Trump Vs Harris Debate Analysis: Policies, Values, and Manipulation | Tom Bilyeu Reacts
Trump Vs Harris Debate Analysis: Policies, Values, and Manipulation | Tom Bilyeu Reacts



@TomBilyeu Says:
If you're tired of feeling like you're only getting part of the story, give Ground News a try. Go to and you can get 40% off unlimited access this month.
@stefano94103 Says:
Accuse both parties of forcing people into a frame of thought and then immediately say if people don't adopt your frame we're going to go into massive economic decline or a hot war (with zero evidence for either). It would be good if we could all break out of these frames, stop dividing people by politics, race, gender, class, etc. and start treating people as individuals and neighbors and not outsiders and others.
@jerryb751 Says:
Make america kind again!
@ravendarkclaw3680 Says:
How can I stop seeing these awful videos on my feed? Why doesn't YouTube allow me to block Tom Bliyue? Horrible boring show.
@shredyeti07 Says:
my overall opinion of Tom Bilyeu's "Impact Theory" is click bait. He seems hyper focused on societal collapse. He also seems to find the majority of his guests from their appearences on Joe Rogan's show. Every episode he seems to go out of his way to tell us his "journey to wealth" and often plugs his "entrepreneur university" and mentorship. He also talks often about his goal to produce inspirational movies that inspire young men and/or the world to be a better place yet the only film to his credit on IMDB is a horror/thriller...i've given him a try and i'm ready to move on
@ronilittle7028 Says:
Harris would never be able to deal with foreign leaders! I’m sorry to say just because she’s a woman for one thing! Many foreign leaders do not respect women! They certainly won’t fear her! Voting for her because she’s a woman is ridiculous! We need someone that has strength in these times! They must fear America! She has already brought America down, while she was in office! All you have to do is 34:11 look at the country now, this is a sample of what it will be,but worse! Look at trumps presidency, and see if you agree with the way things were then! Harris, after being fact checked, told so many lies. I think it was about 20! And her running mate Tim is a clown, and a very evil man if you look at his state, and see what he’s done with that! And look at Harris state and see what she’s done with that!😊 Btw, I’m a woman!
@michaelkent1942 Says:
the question isnt can the gov be fixed in fact its not a question. It turns into a statement, it has to be fixed!! much luv & prosperity to all
@itsme869 Says:
Is the guest being interviewed, or is the host interviewing the host?
@Chad-xs2de Says:
You say you want to get back to a "hyper optimistic, America stands for this" but VP Kamala Harris is doing that every time she speaks.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Not a guy worth $400 million talking about the "tyranny of elites".
@Chad-xs2de Says:
You are an RFKGB stan...probably because you are being paid for it with Russian money.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
President Biden has got us out of wars. He's the first President since Clinton who doesn't have American troops in active conflict. Trump is the warmonger who talks about "fire and fury!" with other countries and dropped the "Mother Of All Bombs".
@Chad-xs2de Says:
If you had bothered to learn anything about VP Harris's values, then you'd know what they are. But instead all you do is consume biased right wing media.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
You're giving the same tired bullshit argument that the Democratic Party wants equal *outcomes* when in fact we want equal *opportunities*.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
VP Kamala Harris's beliefs and values far surpass convicted felon and rapist DonOLD Trump's.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Russia invaded a sovereign country - you're okay with that?
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Interesting that you are repeating Russian propagandist John Mearsheimer.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
President Biden doesn't have dementia. He was too old for the grind of another Presidential campaign but mentally he's fine. You must only consume right wing media.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
You're the one in a feedback loop, Tom. Try talking to people outside your bubble.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Kamala Harris has talked ad nauseum about the supply chain problems and the price-gouging by companies after COVID that led to inflation. Now we're at 2.5% inflation and grocery prices are negative 1%.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Why are you making up hypothetical things Kamala Harris could say when she's never said anything like that.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
RFKGB wasn't kept off ballots was *his* fault alone. You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Serious question, Tom...Do you think the American public really wants to hear about the minutia of economics during a Presidential debate? You should stay out of politics because you don't get it at all.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Yeah, there's no innovation coming out of Japan...rolls eyes
@reymundoalvarez380 Says:
Interview them on here if you can
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Harris isn't "kicking the can down the road", she's has proposed raising the corporate tax rate to 28% and the capital gains tax for those making over $1 million per year to 28% to pay for these programs for regular folks. She is also letting the 2017 GQP Tax Scam bill expire for the the wealthy, but leaving in the tax breaks for people making under $400k per year.
@Chad-xs2de Says:
Trump just told the world on Truth Social today, "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!"
@Chad-xs2de Says:
1. Kamala Harris has her policies on her website and her policies are that of the administration she's been a part of for four years. 2. Politics is persuasion, so why are you singling the Democratic Party for trying to persuade people when the GQP does the same exact things? 3. Trump is an unhinged liar. His schtick worked in 2016 because people gambled that he might be different, but he's just a power-hungry wannabe dictator who will do whatever people tell him to do to get that power.
@davegibson79 Says:
How can you not understand Putin's goals in Ukraine? Putin is not trying to pacify Ukraine, he's trying to invade it on his way to invading Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and parts of Poland and Romania. Putin and the Russian ultra-nationalist right won't stop fighting except for a temporary cease fire which allows him to rebuild his troops and bide his time; they also won't start dropping nukes as the whole point is to re-build Russian greatness and have defensible borders; nuclear bombs falling on Moscow and St Petersburg is the very last thing they want to happen. The goal in Ukraine is do demilitarise Russia, defend Ukraine's sovereignty and deter other states like North Korea, China and Iran from invading friendly nations and trying to shut down the US-led economic order that feeds billions of people across the world. Not taking firm action against Russia isn't prudence, any more than not taking firm action against Hitler wasn't prudence. Either we stop Russia in Ukraine, or we fight a more powerful Russia in control of Ukraine's population and resources in Poland, Germany or elsewhere in a Third World War, and a Third World War is much more likely to lead to nuclear apocalypse than supporting an ally that poses no direct threat to Russia and isn't worth 80% of the Russian population and 100% of the leadership dying for in a mass nuclear exchange
@jaylaan421yahoocom Says:
That beautiful intro made me subscribe. Well done, very intelligent take.
