The Word of God vs. Man-Made Traditions #Shorts

The Word of God vs. Man-Made Traditions #Shorts


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@CrossExamined Says:
@FlyingGentile Says:
@Jusoon Says:
You also nullify the Word of God by ripping pages out of it because you don't see the need for them. Christ's Church was founded by Peter as commanded by Jesus.
@vincentcoolcat1779 Says:
He says don't follow man's traditions yet he goes to church and worships on Sunday which is purely based on tradition with no biblical authority. He sounds very hypocritical. The true Sabbath for Christians in the Bible is the 7th Day (Saturday) as stated in the 4th Commandmant (The 10 commandments were not done away with on the cross contrary to what many evangelicals teach). Jesus and his apostles went to church (synagogue) on 7th day Sabbath. Sunday "The Day of the Sun" aka The Lord's Day is based purely on tradition and established by edict and made law by Roman Emperor Constantine in 331 AD. This preacher in the video should at least be consistent in his teachings. He holds many beliefs that are based on tradition and not based on the Bible. The state of the dead is another one. The Bible mentions the word soul over 1600 times and not once does it say a soul has "natural immortality." It takes body and breath to make a soul. We are all living souls. When we die, the breath of life goes back to God and the Soul (person) goes into the grave (resting in hope) awaiting the 2nd Coming of Christ (aka The rapture). The Dead in Christ will rise first and meet Christ in the air. The wicked will be eventually raised for judgment and cast into the lake of fire which is the 2nd death, eternally separated from God but not eternally burning. Eventually the fire goes out and sin is eradicated from the universe forever.
@jesuafab Says:
The Bible has 73 Books (46 Old Testament + 27 New Testament) Revelation 22:18-19 A Bible with 66 books is missing 7 books DON’T IGNORE the truth
@signaturerush Says:
Easier said than done honestly. For some Tradition has been forgotten for so long that it’s easy to say this. For some of us christianity was only introduced to our world a few hundred years ago. I believe christianity is true but I can not just abandon my original culture and tradition. Perhaps my people were wrong in some of there ways but that does not mean they were pure EVIL as some may make it out be. Don’t take my word for it though. You must analyze and examine both the bible(Bibles) and your culture and seek the Truth. Not your truth, THE TRUTH.
@neerajantony9097 Says:
The original Bible had 86 books and now people reduced it to 66. Can someone explain me how that is okay?
@kingofalldashcams7380 Says:
"Biblical" doesn't seem like a good standard. The reason is the Bible has so many different ways it is interpreted, usually to the benefit of the interpreter. The Bible is just not consistent enough to earn the right to force any standards.
@PortmanRd Says:
Maybe that's why Brazilian tribes are pushing back against evangelist missionaries for the sake of their customs and traditions. Fundamentalist doctrine is surplus to requirements.
@valerieprice1745 Says:
The Catholic Church is STILL holding the same mass the earliest Church fathers held. The mass is the same mass held by the people who literally wrote the New Testament. That's why there's so much anticatholic propaganda. I've looked into this, and the apostles would recognize exactly what Catholics are doing.
@ntkmw8058 Says:
Ik it’s outta place in this video but here is the gospel, the good news of God. First i gotta give the bad news so you can see why the good news is so good: Hell is real, and SADLY no one deserves not to go there. Sin to you might not seem so bad, but in God’s clear sight it’s abhorrent. So just committing 1 sin is deserving of hell. And it’s no secret that everyone has committed sin. When we have a guilty conscience, that bears witness to the fact we have sinned. BUT God didn’t make us just to send us to hell. He wanted to us to experience love and and the whole range with him. But sin is a barrier. So to get rid of that barrier, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to live the *perfect life* 1 we couldn’t and *pay for all of our sins* 2 And then Jesus Christ *rose from death to justify* 3 us in God (the Father)’s sight. Keep in mind the words that were starred & numbered If we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (even if it’s just for a split second of our life), we are saved from hell. Because to believe in something means to have the entire substance of that thing, imputed or given to you. In other words, faith contains the substance of the object(what it’s on). Stocks or shares are a great example of this You are saved by believing on Jesus Christ because those *starred things* that I just mentioned, are all imputed to you. Plus much more than that. So here’s this prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner deserving of hell. So I trust on you alone to save me from hell because you are savior. I believe you died for all of my sins, past, present, and future. And I believe you rose again for my justification.” Amen
@masdox27 Says:
I think the question is reflect to the apocryphal books like book of Jasher
@nileyacob3126 Says:
Hi all, I see so many negative comments here against others and against Dr. Turke. Kindly refrain from speaking foul about your brethren. The traditions that are being discussed here are man-made traditions that contradict the Bible. For instance, we as Eritreans are mostly Orthodox Christians but when you see the practices in the church, you see that there are contradictions on the Bible. For instance, I see the people praying to angels to help intercede for them even though in the Bible, Jesus said that he is the only way to the Father. Similarly, the Roman Catholics pray to the Saints to intercede for them which again is a contradiction to the Bible. This is the example of man-made traditions that Dr. Turke is talking about.
