"75% of People Have Lost Their Minds!" - On The Brink Of Revolution | Sam Harris & Konstantin Kisin
"75% of People Have Lost Their Minds!" - On The Brink Of Revolution | Sam Harris & Konstantin Kisin



@paulbogo790 Says:
This guys a joke shame you have spoiled a good show with this moron
@youdolikelosingmoneydontyo1929 Says:
This video was complete trash, please don’t invite Sam ever again.
@youdolikelosingmoneydontyo1929 Says:
This guy Sam is an absolute tool
@thaersabla2095 Says:
What a crock of shit! 10 lies within the first 45 seconds of this video
@patriciacolgrove4788 Says:
We have over 300.000 missing children in the US. Let's stop looking at other countries until we can fix our own problems!
@commonwunder Says:
9:47 "I get the news I need on the weather report"
@matta7215 Says:
STOP REPOSTING. I unfollowed because of this shit.
@fakadaapada Says:
🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
@flowerlunch Says:
Thank you for posting this.
@JamesBarry-j7m Says:
Who's the general strike in Israel to bring the war to an end what are we talking about here
@toomuchdrivetothrive Says:
Sam Harris, really? Who is next, Taylor Lorenz?
@sreddie1 Says:
Sam is correct 100% >15% of noisy useful idiots who are pro Hamas protestors make the illusion that they are the majority. If you knew your stuff and want to be pro Palestinian, you should be anti Hamas and pro Israel, because the only successful path forward for Palestinian is with/through Israel
@robertjsmith Says:
I’ve given up caring,man’s inhumanity to man,has always happened.
@MrMangistau Says:
Shame to all involved in justification of Israeli actions.
@thecorrectoification Says:
I wish I could see a debate between Sam with Konstantin vs Dave Smith with Abby Martin.
@RD22 Says:
War Criminals Dick Cheney and George Bush support Kamala Harris.
@RD22 Says:
90% of Americans are sick of funding never ending wars Sam. 90% of Americans are sick of giving tax dollars to Israel or Ukraine etc.
@RD22 Says:
Lmao.. .did he just say supporting Israel in Hollywood is just too toxic? This pseudo intellectual has lost his mind completely.
@dmitryasadov9319 Says:
Should have invited someone with opposite opinion, this is just a paid propaganda... unsubscribed
@3buzzy Says:
You’re wasting your time with Sam Harris.
@michaellong9214 Says:
USA politicians obviously care more about Israeli citizens than their own people. Israelis have health insurance, affordable higher education, and numerous things we can only dream about while we pay for their weapons. Make it make sense.
@mandeofafrica.11.22 Says:
And by the way, Norman said he is not pro Israel, he is not pro Palestine, he is just Pro truth and justice. Why is it so hard for people to accept that someone refuse to choose side?, If someone does not believe or support Israel then no matter how rational and educated that person is, he is not accepted. If truly truth is what we are seeking, why not leave people with their own opinions without subjecting them to name calling when in fact they clearly didnt choose any side, they are only after facts and truth.
@mandeofafrica.11.22 Says:
The idea that Norman Finklstein did not give a solution to the Israel Palestine conflict is not true. @Konstantin Kisin, Mr. Norman gave you an answer based on the provisions of International law, he said thats how he believed the conflict could be solved, but you said here that him and Baseem Yousef dont have an idea on how to end the conflict. I think that is because their responses or solutions contradict your cognitive bias in the sense that they did not gave you a response that you like hence whatever they say as a solution wont be accepted by you even if thats the best way.
@FJB8646 Says:
Do y’all remember when leftist media was pushing Asian beatings……until they started to realize just who was beating them?
@FJB8646 Says:
Leftists are insane.
@shelleyR6375 Says:
I like Tom’s “cultural momentum” argument.
@scootermcdee111 Says:
Harris is full of it.
@bugeyes5396 Says:
One of those people that has TDS and lost his mind = Sam
@bomcorn Says:
you listen to enough of these speakers, and there are plenty… now in the dawn of ever-growing podcast era, and it’s very easy to spot heavily biased with their own agenda from actual objective truth seekers
@DutchUltra Says:
This is pure war propaganda lol such clowns 🤡
@jeremyvogt102 Says:
Sam Hairless is 75% genocidal lunatic. 0:25- “Hamas is a genocidal death cult” 3:11 “I know Israel is not guilty of genocide, if the word even means anything”.
@NineInchTyrone Says:
Gaza is a scene of MASS MURDER
@rr-brown6445 Says:
Sam Harris’s Trump Derangement make him impossible to take seriously anymore .
