The Collapse of America & Everything Wrong With Society Today (+ A Hopeful Way Forward) | Ray Dalio
The Collapse of America & Everything Wrong With Society Today (+ A Hopeful Way Forward) | Ray Dalio



@weekendatbernies2265 Says:
Dalio is a spokesman for the NWO folks
@KongSunWu Says:
We have given housing, food, medical care, $ to the poor and things have gotten worse. Their children are dependent on the government and they growup to be dependent of the state. We have created a dependant class in the US that will always be poor.
@asadawutsoh2187 Says:
Just admit that the US have become corrupted from within. Most of the government and the elected are just playing political game of I get to be the fake king and queen of this area that area
@mitchellchristianson8120 Says:
I'll say what he can. Our cities are war zones. Every city in the United States. There's a kill zone. This is where the highest amount of murders assaults thefts things like this occur then it spreads out from there it's the kids you can't tell me they don't have post-traumatic stress. I was in the Marine corps and I'll tell you right now I would rather go back to war for 6 months than live in some of these cities because where I go my kids and wife come with me its war zone not a city it affects children, especially when you are poor. It's not a crime. It's a sentence in the United States to a crime you didn't commit and millions of people live there. So don't tell me it couldn't happen to you do you know how much one f35 jet cost? Just one? That's more money than thousands of people making a year put together one plane Think what someone like Ray could do with that money to make a difference He's in the wrong job
@mitchellchristianson8120 Says:
What you're really saying you should not or cannot put higher tariffs on China's products Tell Canada to impose 100% tariffs on EVS from China. Tell ASML a Dutch company not to sell second generation machines that are 15 years behind. They have back orders on his machines It's a Dutch company. Byd and zeekr technology I have 200,000 invested in these two companies they're 10 years ahead of anybody in the world telling China those billions and billions in treasury bonds when the interest rates went up? 10 year bond if you sold not only did he didn't make any money, you lost a substantial amount of money. Now the unwind is the opposite. Now the dollar's worth less dramatically less quickly. On top of that, you want China to hold these and you'd want to scroll over on trade at the same time with protectionism. It doesn't work you can't change the rules in the middle of the game and then tell other countries to get on board with you. Now it's crazy because in 10 years it'll be India. Next, India can't do what China can do. I'm sorry to tell you the massive flow of investments that left China to go to India. Wait till those bonds go s*** those investments of IPOs etc. thats it you can't change the rules of free trade or the amount of tariffs that were in place before. You can't change that at this time. It's a mistake. Its not good for The United States or the other countries they're trying to get on board ASML that Dutch company ain't going to play anymore. I guarantee you they have back orders on machines that are 15 years old and all the sudden they want to sanction those things and many other things the billions I believe $760 billion in treasury bills are worth about half of what they were before, so they took a bath on that too on our debt. I don't think that's making them feel too good
@johningram5479 Says:
OMG, I feel like I just watched a little girl scouts meeting. Talk about afraid to speak the truth. The TRUTH is that the US is far far worse than these two softies present it here.
@desmondhall4741 Says:
Reset is a pathetic "pipe dream" BRICS is certainly a life saver for communities that believe in basic two parent families with basic values that they give their children....this guy is an assumptuos weakling with a weak outlook....pathetic....ask yourself, how did Putin pic Russia up out of debt...he talks weakly with regard to social norms and financial steps that can be applied....he does not care about steps to avoid kids dropping out
@sodea13 Says:
narrative will be built for temporary market crash that will happen so that all the rich guys can once again buy stocks at lower prices and screw over the retailers...thats how hedge funds make their quick moneys
@mohiztank8713 Says:
America has crossed the line in this fall was reversible...
@Aarpaar0430 Says:
Debt remains unsolved. It will remain so. There is no political consensus to address the issue. - The society remains divided at every level and on every issue year over year. - every year more debt is accumulated. The ceiling is raised. Some stats: per capita - debt is $105k!!!!!!! - Income is $68k - debt growth rate yoy is: 7–11% From 2013 to now the debt has doubled!!! This is not sustainable. Without the middle class, where the volume is, this remedy doesn’t work. But then what is the solution? The political class has this figured out already. Move the society to socialism. - Trade opportunity, competition, creativity, entrepreneurship for acceptable level of debt and unemployment. As long as people don’t take to the streets, who cares ! Power is concentrating in the hands of a few - liberals, rich individuals and corporations. Like Rome, we are on a downward sloping glide path. One day we will realize we aren’t what we think we are. The debt laden ship will settle into in the ground.
@bobzacamano658 Says:
Ohhhhh I’m soooooooooo scared!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
@nikhilajinkya4322 Says:
Hi Tom...I got the distinct sense y 2:20 ou were the INTERVIEWER 😮😮😮...How long do u take to make your point??? And what's with the uhhmmms and aaahs in between words? Can't you think and speak simultaneously?