@frankcontreras8886 Says:
Essentials 😀
@salonsarwar4557 Says:
Frank, am a fan but this is one topic where you are off the mark. Suggest you do more research. God bless 🙏
@abdulazizyalahow Says:
Haha 😂 seriously 😒😳 not the Prophets also wow 😯😮😳at least sometimes he tells the truth
@robertajaycart3491 Says:
But Sola Scriptura is not Biblical
@d.h.5407 Says:
Everything Luther said was man-made. Return to the authentic Faith.
@salserokorsou Says:
The word of god? You mean the quran?
@jeromestavrosyeo4333 Says:
As a Catholic I would say that our church refines and meaningfully adds to the Canon of the 66 book. If a church like mine wants more of "what's good", is that wrong? The Catholic church is not nullifying anything. Wow, the arrogance and self righteous bigotry of these protestant Christians
@ScottRoberts-el2jn Says:
I know, actually show some empirical evidence! Oh yea, you have none!
@nighttrain7404 Says:
Horrible way to ask the question. “In your opinion….” There is no opinion when it comes to the gospel. There is only “what the Bible says” and start there. The line of question is flawed and intellectually asked instead of biblically asked with the Holy Ghost. And the answer to the question is that you shouldn’t even be witnessing to someone who looks beyond the Bible. They’re not seeking the word. You’re chasing. Not preaching. His sheep hear his voice and obey. You don’t have to chase. Flawed approach. Flawed question
@kalords5967 Says:
Jesus never said anything. The writers of the New Testament claimed that Jesus said that.
@ca8547 Says:
Once you belong and profess your denomination over Jesus the risen Christ, you’ve divided yourself and the Word of God
@eltonron1558 Says:
This Sunday keeper is calling himself out.
@outsideview9052 Says:
So even if God calls new Prophets and Apostles like Peter or Paul you tell people to ignore them in favor of your interpretation of the Bible. That is putting an awful lot of faith in your judgement and advice.
@andrewbrown9497 Says:
If you follow the teaching of the bible. Why believe in a trinity?
@philippjung6408 Says:
There was no bible around the year 0
@blackthornknives Says:
@philgawthrop2518 Says:
Keep your mouth shut, your actions are your witness.
@ayamayamblackwhite3190 Says:
If its Frank the all knowing says it, its from his puny god & he has a very accurate understanding of the bible 😂🤣
@NoName-yl3pb Says:
The question remains, who formed the scripture and who formed the tradition
@denismarquez2966 Says:
@TheTimologist Says:
I would claim that God is the authority. If He calls Apostles and Prophets - we should listen.
@EdmondNtango Says:
This is good!
@kenmarchlenski4477 Says:
I would remind them that Christianity is a "Jewish" Religion! That we Worship the "Jewish Messiah" who we call The Christ! That we are "The" Extention of the Jewish Faith and following THAT Faith, we have the Word of God as the Final Authority! That it's "Logical" to expect "God" to have a Complete set of Words and Communications with His Human Creation for them to Find Him and His Will! Then, IF I have the Opportunity to Show them, I'd show them Isaiah 53 First...
@Mike__G Says:
Speak where the Bible speaks, keep silent where it does not.
@juanitamartinez279 Says:
😳🤔😂😂😂 bible followers of his day?? ? There no such thing as a bible back in the day. You make no sense😳🤔
@christinacanto3740 Says:
Translation: how do I lead people who are already believers away from their church?
@christinacanto3740 Says:
There was no canon, no Bible in Jesus’ day. It was tradition that dictated which books were read in synagogue
@pankfull12 Says:
But if you can’t even agree on what the scriptures say then what do you do? It’s not only different traditions it is different interpretations.
@ericbost6091 Says:
They praise the creature and not the Creator God!!! I guarantee this man celebrates Christmas!!!! 🤔
@richarddoiron2222 Says:
73 books
@nothing-xk8vr Says:
Without a mask. Nobody takes you serious with that face diaper on.
@thomashannah1828 Says:
"Jesus said this to the Bible-followers of his day..." Huh? A little Protestant revisionist history there! There was no Bible in Jesus' day! The Bible is that part of God's word that was written down and canonized ... by Catholics! But the Bible itself admits that not everything Jesus said and did was written down! The entire word of God, including the Bible, is the Treasure preserved and safeguarded by Jesus Christ's church, the Holy Catholic church.
@eric-ff5ql Says:
How about the nullification of the commandments... You've removed the Sabbath to keep your own day, SUN day. Knowing full well that scripture teaches we will keep the seventh day Sabbath at the return of Yeshua!
@pb5640 Says:
Religion is superstitious nonsense! Grow up and learn to think critically!
@TheShutterbug1968 Says:
Especially Paul, as he is at some times at odds with Jesus words. AMEN!
@Universal_Bias Says:
Plus, the early church and some earlier "biblical" versions called for disciples to hold on to the "traditions" as well. Catholics love throwing that in your face but it's true. Those earlier traditions just weren't as elaborate or 'purposeful' as most of today's own. Traditions like, never stop meeting together, sharing their possessions, prayer, etc., not praying the rosary, alter calls & 9 to 5 organized evangelism.
@Universal_Bias Says:
Bible followers of his day? He mean the Torah? There was no "bible" in Jesus' day.

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