@AnalogFlava Says:
Whether you like sam or not, facts are facts. Those siding with hamass terrorists and those who think they support palestinians with their stupid protests have indeed losts their minds!
@Dirdj2 Says:
There’s a lot to be said about social dynamics, but group think and centralized leadership and behavior based on that is a skewed way of viewing reality and living life. The internet has given that skewed way of thinking and living a gigantic lever. What if we just lived by what was around us at any given time? What if we all minded our own business, tended to our land, and traded (bartered) with our neighbors? Would that be good for the survival of the planet or bad? I think it would double our chances of survival even though it’s not the way we choose to live.
@deeannakim9306 Says:
To people who are commenting nasty things about war against Israel……I hope one day your country is not going to get run over by extreme radical Islam because if you think you will be spared you are out of you minds. Under sharia law you will not be able to practice your religion, be atheist, or homosexual, or freedom loving woman……I want to see your comments then….
@deeannakim9306 Says:
Absolutely love and respect Sam and Konstantin ❤. What a great conversation. Thank you for making it happen.
@freekdeniro8623 Says:
Are you guys suggesting that Isreal is Snow White pure and innocent? Is that what your suggesting? Are u suggesting that the Palestinians have never had it so good and got off their beach recliners on Oct7 and put their sun tan lotion down and attacked for no reason? Sell your BS somewhere else.
@freekdeniro8623 Says:
The pro Isreal propaganda exist only in the US bc of Aipac. Not only is 75% of America aware of Israel’s crimes for the last 80 yrs but the rest of the world also agrees. So I think the last 25% are the confused cohort in denial of Israel’s crimes.
@jumanji1109 Says:
Just go to GDF which is only one of multiple channels that still stands tall against this delusion. Sam is mindless here. First, when Zionists control the media, we have anti-truth (aka anti-Zionist) hate speech laws in 31 states, control social media and the politicians… Who gives a flying phuck what 75% of misinformed people say? Palestinians made up 90% of the population in ‘48 and when the Zionists who bought and paid for their states creation got 58% of the land, how would Isreal have a Jewish majority… Cleansing. Driving Palestinians out wholesale. Bombing towns and then shooting whoever was left whose eardrums were blown out… Yay! Now we have a majority. And from there it spread further. Look at voting records on every peace negotiation. Isreal and USA Vs The World Everyone else must be wrong? What in the actual… No, it’s just our politicians are bought and paid for by AIPAC, and if you don’t bootstep to the hum of the dreidles, you better get ready for millions of dollars in slanderous attacks ads… People who have been wholesale displaced and slaughtered fighting for survival aren’t terrorists. Once you actually read the Zionist diaries and history, it’s easy to see we are Darth Vader… But, the media and shills like this channel make us think we are a beacon of hope… We are the hammer being swung while simultaneously being replaced demographically and financial bled out slowly.
@ChoKahnMiwang Says:
Usta like Sam before his Tds
@xburgos1 Says:
It’s unbelievable to me to hear this gentleman articulate his point so perfectly then know that he believes all the Orange man bad attacks From short clips lol 😂
@TheFlu454 Says:
Israel is also a death cult Sam, Hamas doesn't have the ability to level cities
@Chris-hr3fc Says:
The traditional aspirations associated with the American Dream—success through hard work, homeownership, and providing a better future for the next generation—no longer seem attainable for many people. Instead, there’s a growing void where those aspirations once were, which people are now filling with emotional or political causes. The disillusionment with institutions like the economy, education, and even social structures may be pushing individuals to seek control or meaning in other areas, like activism. This sense of losing direction or control can be exacerbated by the overwhelming information and emotions circulating on social media, which offer an outlet for expressing discontent but may also intensify feelings of helplessness. Rather than addressing personal or societal problems head-on, many might turn to these movements as a way to feel like they’re contributing to something larger, even if it doesn’t directly solve their personal struggles. The underlying issue is demoralization, which seems to come from a deep-rooted sense that many of the promises of modern life—prosperity, purpose, and security—are no longer accessible to the average person. This may be contributing to a kind of emotional or societal crisis, where people grasp onto causes and movements, not just because they believe in them, but because they offer a temporary sense of agency and community in a world that feels increasingly out of their control.
@TheFlu454 Says:
The video should be how Sam Harris lost his mind this guy lost the plot a long time ago
@brothersupreme8844 Says:
Impact theory jumps the shark over and over
@benparks5268 Says:
Sam Harris is a husk of where he was a decade ago. Sad.
@AngusAthol Says:
Hit $300k last week, lost over 14k today

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