
These psychopaths want to privatise the world for their own selfish interests....
@InvaliDidea123 Says:
Whitney makes my socks wet, is it sexual? i don't know.
@stephencollins4792 Says:
Shillybollocks crap ..
@danielblackburn4626 Says:
Tom , thanks for having on Whitney. She is under-covered on this platform
@benuovir Says:
Every video with her face on mentions the same end of the financial world crap..

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