Windows Developments: Windows 10 Extended Updates, Arm CPU support & AI Integration
Windows Developments: Windows 10 Extended Updates, Arm CPU support & AI Integration



@Lampadina_17 Says:
windows ltsc deserves only to be cracked with mas aio
@devarionarias Says:
I've been playing around with different Linux OS for about 4 years now on Raspberry Pi and old laptops, and between Microsoft's ending Windows 10 support, the constant blatant push to advertising inside the OS and now this new recall feature, I've swapped all my main PCs over to Linux except the PC I use for work (as it's owned by the company I work for). Not a fan of the direction Microsoft is going in at all. After daily driving Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon for a few weeks, I actually find I like it better overall than either Windows 10 or 11. Highly recommend giving it a try.
@supra107 Says:
Personally, as long as options like Windows 11 LTSC will be available and Microsoft's idiocy will be possible to patch out I will continue using Windows. Year of the Linux Desktop will never arrive no matter how bad Windows gets because Linux isn't gonna get any better, and the most likely userbase shift will be towards MacOS, Chrome OS, Android and iOS than to desktop Linux.
@WR3ND Says:
Microsoft's new business model is to create problems that don't exist to sell to people. Not their solutions, no, just the problems. Let's coin the phrase, "anxiety as a service." To be fair, this is generally the case with smart phones too. Microsoft has been beating themselves up over it for the last 15 years or so.
@Alexander_Sannikov Says:
Thanks to Microsoft. I started daily driving NixOS a month ago.
@jwkmpli Says:
AI and CONPILOT no thanks.
@jwkmpli Says:
I don't feel that micro$oft will be as generous as you think, probably charge around £24.99 increasing annually for home users. I'm happy to report that I,m mainly a linux user since 2012.
@pibbles-a-plenty1105 Says:
Windows Recall is another reach into your privacy. If you fart on a certain date somehow Microsoft will get wind of it. 😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂🙃
@dingokidneys Says:
Recall is a god send for scammers the world over. They are already connecting to people's PCs and manipulating the interface. All they need to do is turn Recall on if it's not there already, and the supposed security feature of it not being decrypted without a biometric confirmation won't be a problem as they already get people to tell them SMS 2FA codes or otherwise confirm 2FA challenges, so setting the biometric to be face recognition will be a breeze - the only problem is if Windows Hello can't recognise the old lady frowning at the camera instead of staring blankly. Once past the biometric challenge, it's decrypted and ripe for all that data to be downloaded and sifted through later on.
@brycemartin7670 Says:
AI integration? No thanks. Linux is better. Windows is good sure but if they start with stuff like that I'll be saying bye bye.
@patriciofernandez6500 Says:
Interesting. I bought a 8 years old dinabook in Akihabara, around 100 dollars. Runs great with Linux Mint. ❤
@jaimefernandez2624 Says:
i think people care too much about the issue of windows updates stopping for a windows OS, i know a lot of people who kept using windows xp and 7 for years after end of support with 0 issues.
@slomotrainwreck Says:
What's that phrase I'm looking for when a huge corporation will try anything to get you to buy into something knowing full well that it's a bad deal for the customer? Let me ask AI Recall - It's call grasping at straws...🤣🤣🤣
@kiodiekin Says:
i def disagree with that guy claiming the market share of pcs for arm will increase. I've proven that in my videos that arm has along way to go for gaming and processing. i agree it will increase but it wont since relying on the community to add advancements. a lower end x86 chip still out performs arm in computations. and since intel has dropped there price I think they should be more modest. even now on arm box 86 has stopped development
@smarmar400 Says:
Hmmm...maybe if Microsoft fixed the search function in Windows there would be no need for Recall. 🤔
@terrymoll6116 Says:
Well Chris, I really thought you were gonna rip the arms off your chair when you were discussing Recall. Mine were......
@eduardosato9034 Says:
For a world that gonna be populated with millenials and younger ones that are mobile oriented, maybe an OS with integrated AI and a way to recall files and other thimgs would be a great idea: I personaly oriented many interns that are unfamiliar with file systems and basic Windows functions (many of them asked if all "old guys" are hackers because of the command line interface we used to use)😂😂😂
@chromerims Says:
Three is a nonzero probability that Windows Home extended updates could free. I know that sounds ludicrous but the future is not known yet. What Educ. and Comm. have in common is that they're both institutional (read: funded). Kindest regards, neighbours and friends.
@chromerims Says:
Nice video on Windows extended support 👍 Recall is a zombie named Cortana. Kindest regards, neighbours and friends.
@mikiethebikie Says:
Thank goodness I have been a Linux users for years and will remain so.
@DeadManWalking4574 Says:
Win10 sucks, Win 11 sucks even more
@SecretWolfie Says:
I hate the Recall Feature. It's a blatant violation of user privacy, regardless of it being local or not. Microsoft are 100% going delusional, solving problems we never had before by creating the problem themselves just to solve it in the most privacy invading way possible. I do not see myself using Windows 11 in the far future, hopefully by then I will have moved all my stuff to Linux to save myself from the privacy nightmare that Windows 11 is becoming. I myself do use AI on very rare occasions, so I don't want a tool I rarely ever use being jammed into my operating system.
