The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Doodle (VI)
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Doodle (VI)



@shika916 Says:
This is great.. i can tell there was a lot of work put into this. This video deserves a like, at the very least. Great work. I can appreciate it, for sure.
@micahsnow346 Says:
“It is your business to see that the patient never thinks of the present fear as their appointed cross, but only of all the things he is afraid of” WOW
@bryanwirthlin4444 Says:
Love these. Wish you'd make more. Also, did you make the demons strongly resemble Goliath from the cartoon Gargoyles on purpose? If so, that's genius. The style of these doodles make me see the cartoon very differently. What an odd thing, to make the visual monsters into the heroes of the show. Almost like the animators were introducing confusion of good and evil to children by inverting the visual depictions we classically have of what good and evil ought to look like.
@trina2449 Says:
Thank you for these doodles! I enjoy your ministry! I have been learning a lot! The Lord bless you.🙏
@zo1820 Says:
Amazing drawings! Fascinating to watch and listen! And to think the Screwtape letters was written so long ago and yet is so current of today’s society. Should make everyone wake up!
@myJesusfilledshishilife95 Says:
The uncle demon is hilarious 😂😂 very condescending
@overtone15 Says:
That ending though, “loving” the ideals of goodness while not actually believing and doing them in our heart/life, and the chilling laugh at the end. A true work of art drawn from the masterpiece of the Letters
@aaronmutch1883 Says:
Remind anyone of the world we live in? Gave me goosebumps. Save us Jesus. We are ready for your kingdom!!!
@yinglu7 Says:
helps me understand the book better, great work, many many thanks
@CushingsSx Says:
Wormwood : it sounds complicated, wouldn’t it be dimplier to use his gen hatred towards Germans, hatred is easier to manipulate.. Screwtape -Uncle : there shows your lack of education and experience “ 😆
@CushingsSx Says:
I can’t ❤️ this enough 👌🥇 thank you 🙏
@sigilmedia Says:
So good!
@dpainter1526 Says:
That was -- chillingly-- brilliant.
@areacode3816 Says:
I needed this today. Thank you
@AaronDAntoni Says:
WOW! I'm speechless.
@jonathanz.9675 Says:
I think it needed more evil laughing
@ActuarialNinja Says:
Oustanding! Screwtape Letters on CS Lewis Doodle is like a potato chip; you can't have just one.
@cesarmundacarojas2457 Says:
Eye opening, I'm shocked by the insight that Lewis had of the human soul. Keep doing these videos, they are amazing. The Lord bless you.
@brandondavidson4085 Says:
I remember reading an old copy of The Screwtape Letters last year after watching these on YouTube, but I don't remember this scene. So well illustrated and the voice acting is superb! We really must keep our philosophical focus on Christ and God's will, to counteract the demons that want to cloud our vision.
@OmniumOwl Says:
Imaginary vs. Real is such a important distinction in our actions. We easily "do good" to the imaginary while neglect doing good to the real. Thank you for this channel!
@conantheseptuagenarian3824 Says:
that laugh at the end.
@elijahdarocha8169 Says:
I love these videos so much! It means a lot to me and I love to show them to my family and friends
@Eunice.Aceto75 Says:
How marvelous! The Screwtape letters! I love the book and its sequel! Thank you thank you thank you!
@Samson.l.Gebreyes Says:
What I didn’t know I needed 😄

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