@jayjack2046 Says:
Okay now that the majority of generations then Xennials are getting mustard information off of social media. The next step is to give him real education and stop the debate about the corruption of Legacy Media
@cepamor Says:
WTF... TRUMP is flawed to the max as a human. He's a documented lying, cheating, con artist, and convicted criminal, but you're asking about his policies? He's clearly off his rocker, anyone who can't see that is kidding themselves. The time is at hand to finally remove the MAGA scourge... VOTE BLUE 2024 no matter what. 💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲
@Grace-m6v Says:
What is economics? The creation of wealth and how it's distributed. The problem is in the distribution
@MattTheStatsMan Says:
How could you watch that debate and miss the point. Candidate #1 has no self-control, misanthropic beliefs, and a lack of morals. Candidate #2, I don't know, has some policies you disagree with? It's just mind numbing to listen to this sane washing of Trump.
@PatrickDOBrien2 Says:
🛑 1st time listener/ & last. Everyone who bashes Trump supports Harris. Everyone who supports Harris is either a complete idiot, ignorant or equally as EVIL. Its good to know Tom is one of them. That I may warn others. ⚠️
@AndeB23 Says:
Bernie Sanders has already stated she is saying whatever she needs to to be elected. Her own party admits what’s happening. If you are not stupid, please remember this, she has not changed her positions.
@yvonnehigginson3154 Says:
She changes her opinion because she really does't have one....she is pursuing the Trump policies as she sees they are what the people you not remember back in school the person who didn't have a clue but just copying other peoples behavior and ideas at whim just to try and be in the crowd and feel relevant ....absolutely have no self gravitas etc. She uses the laughter as a distraction from your left brain into look at me I am so happy etc. Life is a party...the "joy" well Tom enjoy the joy ride....if you feel so undecided and trying to anyalyze the mind of a self made person like Trump!
@bulwark3333 Says:
In the UK about 12 years ago a newspaper reported immigrants were eating the Swans. I don't know if Trump,s claims are correct but it's strange how the media is going fast track dismissal.
@CountryPoem Says:
At the end Tom B. stated that Kamala won the debate! This worries about this guy generating income from media. He should be not on the position to comment who won or lost! Also it's his own view or he maybe getting money to kiss ass Kamala. If not say so!
@rick3156 Says:
Tom, only one candidate actively tried to steal an election. Only one candidate let January 6 occur and did nothing,hoping to stop the certification of a whole country’s votes.
@johnbuckner2828 Says:
24:59 if it doesn’t really upset you that RFK was kept off strategic battleground states, even if you hate RFK, then you aren’t paying attention.
@lesliesimpson7786 Says:
Excuse me but there is some bs in here. Republicans do not vote on emotion.
@carolyncooper2781 Says:
Are you kidding me. Trump is the only one that has a plan, campaign make America great again, safe again, healthy again, strong again, and prosperous again. I think you’re biased. Kamala is all over the place flip flopping to copying. Everyone can see she has Marxist ideology where Trump wants democracy. The democrats are trying to censor republicans (proven), flooding our nation with illegals to sway the votes, and long term make everyone democrat. You need to wake up.
@Beedee664 Says:
So lost respect for you. We inherited HORRIBLE economy from Trump’s presidency. Your commenters (followers) are conspiracy theory supporters, yikes. Both Kamala and Trump lied and are horrible, hello. But Trump is way way worse.
@Satronaut-pw3ij Says:
Dude, America is not run by one man, at least not yet. Your'e worried about an old man with dementia being the president but you seem to be ok replacing him with another old man with dementia.
@Satronaut-pw3ij Says:
I only hear people critiquing Harris's policy. Trump has no policies, he has bumper stickers and T-shirt slogans. Explain to me why Elon Musk is backing a clown that thinks climate change is a hoax? I think that he thinks he will be able to manipulate Trump to do what he wants. The problem is the only way to manipulate Trump is to blow smoke up his ass and fill his pockets with cash. Not sure how good that is for democracy.
@Satronaut-pw3ij Says:
In Australia they have a preferential voting system which allows independents to get into government.
@Satronaut-pw3ij Says:
Harris handed the dog eater his ass, end of fucking story. I'm a former Republican, unlike the majority of my former party, I have integrity. The system is broken but the cancer that is Trump is not the answer.
@Satronaut-pw3ij Says:
I feel like I am the crazy one when I sit here listening to people I know are intelligent talking about Donald Trump like he is a sane human being. Do you really believe that Donald Trump has sat down and studied any of these issues facing America in detail? The only thing thinner than Trump's skin is his policy detail. He's not interested in learning, even if he was capable of comprehending these complicated issues, he's lazy. So for me there are 2 choices and one is a batshit crazy fool with a gift for the grift.
@carminacoello9958 Says:
I respect your views so greatly. What I’m reading in between the lines is that Harris is a much more dangerous choice for our economy, our country. The whole “presidential” look is meaningless when you are facing socialism and/or government control. I think both were controlling themselves. Harris can’t be herself bc she will stumble and screw up tremendously. Trump can’t be himself bc he needs the undecided. Between the two choices, which one will allow us to sustain our independence from the deep dark globalists who are investing into trying to dismantle the U.S.? That’s what we need to be thinking about.

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