@Praxibetel-Ix Says:
Did you hear about Microsoft delaying the Recall feature with plans of subjecting the Windows Insider Program to a preview of it in the coming weeks? They should've just scrapped it altogether rather than delaying it.
@MarkartStudio Says:
Christopher - perhaps you might consider producing a video on how to effectively disable Recall and co-pilot...? All good wishes and gracious thanks for your clear and welcome updates etc.
@marsovac Says:
Most people will say no to Recall, but would gladly say yes if asked "do you want a personal secretary for free?" :D
@sidensvans67 Says:
NSA CIA FBI DEA ATF . Hackers , crooks and spies everywhere ... Microsofts back door is now a Barn Door . 👀
@fritsp9309 Says:
Why do we need copilot if chatgpt exist. I tried both, but chatgpt is far more intelligent, also for programming examples it does prefer microsoft documentation which is an advantage.
@nedludd7622 Says:
Using LTSC, from what I have read it will last longer. But as usual, things are as clear as mud.
@pavelperina7629 Says:
Sometimes I feel like Microsoft does not know who uses Windows. Or I don't know it. In my experience, for most of the people, having phone or tablet is mostly enough. For me it's mostly enough, but I'm a software developer writing quite large software for Windows (it's just niche industrial application unknown to public), I like to play games, I like to use certain applications that are not available on Linux. My experience is that many people use Windows to run software such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Solidworks, Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop and so on. Also Windows is used in Industry with very strict security where computers are not even connected to the internet (military, semiconductor, energetics,...). Does Microsoft want to lose existing customers and fight already lost battle with google and mac by making Windows more accesible to people who do not want to use anything else than phone anyways? Windows were a bit complicated OS since WindowsNT to Windows7. Windows8 were mistake. Windows10 sort of returned to old path, Windows 11 are again simplified with advanced options well hidden and the worst start menu since WindowsXP.
@mortarmopp3919 Says:
I'm with Chris. No AI for me. I plan on sticking with Win10 as long as possible.
@declanheerey3776 Says:
"Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me"
@myleft9397 Says:
you aren't the typical user. most people don't even know where there files have been stored or that bookmarks exist
@mytoxi Says:
ARM computers are the death of freely configurable X86 computers. Gamers will not buy an ARM PC.
@bradyelich2745 Says:
I'm staying on Win10, on my x370 mobo. If a virus gets to me, I blame my ISP, they have open DNS so they watch the same porn as I do.
@alittlepeaceandkarma Says:
My Windows pc and laptop gather dust. I've been using a Chromebook for 4 or 5 years.
@frenchcreekvalley Says:
AI into Windows? NO!
@Uniblab8 Says:
Recall is a joke
@rogerlost5851 Says:
The "problem" Microsoft is trying to solve is that they can't currently spy on every single thing you do on your computer
@markhackney3305 Says:
Microsoft is like being in an abusive relationship, you try to put up with it, hoping things will get better, but one day it just gets too much and you file for a restraining order. Switched my office PC to Linux-mint 6 months ago, finally switched my main PC to Linux-mint 2 weeks ago. Feel the freedom!
@CBitsTech Says:
In America, the Government can subpoena a company to force them to disclose user/customer data on an ongoing basis. It's illegal for the company to refuse, and illegal for the company to tip-off the customer/user. Recall opens the door wider for mass or individual surveillance by governments around the world. Microsoft will HAVE to comply with such requests. The only way to protect user data is not to have it stored in the first place.
@_Joy_Unleashed Says:
Recall your human desire to gtfoffline
@MezzaVita Says:
Recall and copilot will be the reasons that will make me switch to Linux for good
@phil85813 Says:
Computing in the 21st century is largely about getting features nobody wanted in the first place.
@juntapiezas Says:
Microsoft is oput of their minds. Abusing monopolistic positions this way needs a clear answer.
@SelfIndulgentGamer Says:
Total "Recall", what could go wrong :D
@nakfan Says:
Great video… So true about AI integrated in everything, whether we want it or not…
@mojojojo1529 Says:
But if you want to copy files from one place to another, arguably a core functionality in any OS, you use the same shitty feature that has not been improved upon since the late eighties. This to me proves that Recall never was intended to be a genuine improvement, it's just a scheme to get mote customer data.
@gim190 Says:
Typical solution looking for a problem
@robertavery152 Says:
Great round up of prevalent topics. Win ARM on Pi is a backlogged project ! However very uncomfortable with Recall. The old adage if you store sensitive data somewhere it's at risk in the future if not now comes to mind. Would be interested to see archiving policies for this initiative.
@nospamallowed4890 Says:
October 2025 Windows 10 EOL = Migrate to Linux if your hardware is still performing great but Microsoft won't let you upgrade to Windows 11 if you don't have the right motherboard hardware. Otherwise you will have to either pay for security updates or be exposed to hackers. I wonder if migrating to Linux then load your Windows 10 as a virtual server and letting it update to Windows 11 would work.

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