Has the Bible been tampered with?

Has the Bible been tampered with?


One argument atheists like to give is that the Bible has been tampered with so it cannot be trusted. That argument is not sophisticated; there is more than enough evidence to support that the New Testament writers (and thereby the reliability of the Old Testament) wrote what they experienced as eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus. Have you heard of the phrase 'chain of command'? Frank explains it here. ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (????????????-????????????????????????????????????????) ???? ? Website: https://crossexamined.org/donate/ ? PayPal: https://bit.ly/Support_CrossExamined_PayPal ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???? ? Facebook: https://facebook.com/CrossExamined.org ? Twitter: https://twitter.com/Frank_Turek ? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drfrankturek/ ? Pinterest: https://pin.it/JF9h0nA ????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????? ? Website: https://crossexamined.org ? Store: https://impactapologetics.com/ ? Online Courses: https://www.onlinechristiancourses.com/ ????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????? ? iTunes: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast ? Google Play: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Google ? Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast ? Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher #Bible #GodsWord #CanWeTrustTheBible #QuestionsAboutTheBible #ReasonsToBelieveTheBibleIsTheWordOfGod #Christianity #Apologetics #ChristianApologetics #FrankTurek #CrossExamined #DrFrankTurek #CrossExaminingIdeasAgainstTheTruthOfChristianity



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