@georgerudinsky489 Says:
Thriving middle class, what a false statement, everybody is totally equal. If somebody is ok sweeping the streets to make city nice, it seems for only middle class to enjoy? Being a doctor, lawyer, etc doesn’t preclude you to be above simple people. Pure capitalistic, evil and slavery ideology. Privileged people have it and rest, slave for the rest of your life barely to moe it. Such a false false evil ideology.
@carpenoctem775 Says:
The economy’s on the verge of collapse. The middle class is really hurting. They don’t care about getting inflation under control either.
@stevegmag Says:
Awful lot of “forcing” people to do things in his ideas, no thanks.
@VT-ix5oh Says:
I see Ray carrying a look of pity and despair towards Americans
@johne.mckenzie9344 Says:
So True, my city, e.x.drugs and mental illness is growing!
@admin6228 Says:
But raising of earnings in terms of GDP must not be based on dilution of the dollar by printing. For example 21Trillion dollar GDP is the same as 28Trillion dollar GDP after printing more dollars to the pool.
@TheMasterOfShadows Says:
Here is the truth. Government is so busy campaigning and padding the pockets of the donor class they spend no time on the things that matter. They are the ones making laws and handling big things and all they do remain in status quo and let people who are directly in line to benefit from their inaction rule. Foxes run the hen house and we are the hens. People need to learn this before it's too late.
@silviuav6953 Says:
Hy Maybe one solution is to have some sectors of internal state economy that are decapitalized, not dependent to money, so the left over could be used in other sectors that can not implement that kind of system. For example, the jail system should self sustain itself by working land and growing animals with prisoners for the state to not spend on their food. You het the point.... of course a great range o choices can apear on that principle
@danagovil1469 Says:
Broken homes is such a big problem- why have kids if you are not able to raise them in a two family household
@danagovil1469 Says:
American society has been taken over by oligarchs and rich people. Values Broken down
@danagovil1469 Says:
Hindu households strongly live by that concept- 1. 2 family household plus extended family 2. Extra expectations from children at school 3. Respect and civility and humbleness with everyone
@danagovil1469 Says:
Billionaires need to pay their fair share
@ChairmanMeow086 Says:
Tom needs to talk less and let the guests talk more
@feetindagrass Says:
I'm from Bridgeport, CT.
@ThatsMrPencilneck2U Says:
"Governments have the same economics as people...." I've heard enough. This is completely utterly and totally false.
@codyjones1098 Says:
this guy is full of sh-----------t!
@codyjones1098 Says:
more judeo christian idea of work until you die! basically we were told too out greed your neighbor we did that! destroyed the family, spent more on garbage wient into debt. Now the rich have gone to asia and are telling you to die!
@codyjones1098 Says:
the older guy speaking is the typical wealthy elite! Conn. is a two tiered culture, ultra wealthy and the really poor. these talk out of both sides of their mouths !
@robertsattler8201 Says:
Unfortunately all our politicians will fail in the "marshmallwo-test"!
@Dedric-qy6wz Says:
Why why why are we playing this game of debt, like it matters. Printing up money, inflation, gov spending is all Irrelevant at this time, and is not the cause of anything , this is just the excuse given to the public and y'all are holding on to it. Just be honest, the problem is hate racism greed and lies on lies on top of mo lies...... people of America please speak about the real problems like how we took out numerous leaders and how we have looted resources and then call everyone else terrorists. Listen to me people of America you all know damn well we never fought against terrorism, we fought to loot resources, ex Afghanistan people we went there to seize control of the opium farms to keep them running.
@Beedee664 Says:
The old crew (Trump) needs to leave and we will move forward.
@wojciechjanek1215 Says:
You were asking the question for 1:41....why?
@mattmcdanieldeuce2 Says:
I wasn’t expecting that voice
@songyong2395 Says:
To quote from India's founding father, Mahathma Gandi:" There is enough in the world for everyone's needs, but not rnough tor everyone's GREED !"
@RealRaeSremmurd Says:
@marinazak8136 Says:
N Pl
@jayshen84 Says:
Was just causually listening and heard my hometown of Singapore mentioned. Really made my day
@fernandohiar9985 Says:
Socialism is the best way
@rebeccaaldrich3396 Says:
Ray Dalio? 😂 I thought he moved to China!
@valentinomc Says:
Which country does not print money nowadays!? 😂😂😂
@willd.8040 Says:
@bayardo Says:
whats the cost to have Ray on your show?
@brigitteschauble6311 Says:
USA will loose the world currency what so ever and that’s hilarious. They lived upon all others and threaten all humans with their military bases. The USA misused the power of the currency endlessly and now are hated. Some will admit that openly and some pretend they don’t do but all hate USA evil and brutal mentality
@bernardmueller5676 Says:
The USA cannot collapse. No way. One exception though: if Trump wins, the Democrats together with some Neo-Cons will wreak havoc.
@anitchlikadze3451 Says:
@anitchlikadze3451 Says:
@anitchlikadze3451 Says:
@sony5244 Says:
America is making threats left , right and centre and this will backfire. Also Americans are too wasteful.

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