You Might Not Be a Christian If… #Shorts

You Might Not Be a Christian If… #Shorts


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@sallylara1102 Says:
Amen 🙏🏽
@ArelSprite Says:
@T.T.85 Says:
In my view you're ignoring Matthew 7:1-3, and several other Biblical passages right now 🤷‍♂️.
@tims.449 Says:
Josh.1 [7] Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. If words have meaning then keeping the 10 is following Moses. We have a different spokesman that God wants us to follow. He is Paul.
@fattofit5075 Says:
Because they know the truth and want to delude themselves into thinking they are saved but still live according to worldly ways. It’s a contradiction but it is what it is. Pray for them.
@michaelchurchmcm Says:
You could say the same for OSAS. If you live habitually in sin but say you are still united with Jesus as far as eternal salvation goes..Why would you say that??? You obviously don't want Him and don't know Him..Dont worry, you won't go to heaven to be with Him.
@stephencheung6614 Says:
Hey for once Turek makes a good point. If you’re not gonna buy the fairy tales anyway, why bother with the other accoutrements?
@hextoken Says:
Progressive Christians are heretics.
@FireplaceHD298 Says:
Thank you for defending authentic Christianity
@TadTheTinker Says:
He says this but then says that the first 3 verses of the bible span millions of years. I love 95% of what Frank says, just the other 5 percent goes aginst God.
@cindyroot9944 Says:
This explanation is so much easier to wrap my mind around rather than using the term "progressive". Amen.
@abrideforchrist4247 Says:
You must be baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire
@abrahamlopez57 Says:
This dude claims to be a Christian, but he actually left Jesus's church to be become a protestant. So obviously he's leaving the Catholic church cause there were some teachings he was not agreeing with so he went to a protestant church to where they can believe in what they interpret the Bible to be instead of what Jesus says.. I guarantee this guy believed in the true presence of Jesus in the holy eucharist when he was a Catholic, but like all the protestant man made churches believe that it's only a symbol he's also not believing what Jesus taught his apostles. This dude is a hypocrite. Hopefully one day he'll trully come back home to the one holy and apostolic church of Jesus..🙏
@philippjung6408 Says:
You have to agree with me or i kill you. What a nice god.
@Odo-so8pj Says:
Do you think slandering anyone is cleaver? why slander Jesus in Perticular. You don't exactly slander alah or buddha do you. Now if we're talking petty try and slander alah in a muslim country and see how petty they get. 😊
@chrislongworth4764 Says:
So the renaissance and enlightenment, the creation of America, the Industrial Revolution, creation of physics- computers modern medicine- all regressive 😂😂😂
@davidpelto8824 Says:
If you are on opposite sides with God morally, you have not seen sin for what it is, and hence, have not yet repented, and are not saved.
@ricksparling1307 Says:
F you call trump a Christian then you are not a Christian.
@johnengel7415 Says:
MAN created god in his own image!! God is just another fairytale, just like this story!
@billyponsonby Says:
What is the truth? Your idea of truth? Who made you the arbiter of anyone else’s idea of the truth? An old white European American patriarchy isn’t the whole world buddy.
@alanrichards3370 Says:
Hey what ever you are? Pastor? Christ, Emanuel, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!! Jesus came from the Catholic Church! A depraved evil satanic organization! There is several things in the Bible that the Catholic Church has changed! They had control of the written word! Easter, Christmas is cult , pagan holidays!!!
@quetzelmichaels1637 Says:
The Bible is not a history book. There was no Moses or Crucifixion. David is Yahweh. Adam is the Christ. The Shining One or, Morning Star, is the Cornerstone of his work of salvation. Who do you think of when the God of this world is mentioned? The king of Babylon is the ruler of this world, wherever man may dwell. He becomes much greater than before, as the Ancient One of Days seated upon a throne on the Mount of Assembly. His people will be the Assembly (Church) on the Mount.
@nothing-xk8vr Says:
Why do Calvinists call themselves Christian?
@georg7120 Says:
Exactly, you can't believe in Jesus and the old testament.
@unionjackjohn Says:
@steffanjansenvanvuuren3257 Says:
Don't disagree with Jesus: ------------------- Luke 6:24 Easy-to-Read Version But how bad it will be for you rich people, because you had your easy life.
@michaelfredgren1342 Says:
How can you claim access to truth (1 Kings 22:19-23)?
@GameCreatorOfGod Says:
@HH-he4pw Says:
Yes, and this applies to conservatives too. God's word is above traditions, nationalities and politics
@Rendasd Says:
I'm assuming this is about pope Francis, who is a self-proclaimed communist/Marxist. The Ancient Catholic church is not the same Church of today.
@aaronchandler2380 Says:
Being progressive means being able to see the BS that religion is, Religion is just another form of government.
@jenniferannecchini5216 Says:
@theteenagereformer899 Says:
Regressing Christians
@bobvadney7240 Says:
Good job guy they, re not Christian’s… they, re morons❤
@charlesgreiner3498 Says:
@jacobstrouble7666 Says:
That was the mixed multitude Promised to recieve the covenant. So we actually were all together at sinai, Jew and gentile = Israel. All you say we will do! Praise Yah.
@pauljoey7977 Says:
Demons occupy many bodies that claim Jesus. Simply demonic
@thisistheway7529 Says:
Amen bro
@bickabraham2397 Says:
There is no such thing as progressive Christian. Either your a follower of Jesus/ The Word or your NOT!!
@johnsonjosjj Says:
@christretch Says:
I love your content for helping me repent from my doubts and strengthen my faith!
@AnastasiaBvrhwsn Says:
False teachers
@davidconte3222 Says:
Because you have to be what he wants.
@erikblaas5826 Says:
You are not a real Christian if you do not embrace all the childeren of God.
@mauricioinfante2826 Says:
Great explanation, Thank you.
@kmarek2008 Says:
You need Jesus as your savior. Repent of your sins because you are a sinner. It is that simple. 😊
@oniwaban3198 Says:
Hey catholics whats that 2nd commandment again?? Graven images much??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@lennielefler2081 Says:
Thanks s man is truly Delusional
@Skashoon Says:
Amen to that!
@randykrahn3786 Says:
Once the vale is removed , you can start to see the truth that is so very clear in Scripture . Don't trust your effort , Trust The Spirit & The Word ..... Jesus Finished It ..... Trust His Work On The Cross....

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